Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- s
- s_luaState
: CCLuaBridge
- s_newFunctionId
: CCLuaBridge
- s_pEglView
- s_running
: CCApplication
- s_sharedFileUtils
: CCFileUtils
- samplesToUse_
: CCES2Renderer
- SaveFile()
: XMLDocument
- savePrecompiledPrograms()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
- savePrecompiledShaders()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
- saveToFile()
: CCRenderTexture
, CCImage
- scale
: CCMovementData
, SkeletonJson
, CCMovementBoneData
- scaleX
: CCBaseData
, Bone
, BoneData
, RegionAttachment
- scaleY
: CCBaseData
, Bone
, BoneData
, RegionAttachment
- sceneOrder()
: CCTransitionFadeTR
, CCTransitionPageTurn
, CCTransitionProgress
, CCTransitionProgressInOut
, CCTransitionScene
, CCTransitionSlideInL
, CCTransitionSlideInR
, CCTransitionSlideInB
, CCTransitionSlideInT
, CCTransitionTurnOffTiles
- SceneReader()
: SceneReader
- sceneReaderVersion()
: SceneReader
- schedule()
: CCNode
- scheduleOnce()
: CCNode
- scheduleScriptFunc()
: CCScheduler
- scheduleSelector()
: CCScheduler
- scheduleUpdate()
: CCNode
- scheduleUpdateForTarget()
: CCScheduler
- scheduleUpdateWithPriority()
: CCNode
- scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua()
: CCNode
- scissorClippingVisit()
: Layout
- scrollChildren()
: ScrollView
- scrollingEvent()
: ScrollView
- ScrollInnerContainer()
: ScrollInnerContainer
- scrollPages()
: PageView
- scrollToBottom()
: ScrollView
- scrollToBottomEvent()
: ScrollView
- scrollToBottomLeft()
: ScrollView
- scrollToBottomRight()
: ScrollView
- scrollToLeft()
: ScrollView
- scrollToLeftEvent()
: ScrollView
- scrollToPage()
: PageView
- scrollToPercentBothDirection()
: ScrollView
- scrollToPercentHorizontal()
: ScrollView
- scrollToPercentVertical()
: ScrollView
- scrollToRight()
: ScrollView
- scrollToRightEvent()
: ScrollView
- scrollToTop()
: ScrollView
- scrollToTopEvent()
: ScrollView
- scrollToTopLeft()
: ScrollView
- scrollToTopRight()
: ScrollView
- ScrollView()
: ScrollView
- scrollViewDidScroll()
: CCScrollViewDelegate
, CCTableView
- scrollViewDidZoom()
: CCScrollViewDelegate
, CCTableView
- ScrollViewReader()
: ScrollViewReader
- ScrollViewScriptEventType
: CCScrollView
- scrollWheel:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- seekActionWidgetByActionTag()
: UIHelper
- seekWidgetByName()
: UIHelper
- seekWidgetByRelativeName()
: UIHelper
- seekWidgetByTag()
: UIHelper
- selected()
: CCMenuItem
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCMenuItemToggle
- selectedEvent()
: CheckBox
- selectedItem()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- selectedItemEvent()
: ListView
- selectedTextRange
: EAGLView
- send()
: CCHttpClient
, WebSocket
- sendActionsForControlEvents()
: CCControl
- SendCocos2dEvent()
: sealed
- serialize()
: CCComponent
, CCComAttribute
, CCComAudio
, CCComRender
, BaseTriggerCondition
, BaseTriggerAction
, TriggerObj
- Set()
: StrPair
- set2DProjection()
: CCGridBase
- setAccelerometer()
: CCDirector
- setAccelerometerEnabled()
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
- setAccelerometerInterval()
: CCLayer
, CCAccelerometer
- setAccelerometerInterval:
: AccelerometerDispatcher
- setAccelerometerKeyHook()
- setActionManager()
: CCNode
, CCDirector
- setActionTag()
: ActionNode
, Widget
- setActive()
: CCGridBase
, CCColliderDetector
- setAdditionalTransform()
: CCNode
- setAdjustBackgroundImage()
: CCControlButton
- setAliasTexParameters()
: CCTexture2D
- setAlign()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- setAlignment()
: CCLabelBMFont
- setAlphaBlending()
: CCDirector
- setAlphaThreshold()
: CCClippingNode
- setAmplitude()
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
- setAmplitudeRate()
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCActionInterval
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
- setAnchorPoint()
: CCNode
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCProgressTimer
, CCSprite
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Label
, LabelAtlas
, LabelBMFont
, RichText
, TextField
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setAngle()
: CCParticleSystem
- setAngleVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setAnimation()
: CCAnimate
, CCTween
, CCArmature
, CCSkeletonAnimation
- setAnimationCompletedCallback()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setAnimationData()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setAnimationInternal()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setAnimationInterval()
: CCDirector
, CCDisplayLinkDirector
, CCApplication
, CCApplicationProtocol
, CCApplication
- setAnimationInterval:
: CCDirectorCaller
- setAnimationManager()
: CCBReader
- setAnimationManagers()
: CCBReader
- setAnimationScale()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setAnimationStateData()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- setAntiAliasTexParameters()
: CCTexture2D
- SetApplicationInitializedCallback()
: CCOspApplication
- setArmature()
: CCBone
- SetArray()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setAtlasIndex()
