Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- a -
- a
: CCAffineTransform
, ccColor4B
, ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle
, Slot
, SlotData
, CCBaseData
, ccColor4F
, Skeleton
- accelDelegate
: AccelerometerSimulation
- acceleration_
: AccelerometerDispatcher
- Accept()
: XMLUnknown
, XMLElement
, XMLDocument
, GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
, XMLNode
, XMLText
, XMLComment
, XMLDeclaration
- acceptVisitor()
: CCArray
, CCBool
, CCDictionary
, CCDouble
, CCFloat
, CCInteger
, CCObject
, CCSet
, CCString
- accObject
: AccelerometerSimulation
- action()
: CCTransitionSlideInR
, CCTransitionSlideInB
, CCTransitionSlideInT
, CCTransitionSplitCols
, CCTransitionSplitRows
, CCTransitionMoveInL
, CCTransitionSlideInL
- actionAllocWithHashElement()
: CCActionManager
- ActionFadeFrame()
: ActionFadeFrame
- actionForCallbackChannel()
: CCBAnimationManager
- actionForSoundChannel()
: CCBAnimationManager
- ActionFrame()
: ActionFrame
- ActionFrameEasing()
: ActionFrameEasing
- ActionManager()
: ActionManager
- ActionMoveFrame()
: ActionMoveFrame
- ActionNode()
: ActionNode
- ActionObject()
: ActionObject
- ActionRotationFrame()
: ActionRotationFrame
- ActionScaleFrame()
: ActionScaleFrame
- ActionTintFrame()
: ActionTintFrame
- actionWithSize()
: CCTransitionFadeTR
, CCTransitionFadeBL
, CCTransitionFadeUp
, CCTransitionFadeDown
, CCTransitionPageTurn
- actionWithSoundFile()
: CCBSoundEffect
- activate()
: CCMenuItem
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCMenuItemToggle
- add()
: CCComponentContainer
, TriggerMng
- addAction()
: CCActionManager
- addActionNode()
: ActionObject
- addAnimation()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
, CCAnimationCache
- addAnimationData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- addAnimationEventCallBack()
: ArmatureMovementDispatcher
- addAnimationState()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- addAnimationsWithDictionary()
: CCAnimationCache
- addAnimationsWithFile()
: CCAnimationCache
- addArmatureData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- addArmatureDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- addArmatureFileInfo()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- addArmatureFileInfoAsync()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- addArmatureMovementCallBack()
: TriggerMng
- addAttribute()
: CCGLProgram
- addBackGroundImage()
: Layout
- addBone()
: CCArmature
- addBoneData()
: CCArmatureData
- addChild()
: CCNode
, CCMenu
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCParallaxNode
, CCTMXLayer
, CCBatchNode
, Widget
, Layout
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
, CCScrollView
- addChildBone()
: CCBone
- addComponent()
: CCNode
- addContourData()
: CCTextureData
, CCColliderDetector
- addContourDataList()
: CCColliderDetector
- addControlPoint()
: CCPointArray
- addDataAsyncCallBack()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- addDataFromCache()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- addDataFromFile()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- addDataFromFileAsync()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- addDataFromJsonCache()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- addDelegate()
: CCKeypadDispatcher
, CCAccelerometer
, CCIMEDispatcher
- addDelegate:
: AccelerometerDispatcher
- addDisplay()
: CCBone
, CCDisplayFactory
, CCDisplayManager
- addDisplayData()
: CCBoneData
- addDocumentCallbackControlEvents()
: CCBAnimationManager
, CCBReader
- addDocumentCallbackName()
: CCBAnimationManager
, CCBReader
- addDocumentCallbackNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
, CCBReader
- addDocumentOutletName()
: CCBAnimationManager
- addDocumentOutletNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
- addETCImage()
: CCTextureCache
- addEvent()
- AddEvent()
- addEventListenerCheckBox()
: CheckBox
- addEventListenerListView()
: ListView
- addEventListenerPageView()
: PageView
- addEventListenerScrollView()
: ScrollView
- addEventListenerSlider()
: Slider
- addEventListenerTextField()
: TextField
- addFrame()
: ActionNode
- addFrameData()
: CCMovementBoneData
- addHandleOfControlEvent()
: CCControl
- addImage()
: CCTextureCache
- addImageAsync()
: CCTextureCache
- addKeyboardDelegate:priority:
: CCEventDispatcher
- addLayer()
: CCLayerMultiplex
- addLuaLoader()
: CCLuaEngine
, CCLuaStack
