Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- g
: ccColor3B
, ccColor4B
, CCBaseData
, SlotData
, ccColor4F
, Skeleton
, Slot
- g_instance
- gatherGPUInfo()
: CCConfiguration
- generateMipmap()
: CCTexture2D
- GenericDocument
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
, GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
- GenericInsituStringStream()
: GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >
- GenericReader()
: GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator >
- GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator >
: GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
- GenericStringBuffer()
: GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >
- GenericStringStream()
: GenericStringStream< Encoding >
- GenericValue()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- get()
: CCComponentContainer
, TriggerMng
, sealed
- getAccelerometer()
: CCDirector
, AccelerometerSimulation
- getAction()
: ActionFrame
, ActionMoveFrame
, ActionScaleFrame
, ActionRotationFrame
, ActionFadeFrame
, ActionTintFrame
, CCInvocation
- getActionByName()
: ActionManager
- getActionByTag()
: CCActionManager
, CCNode
- getActionManager()
: CCNode
, CCDirector
- getActionNode()
: ActionNode
- getActionTag()
: ActionNode
, Widget
- getActive()
: CCColliderDetector
- getAlign()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- GetAllocator()
: GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
, Stack< Allocator >
- getAlphaThreshold()
: CCClippingNode
- getAmplitude()
: CCJumpTiles3D
, CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCWavesTiles3D
- getAmplitudeRate()
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCActionInterval
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
- getAnchorPoint()
: CCNode
, CCDisplayManager
- getAnchorPointInPoints()
: CCNode
, CCDisplayManager
- getAngle()
: CCPoint
, CCParticleSystem
- getAngleVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getAnimatedProperties()
: CCBReader
- getAnimation()
: CCAnimate
, CCTween
, CCArmature
- getAnimationData()
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCArmatureDataManager
- getAnimationDatas()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- getAnimationInterval()
: CCDirector
, CCApplication
- getAnimationManager()
: CCBReader
- getAnimationManagers()
: CCBReader
- getAnimationManagersForNodes()
: CCBReader
- getAnimationScale()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- getAppPath()
: CCFileUtilsWinRT
- getArmature()
: CCBone
- getArmatureData
: CCArmature
, CCArmatureDataManager
- getArmatureDatas()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- getArmatureTransformDirty()
: CCArmature
- getArrayCount_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getArrayValue()
: CCBValue
, DictionaryHelper
- getAtlasIndex
: CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- getAtlasName()
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- getAttachment()
: CCSkeleton
- getAttachWithIME()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- getAutoPlaySequenceId()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getBackground()
: CCControlColourPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getBackGroundColor()
: Layout
- getBackGroundColorOpacity()
: Layout
- getBackGroundColorType()
: Layout
- getBackGroundColorVector()
: Layout
- getBackGroundEndColor()
: Layout
- getBackGroundImageCapInsets()
: Layout
- getBackGroundImageColor()
: Layout
- getBackGroundImageOpacity()
: Layout
- getBackGroundImageTextureSize()
: Layout
- getBackgroundMusicVolume()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- getBackgroundSprite()
: CCControlButton
, CCControlSlider
- getBackgroundSpriteDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- getBackgroundSpriteForState()
: CCControlButton
- getBackGroundStartColor()
: Layout
- getBarChangeRate
: CCProgressTimer
- getBatchNode
: CCArmature
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- getBitmap()
: CCFreeTypeFont
- getBitsPerComponent()
: CCImage
- getBlendFunc()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCDrawNode
, CCBlendProtocol
, CCLayerColor