: CCSprite
- setAtlasName()
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- setAttachment()
: CCSkeleton
- setAttachWithIME()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- SetAttribute()
: XMLAttribute
, XMLElement
- setAutoDraw()
: CCRenderTexture
- setAutoPlaySequenceId()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setAutoRemoveOnFinish()
: CCParticleSystem
- setBackground()
: CCControlColourPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
- setBackGroundColor()
: Layout
- setBackGroundColorOpacity()
: Layout
- setBackGroundColorType()
: Layout
- setBackGroundColorVector()
: Layout
- setBackGroundImage()
: Layout
- setBackGroundImageCapInsets()
: Layout
- setBackGroundImageColor()
: Layout
- setBackGroundImageOpacity()
: Layout
- setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled()
: Layout
- setBackgroundMusicVolume()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- setBackgroundSprite()
: CCControlButton
, CCControlSlider
- setBackgroundSpriteDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- setBackgroundSpriteForState()
: CCControlButton
- setBackgroundSpriteFrameForState()
: CCControlButton
- setBaseValue()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setBatchNode()
: CCParticleSystem
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCSprite
- setBetween()
: CCTween
- setBezierParamer()
: CCEaseBezierAction
- setBlendAdditive()
: CCParticleSystem
- setBlendDirty()
: CCBone
- setBlendFunc()
: CCBone
, CCSkeleton
, CCAtlasNode
, CCDrawNode
, CCBlendProtocol
, CCLayerColor
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCArmature
- SetBOM()
: XMLDocument
- setBone()
: CCSkin
- setBoneData()
: CCBone
- setBonesToSetupPose()
: CCSkeleton
- SetBool()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setBool()
: CCComAttribute
- setBoolForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- setBoudarySet()
: CCFollow
- setBounceable()
: CCScrollView
- setBounceEnabled()
: ScrollView
- setBright()
: Widget
- setBrightStyle()
: Widget
- setCallback()
: CCBProxy
- setCallbackChannel()
: CCBSequence
- setCallFunc()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setCapInsetProgressBarRebderer()
: Slider
- setCapInsets()
: Button
, ImageView
, LoadingBar
, Slider
, CCScale9Sprite
- setCapInsetsBarRenderer()
: Slider
- setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer()
: Button
- setCapInsetsNormalRenderer()
: Button
- setCapInsetsPressedRenderer()
: Button
- setCascadeColorEnabled()
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
- setCascadeOpacityEnabled()
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
- setCCBFileNode()
: CCBFile
- setCCBRootPath()
: CCBReader
- SetCData()
: XMLText
- setCenterXYZ()
: CCCamera
- setChainedSequenceId()
: CCBSequence
- setChildArmature()
: CCBone
- setClearColor()
: CCRenderTexture
- setClearDepth()
: CCRenderTexture
- setClearFlags()
: CCRenderTexture
- setClearStencil()
: CCRenderTexture
- setClippingEnabled()
: Layout
, PageView
, ScrollView
- setClippingToBounds()
: CCScrollView
- setClippingType()
: Layout
- SetCocos2dEditBoxDelegate()
: sealed
- SetCocos2dEventDelegate()
: sealed
- SetCocos2dMessageBoxDelegate()
: sealed
- setColliderDetector()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- setColor()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCLayerColor
, CCProgressTimer
, CCSprite
, ActionTintFrame
, CCBone
, CCBaseData
, Widget
, CCControlButton
, CCControlColourPicker
, CCScale9Sprite
- setColorPropsForWidgetFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setColorPropsFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetReader
- setColorSpaceHolder()
: CCTextFieldTTF
- setcolourPicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- setCompressedInterpolation()
: CCLayerGradient
- setConcave()
: CCLens3D
- setContainer()
: CCScrollView
- setContentOffset()
: CCScrollView
- setContentOffsetInDuration()
: CCScrollView
- setContentScaleFactor()
: CCDirector
- setContentSize()
: CCNode
, CCLayerColor
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
, CCScrollView
- setContentSize:
: EditBoxImplIOS
, EditBoxImplMac
- setControlPoints()
: CCPointArray
- setCString()
: CCLabelBMFont
, CCComAttribute
- setCurrentDecorativeDisplay()
: CCDisplayManager
- setCurrentString()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- setCurrentTime()
: ActionObject
- setDataSource()
: CCTableView
- setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat()
: CCTexture2D
- setDefaultValues()
: CCDirector
- setDelegate()
: CCDirector
, CCKeypadHandler
, CCAccelerometer
, CCTouchHandler
, CCBAnimationManager
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- setDelegator()
: CCSAXParser
- setDeleteBackward()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setDepthTest()
: CCDirector
- setDesignResolutionSize()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- setDetachWithIME()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setDimensions()
: CCLabelTTF
- setDirection()
: ListView
, ScrollView
