Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- c
: CCAffineTransform
, ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle
- c_str()
: StaticString
- calculateDeltaTime()
: CCDirector
- calculateMPF()
: CCDirector
- calculateToBoundaryDeltaPosition()
: UIDragPanel
- calculateVertexPoints()
: CCGrid3D
, CCTiledGrid3D
, CCGridBase
- callObjcStaticMethod()
: CCLuaObjcBridge
- canAttachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
, CCTextFieldTTF
- cancelUpEvent()
: UIWidget
- canDetachWithIME()
: CCIMEDelegate
, CCTextFieldTTF
- capacity()
: CCArray
- Capacity()
: DynArray< T, INIT >
- ccAccelerationUpdate()
: CCApplication
- CCAccelerometer()
: CCAccelerometer
- CCAction()
: CCAction
- CCActionCamera()
: CCActionCamera
- CCActionInstant()
: CCActionInstant
- CCActionManager()
: CCActionManager
- CCAnimate()
: CCAnimate
- CCAnimation()
: CCAnimation
- CCAnimationCache()
: CCAnimationCache
- CCAnimationData()
: CCAnimationData
- CCAnimationFrame()
: CCAnimationFrame
- CCApplication()
: CCApplication
- CCArmature()
: CCArmature
- CCArmatureAnimation()
: CCArmatureAnimation
- CCArmatureData()
: CCArmatureData
- CCArmatureDisplayData()
: CCArmatureDisplayData
- CCArray
: CCFileUtils
, CCArray
- CCArrayForObjectSorting()
: CCArrayForObjectSorting
- CCAtlasNode()
: CCAtlasNode
- CCAutoreleasePool
: CCPoolManager
, CCObject
, CCAutoreleasePool
: CCBLayerLoader
: CCBProxy
- CCBAnimationManager()
: CCBAnimationManager
- CCBaseData()
: CCBaseData
- CCBatchNode()
: CCBatchNode
- CCBFile()
: CCBFile
- CCBKeyframe()
: CCBKeyframe
- CCBMFontConfiguration()
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- CCBone()
: CCBone
- CCBoneData()
: CCBoneData
- CCBool()
: CCBool
- CCBProxy()
: CCBProxy
- CCBReader()
: CCBReader
- CCBSequence()
: CCBSequence
- CCBSequenceProperty()
: CCBSequenceProperty
- CCCallFunc()
: CCCallFunc
- CCCallFuncN()
: CCCallFuncN
- CCCallFuncO()
: CCCallFuncO
- CCCamera()
: CCCamera
- CCCardinalSplineBy()
: CCCardinalSplineBy
- CCCardinalSplineTo()
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- CCClippingNode()
: CCClippingNode
- CCColliderDetector()
: CCColliderDetector
- CCColor3bObject()
: CCColor3bObject
- CCComAttribute()
: CCComAttribute
- CCComAudio()
: CCComAudio
- CCComController()
: CCComController
- CCComponent()
: CCComponent
- CCComponentContainer()
: CCComponentContainer
- CCComRender()
: CCComRender
- CCContourData()
: CCContourData
- CCContourVertex2()
: CCContourVertex2
- CCControl()
: CCControl
- CCControlButton()
: CCControlButton
- CCControlColourPicker()
: CCControlColourPicker
- CCControlHuePicker()
: CCControlHuePicker
- CCControlPotentiometer()
: CCControlPotentiometer
- CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker()
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- CCControlSlider()
: CCControlSlider
- CCControlStepper()
: CCControlStepper
- CCControlSwitch()
: CCControlSwitch
- CCData()
: CCData
- CCDecorativeDisplay()
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- CCDictionary
: CCDictElement
, CCFileUtils
, CCDictionary
- CCDirector
: CCAtlasNode
, CCDirector
- CCDisplayData()
: CCDisplayData
- CCDisplayLinkDirector()
: CCDisplayLinkDirector
- CCDisplayManager()
: CCDisplayManager
- CCDouble()
: CCDouble
- CCDrawNode()
: CCDrawNode
- CCEditBox()
: CCEditBox
- CCEditBoxImpl()
: CCEditBoxImpl
- CCEditBoxImplAndroid()
: CCEditBoxImplAndroid
- CCEditBoxImplTizen()
: CCEditBoxImplTizen
- CCEditBoxImplWin()
: CCEditBoxImplWin
- CCEGLView()
- CCEGLViewProtocol
: CCDirector
, CCEGLViewProtocol
