Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- u
: ccTex2F
, GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
, AtlasRegion
- u2
: AtlasRegion
- udpSocket
: AccelerometerSimulation
- UICCLabelAtlas()
: UICCLabelAtlas
- UICCTextField()
: UICCTextField
- Uint()
: PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- Uint64()
: PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
, Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
- uintValue()
: CCString
- unloadEffect()
: CCComAudio
, SimpleAudioEngine
- unlock()
: CCLock
, single_threaded
- unlockOpenGLContext
: EAGLView
- unregisterAllScriptHandler()
: CCTableView
- unregisterCCNodeLoader()
: CCNodeLoaderLibrary
- unregisterScriptAccelerateHandler()
: CCLayer
- unregisterScriptEditBoxHandler()
: CCEditBox
- unregisterScriptHandler()
: CCNode
, CCScrollView
- unregisterScriptKeypadHandler()
: CCLayer
- unregisterScriptObserver()
: CCNotificationCenter
- unregisterScriptTapHandler()
: CCMenuItem
- unregisterScriptTouchHandler()
: CCLayer
- unrotate()
: CCPoint
- unschedule()
: CCNode
- unscheduleAll()
: CCScheduler
- unscheduleAllForTarget()
: CCScheduler
- unscheduleAllSelectors()
: CCNode
- unscheduleAllWithMinPriority()
: CCScheduler
- unscheduleScriptEntry()
: CCScheduler
- unscheduleSelector()
: CCScheduler
- unscheduleUpdate()
: CCNode
- unscheduleUpdateForTarget()
: CCScheduler
- unselected()
: CCMenuItem
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCMenuItemToggle
- unSelectedEvent()
: CheckBox
- UnsignedAttribute()
: XMLElement
- UnsignedValue()
: XMLAttribute
- Untracked()
: MemPoolT< SIZE >
- update()
: CCEaseBounceIn
, CCObject
, CCMotionStreak
, CCEaseBounceOut
, CCParticleSystem
, CCAccelerometer
, CCEaseBounceInOut
, CCAccelerometer
, CCEaseBackIn
, CCAccelerometer
, CCEaseBackOut
, CCComponent
, CCBSetSpriteFrame
, CCEaseBackInOut
, CCBSoundEffect
, CCBRotateTo
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCAccelAmplitude
, CCBEaseInstant
, CCEaseBezierAction
, CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCEaseQuadraticActionIn
, CCEaseQuadraticActionOut
, CCWaves3D
, CCEaseQuadraticActionInOut
, CCEaseQuarticActionIn
, CCFlipX3D
, CCEaseQuarticActionOut
, CCEaseQuarticActionInOut
, CCFlipY3D
, CCEaseQuinticActionIn
, CCEaseQuinticActionOut
, CCLens3D
, CCEaseQuinticActionInOut
, CCEaseCircleActionIn
, CCRipple3D
, CCEaseCircleActionOut
, CCEaseCircleActionInOut
, CCShaky3D
, CCEaseCubicActionIn
, CCEaseCubicActionOut
, CCLiquid
, CCEaseCubicActionInOut
, CCArmatureAnimation
, CCWaves
, CCProcessBase
, CCArmature
, CCTwirl
, CCBone
, CCComController
, CCActionInstant
, PageView
, ScrollView
, CCShow
, TextField
, CCControlStepper
, CCHide
, CCSkeleton
, CCSkeletonAnimation
, CCToggleVisibility
, CCRemoveSelf
, CCFlipX
, CCFlipY
, CCPlace
, CCCallFunc
, CCSequence
, CCRepeat
, CCSpawn
, CCRotateTo
, CCRotateBy
, CCAction
, CCMoveBy
, CCSkewTo
, CCOrbitCamera
, CCJumpBy
, CCBezierBy
, CCCardinalSplineTo
, CCScaleTo
, CCBlink
, CCActionEase
, CCFadeIn
, CCFadeOut
, CCEaseIn
, CCFadeTo
, CCTintTo
, CCEaseOut
, CCTintBy
, CCDelayTime
, CCEaseInOut
, CCReverseTime
, CCAnimate
, CCEaseExponentialIn
, CCTargetedAction
, CCActionManager
, CCEaseExponentialOut
, CCPageTurn3D
, CCProgressTo
, CCEaseExponentialInOut
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCShakyTiles3D
, CCEaseSineIn
, CCShatteredTiles3D
, CCShuffleTiles
, CCEaseSineOut
, CCFadeOutTRTiles
, CCTurnOffTiles
, CCEaseSineInOut
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
, CCEaseElasticIn
, CCSplitRows
, CCSplitCols
, CCEaseElasticOut
, CCActionTween
, CCNode
, CCEaseElasticInOut
, CCTimer
, CCScheduler
- updateActionToTimeLine()
: ActionNode