, LoadingBar
, CCScrollView
- setDirty()
: CCCamera
, CCSprite
, CCTextureAtlas
- setDirtyRecursively()
: CCSprite
- setDisabledColor()
: CCMenuItemLabel
- setDisabledImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- setDisabledSpriteFrame()
: CCMenuItemImage
- setDispatchEvents()
: CCTouchDispatcher
- setDisplay()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- setDisplayData()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- setDisplayFrame()
: CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCSprite
- setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName()
: CCSprite
- setDisplayStats()
: CCDirector
- setDocumentControllerName()
: CCBAnimationManager
- SetDouble()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setDoubleForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- SetDpi()
: abstract
- setDuration()
: CCFiniteTimeAction
, CCParticleSystem
, CCBSequence
- setEasingOpt()
: CCBKeyframe
- setEasingParameter()
: ActionFrame
- setEasingType()
: CCBKeyframe
, ActionFrame
- setEditorFrameSize()
- setEffectsVolume()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- setEmissionRate()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEmitterMode()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEnable()
: TriggerObj
- setEnabled()
: CCMenu
, CCMenuItem
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCMenuItemToggle
, CCComponent
, CCComAudio
, CCComController
, Widget
, CCControl
, CCControlButton
, CCControlColourPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlSwitch
- setEnalbedSelectors()
: CCTouchHandler
- setEndColor()
: CCLayerGradient
, CCParticleSystem
- setEndColorVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndOpacity()
: CCLayerGradient
- setEndRadius()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndRadiusVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndSize()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndSizeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndSpin()
: CCParticleSystem
- setEndSpinVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- SetError()
: XMLDocument
- setErrorBuffer()
: CCHttpResponse
- setEventHandler()
- setEyeXYZ()
: CCCamera
- setFastMode()
: CCMotionStreak
- setFile()
: CCComAudio
- setFilenameLookupDictionary()
: CCFileUtils
- setFlipX()
: CCSprite
, Widget
- setFlipY()
: CCSprite
, Widget
- setFloat()
: CCComAttribute
- setFloatForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- setFntFile()
: CCLabelBMFont
, LabelBMFont
- SetFocus()
: sealed
- setFocused()
: Widget
- setFont()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setFontColor()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setFontFillColor()
: CCLabelTTF
- setFontName()
: CCLabelTTF
, CCMenuItemFont
, Label
, TextField
, CCEditBox
- setFontNameObj()
: CCMenuItemFont
- setFontSize()
: CCLabelTTF
, CCMenuItemFont
, Label
, TextField
, CCEditBox
- setFontSizeObj()
: CCMenuItemFont
- setForcedTarget()
: CCTargetedAction
- setFrameEventCallFunc()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setFrameIndex()
: ActionFrame
- setFrames()
: CCAnimation
- setFrameSize()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- setFrameTime()
: ActionFrame
- setFrameType()
: ActionFrame
- setFrameZoomFactor()
- setFrameZoomFactor:
: EAGLView
- setFullScreen:
: EAGLView
- setGLBufferData()
: CCGLBufferedNode
- setGLDefaultValues()
: CCDirector
- setGLIndexData()
: CCGLBufferedNode
- setGLServerState()
: CCNode
- setGravity()
: CCParticleSystem
, LinearLayoutParameter
, ListView
- setGrid()
: CCNode
- setGridSize()
: CCGridBase
- setGroupName()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- setHandler()
: CCNotificationObserver
- setHandlerPriority()
: CCMenu
- setHeaders()
: CCHttpRequest
- setHighlighted()
: CCControl
, CCControlButton
- setHorizontalAlignment()
: CCLabelTTF
- setHue()
: CCControlHuePicker
- setHuePercentage()
: CCControlHuePicker
- setHuePicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- setHWnd()
- setIdx()
: CCTableViewCell
- setIgnoreBodyRotation()
: CCPhysicsSprite
- setIMEKeyboardState()
, CCEGLViewProtocol
, sealed
- SetIndent()
: PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- setInertiaScrollEnabled()
: ScrollView
- setInnerAction()
: CCSpeed
, CCRepeat
, CCRepeatForever
- setInnerContainerSize()
: ScrollView
- setInputFlag()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setInputMode()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setInsertText()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setInsetBottom()
: CCScale9Sprite
- setInsetLeft()
: CCScale9Sprite
- setInsetRight()
: CCScale9Sprite
- setInsetTop()
: CCScale9Sprite
- SetInt()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setInt()
: CCComAttribute
- SetInt64()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setIntegerForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- SetInternedStr()
: StrPair
- setInterval()
: CCTimer
- setInverted()
: CCClippingNode
- setItemModel()
: ListView
- setItemsMargin()
: ListView
- setJavaVM()
: JniHelper
- setjmp_buffer