- CCFileUtils
: CCFileUtilsAndroid
, CCFileUtilsBlackberry
, CCFileUtilsEmscripten
, CCFileUtilsLinux
, CCFileUtilsMarmalade
, CCFileUtilsNaCl
, CCFileUtilsTizen
, CCFileUtilsWin32
, CCFileUtilsWinRT
, CCFileUtils
- CCFiniteTimeAction()
: CCFiniteTimeAction
- ccFlagsChanged:
: <CCKeyboardEventDelegate>
- CCFlipX()
: CCFlipX
- CCFlipY()
: CCFlipY
- CCFloat()
: CCFloat
- CCFollow()
: CCFollow
- CCFrameData()
: CCFrameData
- CCFreeTypeFont()
: CCFreeTypeFont
- CCGLBufferedNode()
: CCGLBufferedNode
- CCGLProgram()
: CCGLProgram
- CCGrabber()
: CCGrabber
- CCGrid3D()
: CCGrid3D
- CCHide()
: CCHide
- CCHttpRequest()
: CCHttpRequest
- CCHttpResponse()
: CCHttpResponse
- CCImage()
: CCImage
- CCIMEDelegate
: CCIMEDispatcher
, CCIMEDelegate
- CCIMEDispatcher
: CCIMEDelegate
- CCInputDelegate()
: CCInputDelegate
- CCInteger()
: CCInteger
- CCInvocation()
: CCInvocation
- ccKeyDown:
: <CCKeyboardEventDelegate>
- CCKeypadDispatcher()
: CCKeypadDispatcher
- ccKeyUp:
: <CCKeyboardEventDelegate>
- CCLabelAtlas()
: CCLabelAtlas
- CCLabelBMFont()
: CCLabelBMFont
- CCLabelTTF()
: CCLabelTTF
- CCLayer()
: CCLayer
- CCLayerColor()
: CCLayerColor
- CCLayerMultiplex()
: CCLayerMultiplex
- CCLayerRGBA()
- CCLock()
: CCLock
- CCLuaStack()
: CCLuaStack
- CCLuaValue()
: CCLuaValue
- CCMenu()
: CCMenu
- CCMenuItem()
: CCMenuItem
- CCMenuItemAtlasFont()
: CCMenuItemAtlasFont
- CCMenuItemFont()
: CCMenuItemFont
- CCMenuItemImage()
: CCMenuItemImage
- CCMenuItemLabel()
: CCMenuItemLabel
- CCMenuItemSprite()
: CCMenuItemSprite
- CCMenuItemToggle()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- CCMotionStreak()
: CCMotionStreak
- ccMouseDown:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccMouseDragged:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccMouseEntered:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccMouseExited:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccMouseMoved:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccMouseUp:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- CCMovementBoneData()
: CCMovementBoneData
- CCMovementData()
: CCMovementData
- CCNode
: CCComponentContainer
, CCNode
- CCNodeLoader
: CCBReader
, CCNodeLoader
- CCNodeLoaderLibrary()
: CCNodeLoaderLibrary
- CCNodeRGBA()
- CCNotificationCenter()
: CCNotificationCenter
- CCNotificationObserver()
: CCNotificationObserver
- CCObject()
: CCObject
- ccobjectValue
: CCLuaValueField
, CCLuaValue
- CCOrbitCamera()
: CCOrbitCamera
- CCOspApplication()
: CCOspApplication
- CCOspForm()
: CCOspForm
- ccOtherMouseDown:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccOtherMouseDragged:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccOtherMouseUp:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- CCParallaxNode()
: CCParallaxNode
- CCParticleBatchNode()
: CCParticleBatchNode
- CCParticleDisplayData()
: CCParticleDisplayData
- CCParticleExplosion()
: CCParticleExplosion
- CCParticleFire()
: CCParticleFire
- CCParticleFireworks()
: CCParticleFireworks
- CCParticleFlower()
: CCParticleFlower
- CCParticleGalaxy()
: CCParticleGalaxy
- CCParticleMeteor()
: CCParticleMeteor
- CCParticleRain()
: CCParticleRain
- CCParticleSmoke()
: CCParticleSmoke
- CCParticleSnow()
: CCParticleSnow
- CCParticleSpiral()
: CCParticleSpiral
- CCParticleSun()
: CCParticleSun
- CCParticleSystem()
: CCParticleSystem
- CCParticleSystemQuad()
: CCParticleSystemQuad
- CCPhysicsSprite()
: CCPhysicsSprite
- ccPixelFormat
: ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo
- CCPlace()
: CCPlace
- CCPoint()
: CCPoint
