Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- d
: CCAffineTransform
- data
: CCArray
, AnimationState
- Data()
: WebSocket::Data
- data
: Bone
, tImageSource
, Skeleton
, Slot
- dataVersion
: CCArmatureData
- debug()
: CCBAnimationManager
- debugBones
: CCSkeleton
- debugSlots
: CCSkeleton
- decodeAnimation()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeArmature()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeBone()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeBoneDisplay()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeContour()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeFrame()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeMovement()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeMovementBone()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeNode()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- decodeTexture()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- Default()
: BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
- defaultAlphaPixelFormat()
: CCTexture2D
- defaultEngine()
: CCLuaEngine
- defaultFramebuffer
: CCES2Renderer
- defaultFrameBuffer
: <CCESRenderer>
- defaultFramebuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- defaultSkin
: SkeletonData
- degreesPerSecond
: tCCParticle
- delay
: ccAnimationFrameData
, CCMovementBoneData
- delegate
: AccelerometerSimulation
- delegate_
: AccelerometerDispatcher
- DeleteAttribute()
: XMLElement
- deleteBackward()
: CCIMEDelegate
, CCTextFieldTTF
, UICCTextField
- deleteBackwardEvent()
: TextField
- DeleteChild()
: XMLNode
- DeleteChildren()
: XMLNode
- deleteFrame()
: ActionNode
- deleteHashElement()
: CCActionManager
- DeleteNode()
: XMLDocument
- deletePathExtension()
: CCBReader
- deltaColor
: tCCParticle
- deltaRadius
: tCCParticle
- deltaRotation
: tCCParticle
- deltaSize
: tCCParticle
- depthBuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- depthFormat
: EAGLView
- depthFormat_
: CCES2Renderer
, EAGLView
- dequeueCell()
: CCTableView
- description()
: CCAction
, CCNode
, CCCamera
, CCBMFontConfiguration
, CCLabelTTF
, CCProfilingTimer
, CCTexture2D
, CCTextureAtlas
, CCTextureCache
- destFrameIndex
: ActionNode
- destroy
: CCDirectorCaller
- destroyGL()
- destroyInstance()
: ObjectFactory
, TriggerMng
, CCHttpClient
- detachDelegateWithIME()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- detachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
, CCTextFieldTTF
- detachWithIMEEvent()
: TextField
- detect()
: BaseTriggerCondition
, TriggerObj
- DictionaryHelper()
: DictionaryHelper
- dictValue
: CCLuaValueField
, CCLuaValue
- didAccelerate()
: CCLayer
, CCAccelerometerDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
- didAttachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
- DidChangeView()
: CocosPepperInstance
- didDetachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
- didNotSelectSelf()
: Widget
, TextField
- dir
: tCCParticle
- Direct3DContentProvider()
: Direct3DContentProvider
- Direct3DContentProviderBase()
: abstract
- Direct3DInterop()
: sealed
- disabledTextureScaleChangedWithSize()
: Button
- disableParticle()
: CCParticleBatchNode
- disableShadow()
: CCLabelTTF
- disableStroke()
: CCLabelTTF
- discardFramebufferSupported_
: EAGLView
- disconnect()
: _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- Disconnect()
: sealed
, Direct3DContentProvider
, sealed
- disconnect_all()
: _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, has_slots< mt_policy >
, _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
- dispatchDeleteBackward()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchEvents
: CCEventDispatcher
- dispatchEvents_
: CCEventDispatcher
- dispatchInsertText()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardDidHide()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardDidShow()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardWillHide()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeyboardWillShow()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- dispatchKeypadMSG()
: CCKeypadDispatcher
- dispatchListforControlEvent()
: CCControl
- displayDataList
: CCBoneData
- displayFrame()
: CCSprite
- displayIndex
: CCFrameData
- displayLink
: CCDirectorCaller
- displayName
: CCDisplayData
- displayTimers()
: CCProfiler
- displayType
: CCDisplayData
- distanceBetweenPointAndPoint()
: CCControlPotentiometer
- DlgTemplateData
- DlgTemplateName
- doAnimationWhenAnotherEditBeClicked
: EAGLView
- doAnimationWhenKeyboardMove()
: CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
, CCEditBoxImpl
- doAnimationWhenKeyboardMoveWithDuration:distance:
: EAGLView
, EditBoxImplIOS
, EditBoxImplMac
- doCaller:
: CCDirectorCaller
- doesAdjustBackgroundImage()
: CCControlButton
- doLayout()
: PageView
, Layout
, ScrollView
- done()
: TriggerObj
, BaseTriggerAction
- dot()
: CCPoint
- Double()
: Writer< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, PrettyWriter< Stream, Encoding, Allocator >
, BaseReaderHandler< Encoding >
- DoubleAttribute()
: XMLElement
- doubleValue()
: CCString
- DoubleValue()
: XMLAttribute
- draw()
: CCNode
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCTransitionScene
, CCDrawNode
, CCLayerColor
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCArmature
, UICCLabelAtlas
- Draw()
: sealed
- draw()
: CCSprite
, CCSkeleton
, CCBatchNode
, CCAtlasNode
, CCTextFieldTTF
, CCRenderTexture
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCTransitionCrossFade
, CCProgressTimer
- drawAtPoint()
: CCTexture2D
- drawContour()
: CCArmature
- drawDot()
: CCDrawNode
- drawInRect()
: CCTexture2D
- drawNumberOfQuads()
: CCTextureAtlas
- drawOrder
: Skeleton
- drawPolygon()
: CCDrawNode
- drawQuads()
: CCTextureAtlas
- drawScene()
: CCDirector
- drawSegment()
: CCDrawNode
- dst
: ccBlendFunc
- dst_
: GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >
- dumpCachedTextureInfo()
: CCTextureCache
- dumpInfo()
: CCConfiguration
- duplicate()
: _connection8< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base0< mt_policy >
, _connection6< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _connection0< dest_type, mt_policy >
, _connection5< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection3< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection2< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection4< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection7< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection1< dest_type, arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
- duration
: Animation
, CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo
, CCMovementBoneData
, CCFrameData
, CCMovementData
- durationTo
: CCMovementData
- durationTween
: CCMovementData
- dwExStylesMinus
- dwExStylesPlus
- dwStylesMinus
- dwStylesPlus
- DynArray()
: DynArray< T, INIT >