: my_error_mgr
- setKeypadDispatcher()
: CCDirector
- setKeypadEnabled()
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
- setLabel()
: CCMenuItemLabel
- setLabelAnchorPoint()
: CCControlButton
- setLayerName()
: CCTMXLayer
- setLayers()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- setLayerSize()
: CCTMXLayer
- setLayoutParameter()
: Widget
- setLayoutType()
: Layout
, PageView
, ScrollView
- setLensEffect()
: CCLens3D
- setLife()
: CCParticleSystem
- setLifeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setLineBreakWithoutSpace()
: CCLabelBMFont
- setLoop()
: ActionObject
, CCComAudio
- SetManipulationHost()
: sealed
- setMapSize()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- setMapTileSize()
: CCTMXLayer
- setMargin()
: Margin
, LayoutParameter
- setMargins()
: CCControlButton
- setMaximumValue()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlStepper
- setMaxLength()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setMaxLengthEnabled()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setMaxS()
: CCTexture2D
- setMaxT()
: CCTexture2D
- setMenuResource()
- setMessage()
: ModalLayer
- setMidpoint()
: CCProgressTimer
- setMinimumValue()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlStepper
- setMinusLabel()
: CCControlStepper
- setMinusSprite()
: CCControlStepper
- setMix()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- setMovementEventCallFunc()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setMultiTouchMask()
- SetName()
: XMLElement
- setName()
: CCComponent
, CCBSequence
, CCBSequenceProperty
, ActionObject
, Widget
- setNextDeltaTimeZero()
: CCDirector
- setNextScene()
: CCDirector
- setNode()
: CCComRender
- setNormalImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- setNormalSpriteFrame()
: CCMenuItemImage
- setNotificationNode()
: CCDirector
- SetNull()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setObject()
: CCCallFuncO
, CCConfiguration
, CCDictionary
, ActionNode
- SetObject()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setObjectGroups()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- setObjectID()
: CCSortableObject
, CCTableViewCell
- setObjectID_ofSortedObject()
: CCArrayForObjectSorting
- setObjects()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- setOffset()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setOffsetInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setOn()
: CCControlSwitch
- setOpacity()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCLayerColor
, CCMotionStreak
, CCProgressTimer
, CCSprite
, ActionFadeFrame
, CCBone
, Widget
, CCControlButton
, CCScale9Sprite
- setOpacityModifyRGB()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCMenu
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
, CCControl
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCSkeleton
- setOpenGLView()
: CCDirector
- setOrderOfArrival()
: CCNode
- setOriginalSize()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setOriginalSizeInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setOriginalTarget()
: CCAction
- setOwner()
: CCComponent
- setParent()
: CCNode
- setParentBone()
: CCArmature
, CCBone
- setPasswordEnabled()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setPasswordStyleText()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- setPasswordText()
: UICCTextField
- setPercent()
: LoadingBar
, Slider
- setPercentage()
: CCProgressTimer
- setPeriod()
: CCEaseElastic
- setPlaceHolder()
: CCTextFieldTTF
, TextField
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setPlaceholderFont()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setPlaceholderFontColor()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setPlaceholderFontName()
: CCEditBox
- setPlaceholderFontSize()
: CCEditBox
- setPlusLabel()
: CCControlStepper
- setPlusSprite()
: CCControlStepper
- setPoint()
: CCPoint
- setPoints()
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- setPopupNotify()
: CCFileUtils
- setPosition()
: CCLens3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCTwirl
, CCNode
, CCMotionStreak
, CCSprite
, ActionMoveFrame
, Widget
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
, CCPhysicsSprite
- setPosition:
: EditBoxImplIOS
, EditBoxImplMac
- setPositionOffset()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- setPositionPercent()
: Widget
- setPositionReadScale()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- setPositionType()
: CCParticleSystem
, Widget
- setPositionX()
: CCNode
- setPositionY()
: CCNode
- setPosVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setPreferredSize()
: CCControlButton
, CCScale9Sprite
- setPressedActionEnabled()
: Button
- setPriority()
: CCTouchDispatcher
, CCTouchHandler
- setProgressSprite()
: CCControlSlider
- setProgressTimer()
: CCControlPotentiometer
- setProjection()
: CCDirector
- setProperties()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXObjectGroup
, CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCTMXMapInfo
- setProperty()
: UICCLabelAtlas
, LabelAtlas
- setPropsForAllCustomWidgetFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader
, WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForAllWidgetFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader
, WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForButtonFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForCheckBoxFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForImageViewFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForLabelAtlasFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForLabelBMFontFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForLabelFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForLayoutFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForListViewFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForLoadingBarFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0300
, WidgetPropertiesReader0250
- setPropsForPageViewFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForScrollViewFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForSliderFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForTextFieldFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsForWidgetFromJsonDictionary()
: WidgetPropertiesReader0250
, WidgetPropertiesReader0300
- setPropsFromJsonDictionary()
: ImageViewReader
, ScrollViewReader
, LayoutReader
, ButtonReader
, CheckBoxReader
, LabelAtlasReader
, LabelBMFontReader
, LabelReader
, ListViewReader
, LoadingBarReader
, PageViewReader
, SliderReader
, TextFieldReader
, WidgetReader
, WidgetReaderProtocol
- setQuads()
: CCTextureAtlas
- setQuadsToDraw()
: CCAtlasNode
- setRadialAccel()
: CCParticleSystem
- setRadialAccelVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setRate()
: CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCEaseRateAction
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCAccelAmplitude
- setRect()
: CCRect
, CCSpriteFrame
- setRectInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setRelativeName()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- setRelativeToWidgetName()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- setReorderChildDirtyRecursively()
: CCSprite
- setRequestData()
: CCHttpRequest
- setRequestType()
: CCHttpRequest
- setResolutionScale()
: CCBReader
- setResourceRootPath()
: CCApplication
- setResponseCallback()
: CCHttpRequest
- setResponseCode()
: CCHttpResponse
- setResponseData()
: CCHttpResponse
- setResponseHeader()
: CCHttpResponse
- setRetainName()
: CCTexturePVR
- setReturnType()
: CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setReuseGrid()
: CCGridBase
- setReverseDirection()
: CCProgressTimer
- setReverseProgress()
: CCProgressTimer
- setRootContainerSize()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setRootNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setRotated()
: CCSpriteFrame
- setRotatePerSecond()
: CCParticleSystem
- setRotatePerSecondVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setRotation()
: CCNode
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
, ActionRotationFrame
, CCPhysicsSprite
- setRotationIsDir()
: CCParticleSystem
- setRotationX()
: CCNode
, CCSprite
- setRotationY()
: CCNode
, CCSprite
- setScale()
: CCLabelBMFont
, CCNode
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- setScale9Enabled()
: ImageView
, Button
, LoadingBar
, Slider
- setScale9Scale()
: LoadingBar
- setScaleX()
: ActionScaleFrame
, CCNode
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- setScaleY()
: CCSprite
, CCNode
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCParticleSystem
, ActionScaleFrame
- setScheduler()
: CCNode
, CCDirector
- setScissorInPoints()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- SetScreenOrientation()
: CCOspApplication
- setScriptEngine()
: CCScriptEngineManager
- setSearchPaths()
: CCFileUtils
- setSearchResolutionsOrder()
: CCFileUtils
- setSecureTextEntry()
: CCTextFieldTTF
- setSelected()
: CCControlButton
, CCControl
- setSelectedImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- setSelectedIndex()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- setSelectedSpriteFrame()
: CCMenuItemImage
- setSelectedState()
: CheckBox
- setSequenceId()
: CCBSequence
- setSequences()
: CCBAnimationManager
- setShaderProgram()
: CCNode
, CCTexture2D
- setSize()
: CCSize
, Widget
- setSizePercent()
: Widget
- setSizeType()
: Widget
- setSkeletonData()
: CCSkeleton
- setSkewX()
: CCNode
, CCSprite
- setSkewY()
: CCNode
, CCSprite
- setSkin()
: CCSkeleton
- setSkinData()
: CCSkin
- setSlider()
: CCControlHuePicker
- setSlotsToSetupPose()
: CCSkeleton
- setSoundChannel()
: CCBSequence
- setSourcePosition()
: CCParticleSystem
- setSpeed()
: CCSpeed
, CCParticleSystem
- setSpeedScale()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- setSpeedVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setSprite()
: CCProgressTimer
, CCRenderTexture
- setSpriteFrame()
: CCAnimationFrame
, CCScale9Sprite
- setStartColor()
: CCLayerGradient
, CCParticleSystem
- setStartColorVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartingPositionInitialized()
: CCMotionStreak