- CCPointArray()
: CCPointArray
- CCPoolManager()
: CCPoolManager
- CCPrettyPrinter()
: CCPrettyPrinter
- CCProcessBase()
: CCProcessBase
- CCProfilingTimer()
: CCProfilingTimer
- CCProgressTimer()
: CCProgressTimer
- CCRect()
: CCRect
- CCRectUnion()
: CCControlUtils
- CCRemoveSelf()
: CCRemoveSelf
- CCRenderTexture()
: CCRenderTexture
- CCRepeatForever()
: CCRepeatForever
- CCReverseTime()
: CCReverseTime
- ccRightMouseDown:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccRightMouseDragged:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- ccRightMouseUp:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- CCSAXParser()
: CCSAXParser
- CCScale9Sprite()
: CCScale9Sprite
- CCScene()
: CCScene
- CCScheduler()
: CCScheduler
- CCScriptHandlerEntry()
: CCScriptHandlerEntry
- CCScrollView()
: CCScrollView
- ccScrollWheel:
: <CCMouseEventDelegate>
- CCSet()
: CCSet
- CCSGUIReader()
: CCSGUIReader
- CCShaderCache()
: CCShaderCache
- CCShow()
: CCShow
- CCSize()
: CCSize
- CCSkeleton()
: CCSkeleton
- CCSkeletonAnimation()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- CCSkewTo()
: CCSkewTo
- CCSkin()
: CCSkin
- CCSpeed()
: CCSpeed
- CCSprite()
: CCSprite
- CCSpriteBatchNode()
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- CCSpriteDisplayData()
: CCSpriteDisplayData
- CCSpriteFrameCache()
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- CCSSceneReader()
: CCSSceneReader
- CCString()
: CCString
- CCTableView()
: CCTableView
- CCTableViewCell()
: CCTableViewCell
- CCTargetedAction()
: CCTargetedAction
- CCTextFieldTTF()
: CCTextFieldTTF
- CCTexture2D()
: CCTexture2D
- CCTextureAtlas()
: CCTextureAtlas
- CCTextureCache()
: CCTextureCache
- CCTextureData()
: CCTextureData
- CCTextureETC()
: CCTextureETC
- CCTexturePVR()
: CCTexturePVR
- CCThread()
: CCThread
- CCTiledGrid3D()
: CCTiledGrid3D
- CCTileMapAtlas()
: CCTileMapAtlas
- CCTimer()
: CCTimer
- CCTMXLayer()
: CCTMXLayer
- CCTMXLayerInfo()
: CCTMXLayerInfo
- CCTMXMapInfo()
: CCTMXMapInfo
- CCTMXObjectGroup()
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- CCTMXTiledMap()
: CCTMXTiledMap
- CCTMXTilesetInfo()
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- CCToggleVisibility()
: CCToggleVisibility
- CCTouch()
: CCTouch
- ccTouchBegan()
: CCLayer
, CCMenu
, ModalLayer
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCTargetedTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
, UILayer
, CCControlButton
, CCControlColourPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlStepper
, CCControlSwitch
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- ccTouchCancelled()
: CCLayer
, CCMenu
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCTargetedTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
, UILayer
, CCControlButton
, CCControlSwitch
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- CCTouchDelegate()
: CCTouchDelegate
- CCTouchDispatcher()
: CCTouchDispatcher
- ccTouchEnded()
: CCLayer
, CCMenu
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCTargetedTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
, UILayer
, CCControlButton
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlStepper
, CCControlSwitch
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- ccTouchesBegan()
: CCLayer
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCStandardTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
- ccTouchesBeganWithEvent:
: <CCTouchEventDelegate>
- ccTouchesCancelled()
: CCLayer
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCStandardTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