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCArmature
, CCBone
, CCSkeleton
- getBone
: CCColliderDetector
, CCArmature
, CCSkin
- getBoneAtPoint()
: CCArmature
- getBoneData()
: CCBone
, CCArmatureData
- getBoneDic()
: CCArmature
- getBool()
: CCConfiguration
, CCComAttribute
- GetBool()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getBooleanValue()
: DictionaryHelper
- getBooleanValue_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getBoolForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- getBoolValue()
: CCBValue
- getBoolValueFromArray_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getBottomInParent()
: Widget
- getBoundingBox()
: CCDisplayManager
- getBrightness()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getBytes()
: CCData
- getByteValue()
: CCBValue
- getCalculatedVertexList()
: ColliderBody
- getCallbackChannel()
: CCBSequence
- getCamera()
: CCNode
- GetCapacity()
: Stack< Allocator >
- getCapacity()
: CCTextureAtlas
- getCapInsetBarRenderer()
: Slider
- getCapInsetDisabledRenderer()
: Button
- getCapInsetNormalRenderer()
: Button
- getCapInsetPressedRenderer()
: Button
- getCapInsetProgressBarRebderer()
: Slider
- getCapInsets()
: ImageView
, LoadingBar
, CCScale9Sprite
- getCCBFileNode()
: CCBFile
- getCCBMemberVariableAssigner()
: CCBReader
- getCCBRootPath()
: CCBReader
- getCCBSelectorResolver()
: CCBReader
- getCCEditBox()
: CCEditBoxImpl
- getCCNodeLoader()
: CCNodeLoaderLibrary
- getCCObjectTypename()
: CCLuaValue
- getCCOspForm()
: CCOspApplication
- getCenterXYZ()
: CCCamera
- getChainedSequenceId()
: CCBSequence
- GetCharacterRef()
: XMLUtil
- getCharacterSet()
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- getCharCount()
: CCTextFieldTTF
, UICCTextField
- getChildArmature()
: CCBone
- getChildByName()
: Widget
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
- getChildByTag()
: CCNode
, Widget
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
- getChildren()
: CCNode
, Widget
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
- getChildrenCount()
: CCNode
, Widget
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
- getClaimedTouches()
: CCTargetedTouchHandler
- getClassID()
: JniHelper
- getClassTypeInfo()
: CCCallFuncN
, CCCallFuncND
, CCCallFuncO
, CCDirector
, TypeInfo
, CCFileUtils
, TypeInfo
, SimpleAudioEngine
- getClearColor()
: CCRenderTexture
- getClearDepth()
: CCRenderTexture
- getClearFlags()
: CCRenderTexture
- getClearStencil()
: CCRenderTexture
- getClippingRect()
: Layout
- getClippingType()
: Layout
- getColliderBodyList()
: CCBone
, CCColliderDetector
- getColliderDetector()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- getColor()
: CCAtlasNode
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCProgressTimer
, ccColor3BWapper
, ActionTintFrame
, CCBaseData
, Widget
, CCControlButton
, CCScale9Sprite
- getColorSpaceHolder()
: CCTextFieldTTF
- getcolourPicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- getComponent()
: CCNode
- getConfiguration()
: CCLabelBMFont
- getContainer()
: CCScrollView
- getContainerSize()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getContentOffset()
: CCScrollView
- getContentScaleFactor()
: CCDirector
- getContentSize()
: CCDisplayManager
, Widget
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Label
, LabelAtlas
, LabelBMFont
, LoadingBar
, RichText
, Slider
, TextField
, CCScrollView
, CCNode
, CCTexture2D
- getContentSizeInPixels()
: CCTexture2D
- getContentText()
: CCIMEDelegate
, CCIMEDispatcher
, CCTextFieldTTF
- getContourData()
: CCTextureData
, ColliderBody
- getControlEvent()
: CCInvocation
- getControlPointAtIndex()
: CCPointArray
- getControlPoints()
: CCPointArray
- getCString()
: CCConfiguration
, CCString
, CCComAttribute
- getCurPageIndex()
: PageView
- getCurrentDecorativeDisplay()
: CCDisplayManager
- getCurrentDisplayIndex()
: CCDisplayManager
- getCurrentFrameIndex()
: CCProcessBase
- getCurrentLanguage()
: CCApplication
, CCApplicationProtocol
, CCApplication
- getCurrentMovementID()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- getCurrentPercent
: CCProcessBase
- getCurrentString()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getCurrentTime()