- setStartOpacity()
: CCLayerGradient
- setStartRadius()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartRadiusVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartSize()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartSizeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartSpin()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartSpinVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setStartupScriptFilename()
: CCApplication
- setStencil()
: CCClippingNode
- setStencilClippingSize()
: Layout
- setStep()
: CCGridBase
- setStepValue()
: CCControlStepper
- SetStr()
: StrPair
- SetString()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setString()
: CCLabelAtlas
, CCLabelProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCLabelTTF
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCTextFieldTTF
- SetString()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setStringForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- setStringValue()
: LabelAtlas
- setSubItems()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- setSucceed()
: CCHttpResponse
- setSwallowsTouches()
: CCTargetedTouchHandler
- setTag()
: CCAction
, CCNode
, CCHttpRequest
- setTangentialAccel()
: CCParticleSystem
- setTangentialAccelVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- setTarget()
: CCAction
, CCMenuItem
, SceneReader
- setTargetCallback()
: CCCallFunc
- setTexParameters()
: CCTexture2D
- setText()
: CCEditBoxImplTizen
, TextField
, Label
, LabelBMFont
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- setTextAreaSize()
: Label
, TextField
- setTextDefinition()
: CCLabelTTF
- setTextHorizontalAlignment()
: Label
, TextField
- setTexture()
: CCSpriteFrame
, CCTextureProtocol
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCAtlasNode
, CCTextureAtlas
, CCParticleSystem
- setTextureAtlas()
: CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCAtlasNode
- setTextureCoords()
: CCSprite
- setTextureFlipped()
: CCGridBase
- setTextureRect()
: CCSprite
, ImageView
- setTextureWithRect()
: CCParticleSystemQuad
- setTextVerticalAlignment()
: TextField
, Label
- setTGAInfo()
: CCTileMapAtlas
- setThumbSprite()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
- setTile()
: CCTiledGrid3D
, CCTileMapAtlas
, CCTiledGrid3DAction
- setTileGID()
: CCTMXLayer
- setTileProperties()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- setTileSet()
: CCTMXLayer
- setTilesets()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- setTileSize()
: CCTMXMapInfo
, CCTMXTiledMap
- setTime()
: CCBKeyframe
- setTimeoutForConnect()
: CCHttpClient
- setTimeoutForRead()
: CCHttpClient
- setTimeScale()
: CCScheduler
- setTitleBMFontForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleColor()
: Button
- setTitleColorDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleColorForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleFontName()
: Button
- setTitleFontSize()
: Button
- setTitleForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleLabel()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleLabelDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleLabelForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleText()
: Button
- setTitleTTFForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTitleTTFSizeForState()
: CCControlButton
- setTMXFileName()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- setToSetupPose()
: CCSkeleton
- setTotalParticles()
: CCParticleSystem
, CCParticleSystemQuad
- setTouchAreaEnabled()
: TextField
- setTouchDelegate()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- setTouchDispatcher()
: CCDirector
- setTouchEnabled()
: Widget
, CCScrollView
, CCInputDelegate
, CCLayer
- setTouchInfo()
: CCTouch
- setTouchMode()
: CCInputDelegate
, CCLayer
- setTouchPriority()
: CCInputDelegate
, CCLayer
- setTouchScaleChangeEnabled()
: Label
- setTouchSize()
: TextField
- SetTracked()
: MemPool
, MemPoolT< SIZE >
- setTransformDirty()
: CCBone
- setType()
: CCProgressTimer
, CCBSequenceProperty
- SetUint()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- SetUint64()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- setUniformLocationWith1f()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith1i()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith2f()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith2fv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith2i()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith2iv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith3f()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith3fv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith3i()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith3iv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith4f()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith4fv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith4i()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWith4iv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformLocationWithMatrix4fv()
: CCGLProgram
- setUniformsForBuiltins()