- ccTouchesCancelledWithEvent:
: <CCTouchEventDelegate>
- ccTouchesEnded()
: CCLayer
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCStandardTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
- ccTouchesEndedWithEvent:
: <CCTouchEventDelegate>
- ccTouchesMoved()
: CCLayer
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCStandardTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
- ccTouchesMovedWithEvent:
: <CCTouchEventDelegate>
- ccTouchMoved()
: CCLayer
, CCMenu
, CCTouchDelegate
, CCTargetedTouchDelegate
, CCInputDelegate
, UILayer
, CCControlButton
, CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlStepper
, CCControlSwitch
, CCScrollView
, CCTableView
- CCTransformHelp()
: CCTransformHelp
- CCTransitionCrossFade()
: CCTransitionCrossFade
- CCTransitionFade()
: CCTransitionFade
- CCTransitionFadeBL()
: CCTransitionFadeBL
- CCTransitionFadeDown()
: CCTransitionFadeDown
- CCTransitionFadeTR()
: CCTransitionFadeTR
- CCTransitionFadeUp()
: CCTransitionFadeUp
- CCTransitionFlipAngular()
: CCTransitionFlipAngular
- CCTransitionFlipX()
: CCTransitionFlipX
- CCTransitionFlipY()
: CCTransitionFlipY
- CCTransitionJumpZoom()
: CCTransitionJumpZoom
- CCTransitionMoveInB()
: CCTransitionMoveInB
- CCTransitionMoveInL()
: CCTransitionMoveInL
- CCTransitionMoveInR()
: CCTransitionMoveInR
- CCTransitionMoveInT()
: CCTransitionMoveInT
- CCTransitionPageTurn()
: CCTransitionPageTurn
- CCTransitionProgress()
: CCTransitionProgress
- CCTransitionRotoZoom()
: CCTransitionRotoZoom
- CCTransitionScene()
: CCTransitionScene
- CCTransitionSceneOriented()
: CCTransitionSceneOriented
- CCTransitionShrinkGrow()
: CCTransitionShrinkGrow
- CCTransitionSlideInB()
: CCTransitionSlideInB
- CCTransitionSlideInL()
: CCTransitionSlideInL
- CCTransitionSlideInR()
: CCTransitionSlideInR
- CCTransitionSlideInT()
: CCTransitionSlideInT
- CCTransitionSplitCols()
: CCTransitionSplitCols
- CCTransitionSplitRows()
: CCTransitionSplitRows
- CCTransitionTurnOffTiles()
: CCTransitionTurnOffTiles
- CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular()
: CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular
- CCTransitionZoomFlipX()
: CCTransitionZoomFlipX
- CCTransitionZoomFlipY()
: CCTransitionZoomFlipY
- CCTween
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCTween
- CCZone()
: CCZone
- CData()
: XMLText
- cellAtIndex()
: CCTableView
- cellSizeForTable()
: CCTableViewDataSource
- centerWindow()
- changeBoneParent()
: CCArmature
- changeDisplayByIndex()
: CCBone
, CCDisplayManager
- changeDisplayToTexture()
: CCDisplayData
- changeHeight()
: CCLayerColor
- changeWidth()
: CCLayerColor
- changeWidthAndHeight()
: CCLayerColor
- Char
: Reader
- charEventHandle
- charID
: ccBMFontDef
- checkBerth()
: UIDragPanel
- checkChildInfo()
: UIWidget
, UIDragPanel
, UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- checkContainInnerRect()
: UIDragPanel
- checkDoubleClick()
: UIImageView
- checkedDoubleClickWidget
: UIInputManager
- checkEventWidget()
: UIInputManager
- checkForGLExtension()
: CCConfiguration
- checkNeedBounce()
: UIDragPanel
- checkObjectExist()
: DictionaryHelper
- checkObjectExist_json()
: DictionaryHelper
- checkSliderPosition()
: CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- checkToBoundaryWithDeltaPosition()
: UIDragPanel
- checkTouchEvent()
: UIInputManager
- child
: Json
- circEaseIn()
: CCTweenFunction
- circEaseInOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- circEaseOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- classID