- updateAnchorPoint()
: Widget
- updateArmatureDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- updateArmatureTransform()
: CCSkin
- updateAtlasValues()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCLabelAtlas
- updateBackGroundImageColor()
: Layout
- updateBackGroundImageOpacity()
: Layout
- updateBackGroundImageRGBA()
: Layout
- updateBar()
: CCProgressTimer
- updateBlendFunc()
: CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- updateBoundaryPages()
: PageView
- updateCapInset()
: CCScale9Sprite
- updateCellAtIndex()
: CCTableView
- updateChildrenPosition()
: PageView
- updateChildrenSize()
: PageView
- updateColor()
: CCBone
, CCLayerGradient
, CCProgressTimer
, CCSprite
, CCLayerColor
- updateColorToRenderer()
: Widget
- updateControlPicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- UpdateDevice()
, abstract
- updateDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- updateDisplayedColor()
: CCSprite
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCBone
, CCScale9Sprite
- updateDisplayedOpacity()
, CCBone
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCSprite
, UICCLabelAtlas
- updateDraggerWithHSV()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- updateFlippedX()
: Label
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Widget
- updateFlippedY()
: Widget
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Label
- UpdateForWindowSizeChange()
: abstract
, abstract
, sealed
- updateFrameData()
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCTween
- updateHandler()
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCTween
, CCProcessBase
- updateHueAndControlPicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- updateImagesVisibility()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- updateInnerContainerSize()
: ListView
- updateInset()
: CCScrollView
- updateLabel()
: CCLabelBMFont
- updateLayoutUsingTouchLocation()
: CCControlStepper
- updateMovementList()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- updateOffsetPoint()
: CCArmature
- updateOpacityToRenderer()
: Widget
- UpdateOrientation()
- updateParticleDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- updatePosFromPhysics()
: CCPhysicsSprite
- updatePosition()
: CCCardinalSplineBy
, CCCardinalSplineTo
- updatePositions()
: CCScale9Sprite
- updateProgress()
: CCProgressTimer
- updateProjection()
: CCDirectorDelegate
- updateQuad()
: CCTextureAtlas
- updateQuadFromSprite()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- updateQuadWithParticle()
: CCParticleSystem
, CCParticleSystemQuad
- updateRadial()
: CCProgressTimer
- updateRGBAToRenderer()
: Widget
- updateSizeAndPosition()
: Widget
- updateSliderPosition()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
- updateTextureColor()
: Button
, LoadingBar
, ImageView
, TextField
, Widget
, LabelAtlas
, Label
, CheckBox
, Slider
, LabelBMFont
- updateTextureOpacity()
: Slider
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, LoadingBar
, Widget
, Label
, LabelAtlas
, LabelBMFont
, TextField
- updateTextureRGBA()
: LoadingBar
, Button
, CheckBox
, LabelBMFont
, ImageView
, Widget
, TextField
, Slider
, Label
, LabelAtlas
- updateToFrameByTime()
: ActionObject
- updateTransform()
: CCColliderDetector
, CCSprite
, CCNode
, CCSkin
- updateTweenAction()
: CCActionTweenDelegate
- updateUniforms()
: CCGLProgram
- updateWithBatchNode()
: CCScale9Sprite
- updateWithHSV()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- updateWithNoTime()
: CCParticleSystem
- updateWorldTransform()
: CCSkeleton
- updateZOrder()
: CCBone
- use()
: CCGLProgram
- Utf8ToAnsi()
: CWin32InputBox
- utf8Togbk()
: CCFileUtilsWin32
- uvs
: RegionAttachment
- uWrap
: AtlasPage