: CCGLProgram
- setUnitTime()
: ActionNode
, ActionObject
- setUpThreadingSupport
: AccelerometerSimulation
- setupTiles()
: CCTMXLayer
- setupTransition()
: CCTransitionProgress
, CCTransitionProgressInOut
- setUpXYZ()
: CCCamera
- setUrl()
: CCHttpRequest
- setUserData()
: CCNode
, CCHttpRequest
- setUserInfo()
: CCAnimationFrame
- setUserObject()
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCNode
- setValue()
: CCBKeyframe
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlStepper
- SetValue()
: XMLNode
- setValue()
: CCControlSlider
- setValueWithSendingEvent()
: CCControlStepper
- setVector()
: CCLayerGradient
- setVertex()
: CCGrid3DAction
, CCGrid3D
- setVertexRect()
: CCSprite
- setVertexZ()
: CCSprite
, CCNode
- setVerticalAlignment()
: CCLabelTTF
- setVerticalFillOrder()
: CCTableView
- setVerticalSpace()
: RichText
- setViewName()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- setViewport()
: CCDirector
- setViewPortInPoints()
, CCEGLViewProtocol
- setViewSize()
: CCScrollView
- setVisible()
: CCSprite
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCNode
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCDisplayManager
- setWidth()
: CCLabelBMFont
- setWndProc()
- setWraps()
: CCControlStepper
- SetXamlEditBoxDelegate()
: sealed
- SetXamlEventDelegate()
: sealed
- SetXamlMessageBoxDelegate()
: sealed
- setZoomOnTouchDown()
: CCControlButton
- setZoomScale()
: CCScrollView
- setZoomScaleInDuration()
: CCScrollView
- setZOrder()
: CCBone
, CCNode
- ShallowClone()
: XMLNode
, XMLText
, XMLDeclaration
, XMLDocument
, XMLComment
, XMLUnknown
, XMLElement
- ShallowEqual()
: XMLNode
, XMLComment
, XMLUnknown
, XMLElement
, XMLDocument
, XMLDeclaration
, XMLText
- sharedAccelerometer
: UIAccelerometer(Simulation)
, CCAccelerometer
- sharedAccelerometerDispather
: AccelerometerDispatcher
- sharedAnimationCache()
: CCAnimationCache
- sharedApplication()
: CCApplication
- sharedArmatureDataManager()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- sharedCCNodeLoaderLibrary()
: CCNodeLoaderLibrary
- sharedConfiguration()
: CCConfiguration
- sharedDataReaderHelper()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- sharedDirector()
: CCDirector
- sharedDirectorCaller
: CCDirectorCaller
- sharedDispatcher
: CCEventDispatcher
, CCIMEDispatcher
- sharedEGLView
: EAGLView
- sharedEngine()
: SimpleAudioEngine
- sharedFileUtils()
: CCFileUtils
- sharedManager()
: CCScriptEngineManager
- sharedNotificationCenter()
: CCNotificationCenter
- sharedOpenGLView()
- sharedPoolManager()
: CCPoolManager
- sharedPrecompiledShaders()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
- sharedProfiler()
: CCProfiler
- sharedSceneReader()
: SceneReader
- sharedShaderCache()
: CCShaderCache
- sharedSpriteFrameCache()
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- sharedSpriteFrameCacheHelper()
: CCSpriteFrameCacheHelper
- sharedTextureCache()
: CCTextureCache
- sharedUserDefault()
: CCUserDefault
- shareHelper()
: DictionaryHelper
- shareManager()
: ActionManager
- shareReader()
: GUIReader
- ShowKeyboard()
, sealed
- ShowKeypad()
: CCOspForm
- ShowMessageBox()
- showStats()
: CCDirector
- shuffle()
: CCTurnOffTiles
, CCShuffleTiles
- signal0()
: signal0< mt_policy >
- signal1()
: signal1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
- signal2()
: signal2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
- signal3()
: signal3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
- signal4()
: signal4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
- signal5()
: signal5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
- signal6()
: signal6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
- signal7()
: signal7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
- signal8()
: signal8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- signal_base
: signal1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, signal2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, signal6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, signal7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, signal5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, signal3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, signal8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, signal4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
- signal_connect()
: has_slots< mt_policy >
- signal_disconnect()
: has_slots< mt_policy >
- SimpleAudioEngine()
: SimpleAudioEngine
- simulationActionUpdate()
: ActionObject
- sineEaseIn()
: CCTweenFunction
- sineEaseInOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- sineEaseOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- single_threaded()
: single_threaded
- Size()
: CocosPepperInstance
- size
: tCCParticle
, FontBufferInfo
, ccPointSprite
, ccAnimationFrameData
- Size()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
, MemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >
, GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >
- size
: tImageSource
, CCRect
- Size()
: DynArray< T, INIT >