: JniMethodInfo
- clean()
: CCLuaStack
- cleanup()
: CCNode
, CCTransitionScene
- cleanUp()
: CSJsonDictionary
- clear()
: CCAutoreleasePool
, CCPrettyPrinter
, CCDrawNode
, CCRenderTexture
, CCDataReaderHelper
, UILayer
, Value
- clearAllFrame()
: ActionNode
- clearAnimation()
: CCSkeletonAnimation
- clearCollectOverArray()
: UIListView
- clearDepth()
: CCRenderTexture
- clearStencil()
: CCRenderTexture
- clickScale()
: UILabel
- clippingParentAreaContainPoint()
: UIWidget
- clone()
: _connection_base0< mt_policy >
, _connection_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, _connection0< dest_type, mt_policy >
, _connection1< dest_type, arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _connection2< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _connection3< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _connection4< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _connection5< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _connection6< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _connection7< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _connection8< dest_type, arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- close()
: WebSocket
: XMLElement
- CloseElement()
: XMLPrinter
- closeIME()
: UICCTextField
- closeKeyboard()
: CCEditBoxImplTizen
, CCEditBoxImplWin
, CCEditBoxImpl
, CCEditBoxImplAndroid
, EditBoxImplIOS
, EditBoxImplMac
- CloseKeypad()
: CCOspForm
: XMLElement
- ClosingType()
: XMLElement
- CocosPepperInstance()
: CocosPepperInstance
- CocosPepperModule()
: CocosPepperModule
: StrPair
- collectOverBottomChild()
: UIListView
- collectOverLeftChild()
: UIListView
- collectOverRightChild()
: UIListView
- collectOverTopChild()
: UIListView
- ColliderBody()
: ColliderBody
- color
: ccPointSprite
, tCCParticle
- colorRenderbuffer
: CCES2Renderer
- colorRenderBuffer
: <CCESRenderer>
- colorRenderbuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- colors
: ccV2F_C4B_T2F
, ccV2F_C4F_T2F
, ccV3F_C4B_T2F
- colourSliderValueChanged()
: CCControlColourPicker
: StrPair
- compare()
: CCString
, Value
- completedAnimationSequenceNamed()
: CCBAnimationManagerDelegate
- compressed
: ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo
- computeDistance()
: ValueIteratorBase
- ComputeOrientationMatrices()
: abstract
- connect()
: signal0< mt_policy >
, signal1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, signal2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, signal3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, signal4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, signal5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, signal6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, signal7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, signal8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- connections_list
: _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
, signal0< mt_policy >
, signal1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, signal2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, signal3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, signal4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, signal5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, signal6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, signal7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, signal8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- const_iterator
: Value
- containPoint()
: CCDisplayManager
- containsObject()