- AddMember()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- addMouseDelegate:priority:
: CCEventDispatcher
- addMovement()
: CCAnimationData
- addMovementBoneData()
: CCMovementData
- addNewLine()
: RichText
- addNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
, Widget
, ScrollView
- addObject()
: CCArray
, CCAutoreleasePool
, CCPoolManager
, CCSet
- addObjectsFromArray()
: CCArray
- addObserver()
: CCNotificationCenter
- addOwnerCallbackControlEvents()
: CCBReader
- addOwnerCallbackName()
: CCBReader
- addOwnerCallbackNode()
: CCBReader
- addOwnerOutletName()
: CCBReader
- addOwnerOutletNode()
: CCBReader
- addPage()
: PageView
- addParticle()
: CCParticleSystem
- addParticleDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- addProgram()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
, CCShaderCache
- addPVRImage()
: CCTextureCache
- addRelativeData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- address
: CCPVRMipmap
- addSearchPath()
: CCLuaEngine
, CCLuaStack
, CCFileUtilsWin32
, CCFileUtils
- addSearchResolutionsOrder()
: CCFileUtils
- addShaders()
: CCPrecompiledShaders
- addSpriteDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- addSpriteFrame()
: CCSpriteFrameCache
, CCAnimation
- addSpriteFrameFromFile()
: CCArmatureDataManager
, CCSpriteFrameCacheHelper
- addSpriteFramesWithFile()
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- addSpriteFrameWithFileName()
: CCAnimation
- addSpriteFrameWithTexture()
: CCAnimation
- addSpriteToTargetWithPosAndAnchor()
: CCControlUtils
- addSpriteWithoutQuad()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- addStandardDelegate()
: CCTouchDispatcher
- addSubItem()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- addTargetedDelegate()
: CCTouchDispatcher
- addTargetWithActionForControlEvent()
: CCControl
- addTargetWithActionForControlEvents()
: CCControl
- addTextureData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- addTouchDelegate:priority:
: CCEventDispatcher
- addTouchEventListener()
: Widget
- addUIImage()
: CCTextureCache
- addVertex()
: CCContourData
- addWidget()
: TouchGroup
- addWidgetToPage()
: PageView
- afterDraw()
: CCGridBase
- afterRender()
: CCGrabber
- alignItemsHorizontally()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsInColumns()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsInColumnsWithArray()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsInRows()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsInRowsWithArray()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsVertically()
: CCMenu
- alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding()
: CCMenu
- allKeys()
: CCDictionary
- allKeysForObject()
: CCDictionary
- Alloc()
: MemPool
, MemPoolT< SIZE >
- AllocatorType
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
, GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
- alpha
: ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo
- amount
: tCCKerningHashElement
- angle
: tCCParticle
- angleInDegreesBetweenLineFromPoint_toPoint_toLineFromPoint_toPoint()
: CCControlPotentiometer
- animation
: AnimationState
- animationByName()
: CCAnimationCache
- animationCount
: SkeletonData
- animationEvent()
: ArmatureMovementDispatcher
- animations
: SkeletonData
, CCRelativeData
- AnsiToUtf8()
: CWin32InputBox
- anyObject()
: CCSet
- appendChild()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- applicationDidEnterBackground()
: CCApplicationProtocol
, CCApplication
- applicationDidFinishLaunching()
: CCApplication
, CCApplicationProtocol
- applicationWillEnterForeground()
: CCApplicationProtocol
, CCApplication
- applyParentTransform()
: CCBone
- armature
: CCMovementEvent
- ArmatureMovementDispatcher()
: ArmatureMovementDispatcher
- armatures
: CCRelativeData
- arrayValue()
: CCLuaValue
, CCLuaValueField
, CCLuaValue
- arriveKeyFrame()
: CCTween
- atlas
: AtlasAttachmentLoader
- atlasIndex
: tCCParticle
- atlasIndexForChild()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- attach()
: CCLuaStack
- attachDelegateWithIME()
: CCIMEDispatcher
- attachment
: Slot
- attachmentLoader
: SkeletonJson
- attachmentName
: SlotData
- attachmentNames
: AttachmentTimeline
- attachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
, TextField
, CCTextFieldTTF
- attachWithIMEEvent()
: TextField
- Attribute()
: XMLElement
: StrPair
: StrPair
: StrPair
- autorelease()
: CCHttpRequest
, CCHttpResponse
, CCObject
- autoScrollChildren()
: ScrollView