- size_
: EAGLView
- skeleton
: Slot
, CCSkeleton
- skeletonData
: AnimationStateData
- skewX
: CCBaseData
- skewY
: CCBaseData
- skin
: Skeleton
- skinCount
: SkeletonData
- skinData
: CCSpriteDisplayData
- skins
: SkeletonData
- SkipWhiteSpace()
: XMLUtil
- Slider()
: Slider
- sliderBegan()
: CCControlSlider
- sliderEnded()
: CCControlSlider
- sliderMoved()
: CCControlSlider
- SliderReader()
: SliderReader
- slot_disconnect()
: _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base< mt_policy >
, _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
- slot_duplicate()
: _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base< mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- slotCount
: SkeletonData
, Skeleton
- slotIndex
: ColorTimeline
, AttachmentTimeline
- slots
: SkeletonData
, Skeleton
- sm_eScreenOrientation
: CCOspApplication
- sm_pApplicationInitialized
: CCOspApplication
- sm_pSharedApplication
: CCApplication
- sm_pSharedCCOspApplication
: CCOspApplication
- snapshotTextures()
: CCTextureCache
- sortAllChildren()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
, ListView
, CCNode
, Layout
, Widget
, CCSprite
- speed
: CCParticleSystem
- speedVar
: CCParticleSystem
- sphericalRadius()
: CCOrbitCamera
- splits
: AtlasRegion
- spriteFrameByName()
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- src
: ccBlendFunc
- src_
: GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >
, GenericStringStream< Encoding >
- Stack()
: Stack< Allocator >
- stack_
: GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >
- startAnimation()
: CCDisplayLinkDirector
, CCDirector
- StartArray()
: BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
, PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- startAutorepeat()
: CCControlStepper
- startAutoScrollChildrenWithDestination()
: ScrollView
- startAutoScrollChildrenWithOriginalSpeed()
: ScrollView
- startBounceChildren()
: ScrollView
- startElement()
: CCSAXParser
, CCSAXDelegator
, CCTMXMapInfo
- startMainLoop
: CCDirectorCaller
- StartObject()
: BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- startPos
: tCCParticle
- startRadius
: CCParticleSystem
- startRadiusVar
: CCParticleSystem
- startRecordSlidAction()
: ScrollView
- startWithTarget()
: CCSpeed
, CCSkewTo
, CCRotateBy
, CCScaleTo
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCSequence
, CCSpawn
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCSplitRows
, CCBezierTo
, CCOrbitCamera
, CCCardinalSplineBy
, CCScaleBy
, CCProgressTo
, CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCReverseTime
, CCActionCamera
, CCReuseGrid
, CCBezierBy
, CCAnimate
, CCGridAction
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCMoveTo
, CCFadeTo
, CCRepeat
, CCCardinalSplineTo
, CCSplitCols
, CCActionEase
, CCTintBy
, CCTurnOffTiles
, CCAction
, CCAccelAmplitude
, CCActionTween
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCBRotateTo
, CCActionInterval
, CCShuffleTiles
, CCTargetedAction
, CCRepeatForever
, CCBlink
, CCTintTo
, CCRotateTo
, CCSkewBy
, CCStopGrid
, CCJumpTo
, CCJumpBy
, CCMoveBy
- State
: WebSocket
- states
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- stencilClippingVisit()
: Layout
- step()
: CCActionInstant
, CCFollow
, CCRepeatForever
, CCActionInterval
, CCAction
, CCSpeed
- stop()
: CCAnimate
, CCActionEase
, CCTargetedAction
, CCReverseTime
, CCArmatureAnimation
, CCRepeat
, CCFollow
, CCAction
, ActionObject
, CCSpeed
, CCBlink
, CCProcessBase
, CCSpawn
, CCSequence
- stopAction()
: CCNode
, ActionNode
- stopActionByTag()
: CCNode
- stopAllActions()
: CCNode
- stopAllEffects()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- stopAnimation()
: CCDisplayLinkDirector
, CCDirector
- stopAutorepeat()
: CCControlStepper
- stopAutoScrollChildren()
: ScrollView
- stopBackgroundMusic()
: CCComAudio
, SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
, SimpleAudioEngine
- stopBounceChildren()
: ScrollView
- stopEffect()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- stopSystem()
: CCParticleSystem
- storeFileDesignSize()
: GUIReader
- stream_
: Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- strEvent
: CCFrameData
- String()
: PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
- StringEqual()
: XMLUtil
- stringForFormat()
: CCTexture2D
- stringValue()
: CCLuaValue
, CCLuaValueField
- strMovement
: CCFrameData
- StrPair()
: StrPair
- strSound
: CCFrameData
- strSoundEffect
: CCFrameData
- subtract()
: CCBaseData
- super
: AtlasAttachmentLoader
, RegionAttachment
, CurveTimeline
, ColorTimeline
, AttachmentTimeline
, RotateTimeline
- superViewGLView_
: EAGLView
- supplyTheLayoutParameterLackToChild()
: Layout
- supportsBGRA8888()
: CCConfiguration
- supportsDiscardFramebuffer()
: CCConfiguration
- supportsNPOT()
: CCConfiguration
- supportsPVRTC()
: CCConfiguration
- supportsShareableVAO()
: CCConfiguration
- surfaceSize
: EAGLView
- swapBuffers()
, EAGLView
, CCEGLViewProtocol
, sealed
, EAGLView
- switchTo()
: CCLayerMultiplex
- switchToAndReleaseMe()
: CCLayerMultiplex
- szPrompt
- szResult
- szTitle