: CCArray
, CCSet
- containsPoint()
: CCRect
- context
: CCES2Renderer
, EAGLView
, <CCESRenderer>
- context_
: CCES2Renderer
, EAGLView
- contourDataList
: CCTextureData
- controlPoint_1
: ccBezierConfig
- controlPoint_2
: ccBezierConfig
- ConvertDipsToPixels()
: abstract
- convertPointFromViewToSurface:
: EAGLView
- convertRectFromViewToSurface:
: EAGLView
- convertToGL()
: CCDirector
- convertToNodeSpace()
: CCNode
- convertToNodeSpaceAR()
: CCNode
- convertTouchToNodeSpace()
: CCNode
- convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR()
: CCNode
- convertToUI()
: CCDirector
- convertToWorldSpace()
: CCNode
, UIWidget
- convertToWorldSpaceAR()
: CCNode
- ConvertUTF32ToUTF8()
: XMLUtil
- copy()
: CCFrameData
, CCObject
, CCSet
, CCBaseData
, CCSpriteDisplayData
, CCArmatureDisplayData
, CCParticleDisplayData
, ValueIteratorBase
- copyWithZone()
: CCShakyTiles3D
, CCAnimate
, CCBlink
, CCBezierBy
, CCMoveTo
, CCActionInterval
, CCCallFunc
, CCRemoveSelf
, CCShaky3D
, CCFlipX3D
, CCEaseBackOut
, CCEaseElasticIn
, CCEaseSineIn
, CCEaseInOut
, CCFollow
, CCAction
, CCSpeed
, CCOrbitCamera
, CCPointArray
, CCCardinalSplineTo
, CCActionEase
, CCEaseRateAction
, CCEaseIn
, CCEaseOut
, CCEaseExponentialIn
, CCEaseExponentialOut
, CCEaseExponentialInOut
, CCEaseSineOut
, CCEaseSineInOut
, CCEaseElastic
, CCEaseElasticOut
, CCEaseElasticInOut
, CCEaseBounce
, CCEaseBounceIn
, CCEaseBounceOut
, CCEaseBounceInOut
, CCEaseBackIn
, CCEaseBackInOut
, CCGridAction
, CCWaves3D
, CCFlipY3D
, CCLens3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCActionInstant
, CCShow
, CCHide
, CCToggleVisibility
, CCFlipX
, CCFlipY
, CCPlace
, CCCallFuncN
, CCCallFuncND
, CCCallFuncO
, CCSequence
, CCRepeat
, CCRepeatForever
, CCSpawn
, CCRotateTo
, CCRotateBy
, CCMoveBy
, CCSkewTo
, CCJumpBy
, CCJumpTo
, CCBezierTo
, CCScaleTo
, CCScaleBy
, CCFadeIn
, CCFadeOut
, CCFadeTo
, CCTintTo
, CCTintBy
, CCDelayTime
, CCReverseTime
, CCTargetedAction
, CCProgressTo
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCShatteredTiles3D
, CCShuffleTiles
, CCTurnOffTiles
, CCJumpTiles3D
, CCSplitRows
, CCSplitCols
, CCArray
, CCDictionary
, CCCopying
, CCString
, CCAnimation
, CCSpriteFrame
, CCBSetSpriteFrame
, CCBRotateTo
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCBSoundEffect
, CCAnimationFrame
- count()
: CCArray
, CCDictionary
, CCSet
: MemPoolT< SIZE >
- count()
: CCPointArray
- create()
: UILabelAtlas
, CCMenuItemAtlasFont
, UIDragPanel
, CCEaseRateAction
, CCPhysicsSprite
, UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIButton
, CCTextureAtlas
, CCParticleGalaxy
, UICCLabelAtlas
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCTexturePVR
, CCAnimation
, UIImageView
, CCEaseElasticIn
, UICCTextField
, CCParallaxNode
, CCParticleFlower
, CCEaseElasticInOut
, CCTMXTiledMap
, CCParticleSun
, CCParticleFire
, CCRenderTexture
, CCControl
, CCMotionStreak
, CCScene
, CCEaseBackInOut
, CCBRotateYTo
, CCBRotateXTo
, CCLayerGradient
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCMenuItemFont
, CCBEaseInstant
, CCTransitionSceneOriented
, CCReuseGrid
, CCMenu
, CCPhysicsSprite
, CCTransitionProgressVertical
, CCBSetSpriteFrame
, CCTransitionProgress
, CCTransitionJumpZoom
, CCScale9Sprite
- Create()
- create()
: CCBValue
, CCTransitionFade
, CCEditBox
, UISwitch
, CCTableView
, CCBValue
, CCTransitionMoveInR
, CCPlace
, CCArmature
, CCTransitionSlideInB
, CCTransitionSlideInL
, CCBValue
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCTransitionRotoZoom
, UISlider