: ActionObject
- getCurrentTitle()
: CCControlButton
- getCurrentTitleColor()
: CCControlButton
- getCurSelectedIndex()
: ListView
- getCustomProperties()
: CCNodeLoader
- getCustomSize()
: Widget
- getData()
: CCImage
- getDataLen()
: CCImage
- getDataSource()
: CCTableView
- getDecorativeDisplayByIndex()
: CCDisplayManager
- getDecorativeDisplayList()
: CCDisplayManager
- getDelegate
: CCTextFieldTTF
, CCDirector
, CCKeypadHandler
, CCTouchHandler
, CCBAnimationManager
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- getDeleteBackward()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- getDelta()
: CCShuffleTiles
, CCTouch
- getDeltaTime()
: CCDirector
- getDescendants()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- getDescription()
: Widget
, Layout
, ListView
, PageView
, ScrollView
, Button
, CheckBox
, ImageView
, Label
, LabelAtlas
, LabelBMFont
, LoadingBar
, Slider
, TextField
- getDesignResolutionSize()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- getdest()
: _connection_base0< mt_policy >
, _connection_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _connection0< dest_type, mt_policy >
, _connection1< dest_type, arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _connection2< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection3< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection4< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection5< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection6< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection7< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection8< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- getDetachWithIME()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- getDeviceOrientation()
- getDictionaryFromArray_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getDimensions()
: CCLabelTTF
- getDirection()
: ScrollView
, LoadingBar
, CCScrollView
- getDisabledColor()
: CCMenuItemLabel
- getDisabledImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- getDisplay()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- getDisplayData()
: CCBoneData
, CCDecorativeDisplay
- getDisplayedColor()
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
- getDisplayedOpacity()
, CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
- getDisplayName()
: CCSkin
- getDisplayRenderNode()
: CCBone
, CCDisplayManager
- getDisplayRenderNodeType()
: CCBone
, CCDisplayManager
- getDistance()
: CCPoint
- getDistanceSq()
: CCPoint
- GetDocument()
: XMLNode
- getDocumentCallbackControlEvents()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getDocumentCallbackNames()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getDocumentCallbackNodes()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getDocumentControllerName()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getDocumentOutletNames()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getDocumentOutletNodes()
: CCBAnimationManager
- GetDouble()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getDoubleForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- getDPI()
: CCDevice
- getDuration()
: CCFiniteTimeAction
, CCParticleSystem
, CCAnimation
, CCBSequence
- getEasingAction()
: ActionFrame
- getEasingOpt()
: CCBKeyframe
- getEasingType()
: CCBKeyframe
, ActionFrame
- getEffectsVolume()
: SimpleAudioEngine
, CCComAudio
- getElapsed()
: CCActionInterval
- getEmissionRate()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEmitterMode()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEnabledSelectors()
: CCTouchHandler
- getEndColor()
: CCLayerGradient
, CCParticleSystem
- getEndColorVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndOpacity()
: CCLayerGradient
- getEndRadius()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndRadiusVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndSize()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndSizeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndSpin()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEndSpinVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getEntryId()
: CCScriptHandlerEntry
- getErrorBuffer()
: CCHttpResponse
- GetErrorOffset()
: GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
, GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator >
- GetErrorStr1()
: XMLDocument
- GetErrorStr2()
: XMLDocument
- getEvents()
: TriggerObj
- getEyeXYZ()
: CCCamera
- getFile()
: CCComAudio
- getFileData()
: CCFileUtilsAndroid
, CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsMarmalade
- getFileDataForAsync()
: CCFileUtilsAndroid
- getFileDataFromZip()
: CCFileUtils
- getFileDesignSize()
: GUIReader
- getFilePath()
: GUIReader
- getFirstFrameIndex()
: ActionNode
- getFloat()
: CCComAttribute
- getFloatForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- getFloatValue()
: CCBValue
, DictionaryHelper
- getFloatValue_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getFloatValueFromArray_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getFntFile()
: CCLabelBMFont
- getFontName()
: CCLabelTTF
, Label
, TextField
- getFontSize()
: CCLabelTTF
, Label
, TextField
- getForcedTarget()
: CCTargetedAction
- getFormat()
: CCTexturePVR
- getFPSImageData()
: CCDirector
- getFrameData()
: CCMovementBoneData
- getFrameIndex()
: ActionFrame
- getFrames()
: CCAnimation
- getFrameSize()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- getFrameTime()
: ActionFrame
- getFrameType()
: ActionFrame
- getFrameZoomFactor()
- getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename()
: CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsIOS
, CCFileUtilsMac
- getGLServerState()
: CCNode
- getGravity()
: CCParticleSystem
, LinearLayoutParameter
- getGrid()
: CCGridAction
, CCGrid3DAction
, CCTiledGrid3DAction
, CCNode
- getGridSize()
: CCGridBase
- getGroupName()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- getHandler()
: CCScriptHandlerEntry
, CCNotificationObserver
- getHeaders()
: CCHttpRequest
- getHeight()
: CCImage
, EAGLView
, CCTextureETC
, CCTexturePVR
- getHorizontalAlignment()
: CCLabelTTF
- getHorizontalOrigin()
: CCControlButton
- getHttpRequest()
: CCHttpResponse
- getHue()
: CCControlHuePicker
- getHuePercentage()
: CCControlHuePicker
- getHuePicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- getHWnd()
- getID()
: CCTouch
- getId()
: TriggerObj
- getIdx()
: CCTableViewCell
- getIndex()
: ListView
- getInnerAction()
: CCSpeed
, CCActionEase
, CCRepeat
, CCRepeatForever
- getInnerContainer()
: ScrollView
- getInnerContainerSize()
: ScrollView
- getInsertText()
: UICCTextField
, TextField
- getInsetBottom()
: CCScale9Sprite
- getInsetLeft()
: CCScale9Sprite
- getInsetRight()
: CCScale9Sprite
- getInsetTop()
: CCScale9Sprite
- getInstance()
: ImageViewReader
, LabelAtlasReader
, LabelBMFontReader
, LabelReader
, LayoutReader
, ListViewReader
, LoadingBarReader
, PageViewReader
, ScrollViewReader
, SliderReader
, TextFieldReader
, WidgetReader
, ObjectFactory
, TriggerMng
, CCHttpClient
- GetInstance()
: CCOspApplication
- getInstance()
: ButtonReader
, CheckBoxReader
- getInt()
: CCComAttribute
- GetInt()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- GetInt64()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getIntegerForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- getInterval()
: CCTimer
- getIntKey()
: CCDictElement
- getIntValue()
: CCBValue
, DictionaryHelper
- getIntValue_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getIntValueFromArray_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getIsComplete
: CCProcessBase
- getIsPause
: CCProcessBase
- getIsPlaying
: CCProcessBase
- getItem()
: ListView
- getItems()
: ListView
- getItemsMargin()
: ListView
- getJavaVM()
: JniHelper
- getKeyframeCallbacks()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getKeyframes()
: CCBSequenceProperty
- getKeypadDispatcher()
: CCDirector
- getLabel()
: CCMenuItemLabel
- getLabelAnchorPoint()
: CCControlButton
- getLastCompletedSequenceName()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getLastFrameIndex()
: ActionNode
- getLayerAttribs
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getLayerName()
: CCTMXLayer
- getLayerOrientation
: CCTMXLayer
- getLayers()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getLayerSize()
: CCTMXLayer
- getLayoutParameter()
: Widget
- getLayoutSize()
: Widget
, ScrollInnerContainer
- getLayoutType()
: Layout
, LayoutParameter
, PageView
, ScrollView
- getLeftInParent()
: Widget
- getLength()
: CCPoint
- getLengthSq()
: CCPoint
- getLensEffect()
: CCLens3D
- getLife()
: CCParticleSystem
- getLifeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getLoadedSpriteSheet()
: CCBReader
- getLocation()
: CCTouch
- getLocationInView()
: CCTouch
- getLoop()
: ActionObject
- getLoopType
: CCProcessBase
- getLuaStack()
: CCLuaEngine
- getLuaState()
: CCLuaStack
- getMapOrientation
: CCTMXTiledMap
- getMapSize()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- getMapTileSize()
: CCTMXLayer
- getMargin()
: LayoutParameter
- getMaximumAllowedValue
: CCControlSlider
- getMaximumValue()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
- getMaxLength()
: TextField
, CCEditBoxImplTizen
, UICCTextField
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- getMaxModelviewStackDepth()
: CCConfiguration
- getMaxS()
: CCTexture2D
- getMaxT()
: CCTexture2D
- getMaxTextureSize()
: CCConfiguration
- getMaxTextureUnits()
: CCConfiguration
- getMaxX()
: CCRect
- getMaxY()
: CCRect
- getMethodInfo()
: JniHelper
- getMidpoint()
: CCProgressTimer
- getMidX()
: CCRect
- getMidY()
: CCRect
- getMinimumAllowedValue
: CCControlSlider
- getMinimumValue()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
- getMinusLabel()
: CCControlStepper
- getMinusSprite()
: CCControlStepper
- getMinX()
: CCRect
- getMinY()
: CCRect
- getMovement()
: CCAnimationData
- getMovementBoneData()
: CCMovementData
- getMovementCount()
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCAnimationData
- getName
: CCArmature
, CCBone
, CCNotificationObserver
, CCTexture2D
, CCTextureETC
, CCTexturePVR
, CCBSequenceProperty
, ActionObject
, Widget
, CCBSequence
, CCComponent
- getNewFilename()
: CCFileUtils
- getNode()
: CCComRender
- getNodeByTag()
: Widget
, ScrollView
, SceneReader
- getNodes()
: Widget
, ScrollView
- getNodesWithAnimationManagers()
: CCBReader
- getNodeTypeName()
: CCBProxy
- getNormalImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- getNotificationNode()
: CCDirector
- getNumber()
: CCConfiguration
- getNumberOfMipmaps()
: CCTexturePVR
- getObject()
: CCCallFuncO
, CCConfiguration
, CCDictElement
, CCNotificationObserver
, ActionNode
- getObjectGroups()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- getObjectID()
: CCTableViewCell
, CCSortableObject
- getObjects()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- getObjectWithObjectID()
: CCArrayForObjectSorting
- getObserverHandlerByName()
: CCNotificationCenter
- getOffset()
: CCSpriteFrame
- getOffsetInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- getOffsetPosition()
: CCSprite
- getOpacity()
: CCRGBAProtocol
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCMotionStreak
, CCProgressTimer
, ActionFadeFrame
, Widget
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCControlButton
- getOpacityModifyRGB()
: CCParticleSystem
- getOpenGLView()
: CCDirector
- getOrderOfArrival()
: CCNode
- getOrientation
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getOrientationMatrix()
- getOrientedWindowHeight()
: abstract
- getOrientedWindowWidth()
: abstract
- getOriginalSize()
: CCSpriteFrame
, CCScale9Sprite
- getOriginalSizeInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- getOriginalTarget()
: CCAction
- getOverlay()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getOwner()
: CCComponent
, CCBReader
- getOwnerCallbackControlEvents()
: CCBReader
- getOwnerCallbackNames()
: CCBReader
- getOwnerCallbackNodes()
: CCBReader
- getOwnerOutletNames()
: CCBReader
- getOwnerOutletNodes()
: CCBReader
- getPage()
: PageView
- getPages()
: PageView
- getParent()
: CCNode
- getParentBone()
: CCBone
, CCArmature
- getParentElement
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getParentGID
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getParseCallBackMap()
: GUIReader
- GetParseError()
: GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
, GenericReader< Encoding, Allocator >
- getParseObjectMap()
: GUIReader
- getParticleCount()
: CCParticleSystem
- getPasswordStyleText()
: TextField
- getPathForFilename()
: CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsWin32
- getPercent()
: Slider
, LoadingBar
- getPercentage()
: CCProgressTimer
- getPercentWithBallPos()
: Slider
- getPeriod()
: CCEaseElastic
- getPerp()
: CCPoint
- getPixelFormat()
: CCTexture2D
- getPixelsHigh()
: CCTexture2D
- getPixelsWide()
: CCTexture2D
- getPlaceHolder()
: CCTextFieldTTF
, TextField
, CCEditBox
- getPlusLabel()
: CCControlStepper
- getPlusSprite()
: CCControlStepper
- getPoints()
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- getPosition()
: CCLens3D
, CCTwirl
, CCNode
, CCPhysicsSprite
, ActionMoveFrame
, CCRipple3D
- getPositionOffset()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- getPositionPercent()
: Widget
- getPositionReadScale()
: CCDataReaderHelper
- getPositionType()
: CCParticleSystem
, Widget
- getPositionX()
: CCPhysicsSprite
, CCNode
- getPositionXByIndex()
: PageView
- getPositionY()
: CCNode
, CCPhysicsSprite
- getPosVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getPreferredSize()
: CCControlButton
, CCScale9Sprite
- getPreviousLocation()
: CCTouch
- getPreviousLocationInView()
: CCTouch
- getPriority()
: CCTouchScriptHandlerEntry
, CCTouchHandler
- getProcessScale
: CCProcessBase
- getProgram()
: CCGLProgram
- getProgressSprite()
: CCControlSlider
- getProgressTimer()
: CCControlPotentiometer
- getProjection()
: CCDirector
- getProperties()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
, CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXMapInfo
, CCTMXLayerInfo
- getQuad()
: CCSprite
- getQuads()
: CCTextureAtlas
- getQuadsToDraw()
: CCAtlasNode
- getRadialAccel()
: CCParticleSystem
- getRadialAccelVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getRate()
: CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCEaseRateAction
, CCAccelAmplitude
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
- getRawDuration
: CCProcessBase
- getReadyState()
: WebSocket
- getRect()
: CCSpriteFrame
- getRectInPixels()
: CCSpriteFrame
- getRelativeData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- getRelativeName()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- getRelativeToWidgetName()
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- getRequestData()
: CCHttpRequest
- getRequestDataSize()
: CCHttpRequest
- getRequestType()
: CCHttpRequest
- getResolutionScale()
: CCBReader
- getResourceRootPath()
: CCApplication
- getResponseCode()
: CCHttpResponse
- getResponseData()
: CCHttpResponse
- getResponseHeader()
: CCHttpResponse
- getResult()
: CCPrettyPrinter
- getReuseGrid()
: CCGridBase
- getReverseOrientationMatrix()
- getRightInParent()
: Widget
- getRootContainerSize()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getRootNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getRootWidget()
: TouchGroup
- getRotatePerSecond()
: CCParticleSystem
- getRotatePerSecondVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getRotation()
: CCPhysicsSprite
, ActionRotationFrame
, CCNode
- getRotationIsDir()
: CCParticleSystem
- getRotationX()
: CCNode
- getRotationY()
: CCNode
- getRPerp()
: CCPoint
- getRunningScene()
: CCDirector
- getRunningSequenceName()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getSaturation()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getScale()
: CCNode
- getScaleX()
: ActionScaleFrame
, CCEGLViewProtocol
, CCNode
- getScaleY()
: CCNode
, CCEGLViewProtocol
, ActionScaleFrame
- getScheduler()
: CCDirector
, CCNode
- getScissorRect()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- getScreenDisplay()
- getScriptAccelerateHandlerEntry()
: CCLayer
- getScriptEditBoxHandler()
: CCEditBox
- getScriptEngine()
: CCScriptEngineManager
- getScriptHandler()
: CCNotificationCenter
, CCTimer
, CCNode
, CCScrollView
, CCCallFunc
- getScriptKeypadHandlerEntry()
: CCLayer
- getScriptTapHandler()
: CCMenuItem
- getScriptTouchHandlerEntry()
: CCLayer
- getScriptType()
: CCScriptEngineProtocol
, CCLuaEngine
- getSearchPaths()
: CCFileUtils
- getSearchResolutionsOrder()
: CCFileUtils
- getSecondsPerFrame()
: CCDirector
- getSelectedImage()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- getSelectedIndex()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- getSelectedState()
: CheckBox
- getSelector()
: CCTimer
, CCHttpRequest
, CCNotificationObserver
- getSequenceId()
: CCBSequence
- getSequences()
: CCBAnimationManager
- getShaderProgram()
: CCNode
, CCTexture2D
- getShadow()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getSize()
: CCData
- GetSize()
: Stack< Allocator >
- getSize()
: Widget
- getSizePercent()
: Widget
- getSizeType()
: Widget
- getSkewX()
: CCNode
- getSkewY()
: CCNode
- getSkinData()
: CCSkin
- getSlider()
: CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- getSoundChannel()
: CCBSequence
- getSourcePosition()
: CCParticleSystem
- getSpeed()
: CCSpeed
, CCParticleSystem
- getSpeedScale()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- getSpeedVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getSprite()
: CCProgressTimer
, CCRenderTexture
- getSpriteFrame()
: CCAnimationFrame
- getStack()
: CCLuaBridge
- GetStackCapacity()
: GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator >
- getStartColor()
: CCLayerGradient
, CCParticleSystem
- getStartColorVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartLocation()
: CCTouch
- getStartLocationInView()
: CCTouch
- getStartOpacity()
: CCLayerGradient
- getStartPos()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
- getStartRadius()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartRadiusVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartSize()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartSizeVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartSpin()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartSpinVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getStartTime()
: CCProfilingTimer
- getStartupScriptFilename()
: CCApplication
- getState()
: CCControl
- getStaticMethodInfo()
: JniHelper
- getStencil()
: CCClippingNode
- getStep()
: CCGridBase
- getStoringCharacters
: CCTMXMapInfo
- GetStr()
: StrPair
- getString()
: CCTextFieldTTF
, CCLabelProtocol
- GetString()
: GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >
- getString()
: CCLabelTTF
- GetString()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getString()
: CCLabelBMFont
, CCLabelAtlas
- getStringForKey()
: CCUserDefault
- GetStringLength()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getStringLength()
: Label
- getStringValue()
: TextField
, DictionaryHelper
, CCBValue
, LabelBMFont
, LabelAtlas
, Label
- getStringValue_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getStringValueFromArray_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getStrKey()
: CCDictElement
- getSubDictionary()
: DictionaryHelper
- getSubDictionary_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- getSubItems()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- getSwallowsTouches()
: CCTouchScriptHandlerEntry
- getTag()
: CCNode
, CCAction
, CCHttpRequest
- getTangentialAccel()
: CCParticleSystem
- getTangentialAccelVar()
: CCParticleSystem
- getTarget()
: CCHttpRequest
, CCAction
, CCNotificationObserver
, CCInvocation
- getTargetCallback()
: CCCallFunc
- getTargetPlatform()
: CCApplication
, CCApplicationProtocol
, CCApplication
- getText()
: CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, CCEditBox
, CCEditBoxImplWp8
- GetText()
: XMLElement
- getTextAreaSize()
: Label
- getTextDefinition()
: CCLabelTTF
- getTextHorizontalAlignment()
: Label
- GetTexture()
: Direct3DContentProvider
- getTexture()
: CCSpriteFrame
, CCMotionStreak
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCParticleSystem
, CCTextureProtocol
, CCAtlasNode
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCTextureAtlas
- getTextureAtlas
: CCArmature
, CCAtlasNode
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCSkeleton
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCSprite
- getTextureData()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- getTextureDatas()
: CCArmatureDataManager
- getTextureRect()
: CCSprite
- getTextVerticalAlignment()
: Label
- getTexureAtlasWithTexture()
: CCBatchNode
, CCArmature
- getTGAInfo()
: CCTileMapAtlas
- getThumbSprite()
: CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
- getTileProperties()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getTiles
: CCTMXLayer
- getTileSet()
: CCTMXLayer
- getTilesets()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getTileSize()
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- getTime()
: CCBKeyframe
- gettimeofdayCocos2d()
: CCTime
- getTimeoutForConnect()
: CCHttpClient
- getTimeoutForRead()
: CCHttpClient
- getTimer()
, CCSchedulerScriptHandlerEntry
- getTimeScale()
: CCScheduler
- getTitleBMFontForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleColor()
: Button
- getTitleColorDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleColorForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleFontName()
: Button
- getTitleFontSize()
: Button
- getTitleForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleLabel()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleLabelDispatchTable()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleLabelForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleText()
: Button
- getTitleTTFForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTitleTTFSizeForState()
: CCControlButton
- getTMXFileName()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- getTopInParent()
: Widget
- getTotalDelayUnits()
: CCAnimation
- getTotalFrames()
: CCDirector
- getTotalParticles()
: CCParticleSystem
- getTotalQuads()
: CCTextureAtlas
- getTotalTime()
: ActionObject
- getTouchDispatcher()
: CCDirector
- getTouchEndPos()
: Widget
- getTouchLocation()
: CCControl
- getTouchMode()
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
- getTouchMovePos()
: Widget
- getTouchPriority()
: CCInputDelegate
, CCLayer
- getTouchSize()
: TextField
- getTouchStartPos()
: Widget
- getTriggerObj()
: TriggerMng
- getTween()
: CCBone
- getTweenData()
: CCBone
- getTweenEasing
: CCProcessBase
- getType()
: CCProgressTimer
, CCBValue
, CCLuaValue
- GetType()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getType()
: CCBSequenceProperty
- GetUint()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- GetUint64()
: GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
- getUniformLocationForName()
: CCGLProgram
- getUnitTime()
: ActionObject
, ActionNode
- getUpXYZ()
: CCCamera
- getUrl()
: CCHttpRequest
- getUserData()
: CCHttpRequest
, CCNode
- getUserInfo()
: CCAnimationFrame
- getUserObject()
: CCNode
, CCArmatureAnimation
- getValue()
: CCControlStepper
, CCBKeyframe
, CCDouble
, CCFloat
, CCBool
, CCInteger
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
- getVector()
: CCLayerGradient
- getVersion
: CCArmature
- getVersionInteger()
: GUIReader
- getVertexZ()
: CCNode
- getVerticalAlignment()
: CCLabelTTF
- getVerticalFillOrder()
: CCTableView
- getVerticalMargin()
: CCControlButton
- getViewName()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- getViewPortRect()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- getViewRect()
: CCScrollView
- getViewSize()
: CCScrollView
- getVirtualRenderer()
: LabelBMFont
, ImageView
, TextField
, LoadingBar
, Label
, CheckBox
, Widget
, LabelAtlas
, Button
, Slider
- getVisibleOrigin()
: CCDirector
, CCEGLViewProtocol
- getVisibleSize()
: CCEGLViewProtocol
, CCDirector
- getWidgetByName()
: TouchGroup
- getWidgetByTag()
: TouchGroup
- getWidgetParent()
: Widget
- getWidgetType()
: Widget
- getWidth()
: CCTextureETC
, EAGLView
, CCTexturePVR
, CCImage
- getWindow()
- getWindowGroupId()
- getWinSize()
: CCDirector
- getWinSizeInPixels()
: CCDirector
- getWorldInfo()
: CCBone
- getWorldPosition()
: Widget
- getWritablePath()
: CCFileUtilsAndroid
, CCFileUtilsNaCl
, CCFileUtilsWinRT
, CCFileUtilsIOS
, CCFileUtilsBlackberry
, CCFileUtilsWin32
, CCFileUtilsMarmalade
, CCFileUtilsTizen
, CCFileUtilsLinux
, CCFileUtilsMac
, CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsEmscripten
- getXMLFilePath()
: CCUserDefault
- getZEye()
: CCCamera
, CCDirector
- getZoomOnTouchDown()
: CCControlButton
- getZoomScale()
: CCScrollView
- getZOrder()
: CCNode
- glyphs
: FTLineInfo
, FTWordInfo
- gotoAndPause()
: CCTween
, CCArmatureAnimation
- gotoAndPlay()
: CCTween
, CCArmatureAnimation
- gotoFrame()
: CCProcessBase
- grab()
: CCGrabber
- gravity
: CCParticleSystem
- GUIReader()
: GUIReader