, CCSequence
, CCBone
, CCTransitionPageTurn
, CCRenderTexture
, CCLabelTTF
, CCTransitionSlideInR
, CCTableView
, CCRotateBy
, CCBMFontConfiguration
, CCLabelAtlas
, CCMenuItemAtlasFont
, CCArmature
, CCGridBase
, CCMenuItemImage
, CCMotionStreak
, CCTransitionFlipX
, CCFrameData
, CCArray
, CCControlButton
, CCScaleBy
, CCMenuItemImage
, CCMovementBoneData
, CCClippingNode
, CCFadeOut
, CCContourData
, CCShatteredTiles3D
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCParticleDisplayData
, CCAnimate
, CCDelayTime
, CCTransitionFlipY
, CCPageTurn3D
, CCDisplayManager
, CCDecorativeDisplay
, CCScaleTo
, CCBezierBy
, CCJumpBy
, CCSkin
, CCMoveTo
, CCFadeOutUpTiles
, CCRotateTo
, CCSpawn
, CCRepeat
, CCTextureData
, CCControlHuePicker
- Create()
- create()
: CCMenuItemToggle
, CCActionTween
, CCComRender
, CCToggleVisibility
, CCHide
, CCWaves
, CCShaky3D
, UIRootWidget
, CCFlipY3D
, CCDouble
, Layout
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCGrid3DAction
, CCComAttribute
, CCEaseBackIn
, CCEaseBounceOut
, CCEaseBounceIn
, CCGrid3D
, RelativeLayoutParameter
, LinearLayoutParameter
, CCEaseElastic
, CCEaseSineOut
, CCEaseExponentialInOut
, UILayer
, CCEaseInOut
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCCatmullRomBy
, CCCardinalSplineBy
, CCCardinalSplineTo
, RectClippingNode
, CCAction
, CCLabelAtlas
, CCTransitionZoomFlipX
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCScrollView
, CCMenuItemFont
, CCControlColourPicker
, CCMenuItemImage
, CCTransitionZoomFlipY
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCScrollView
, CCFadeOutDownTiles
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCControlButton
, CCTransitionFade
, CCParticleMeteor
, CCTransitionCrossFade
, CCTransitionFlipAngular
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCMenu
, CCParticleFireworks
, CCControlSlider
, CCControlButton
, CCTransitionSplitCols
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCTransitionFadeTR
, CCMenuItem
, CCTransitionProgressOutIn
, CCControlStepper
, CCInvocation
, CCControlSwitch
, CCTransitionProgressInOut
, CCTransitionProgressRadialCCW
, CCControlSlider
, CCTransitionProgressHorizontal
, UILabelBMFont
, CCControlSwitch
, CCTransitionSplitRows
, CCTransitionProgressRadialCW
, CCLuaStack
, CCControlPotentiometer
, CCTransitionFlipAngular
, CCTransitionTurnOffTiles
, CCMenuItemSprite
, CCMenuItemImage
, CCControlButton
, CCTransitionZoomFlipY
, CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular
, CCMenuItemToggle
, CCSprite
, CCLabelBMFont
, UITextField
, CCTransitionSlideInT
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCTransitionFlipX
, CCTransitionShrinkGrow
, UILoadingBar
, CCTransitionMoveInB
, CCTransitionMoveInT
, CCProgressTimer
, CCAnimation
, UILabel
, CCLabelTTF
, CCParticleSpiral
, CCSkin
, CCLayerGradient
- Create()
- create()
: CCLayer
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, UIScrollView
, CCLayerGradient
, CCLayerColor
, CCScriptHandlerEntry
, CCSprite
, CCFollow
, CCParticleRain
, CCTurnOffTiles
, UIZoomButton
, CCColliderDetector
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCPointArray
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCDrawNode
, LayoutParameter
, CCEaseOut
, CCTiledGrid3D
, CCGrid3D
, CCEaseElastic
, CCGridBase
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCArray
, UIWidget
, CCEaseBounce
, CCSet
, CCBool
, CCFloat
, CCDictionary
, CCJumpTiles3D
, CCLayerColor
, GUIRenderer
, CCComController
, CCColliderDetector
, CCLabelTTF
, CCAnimationData
, CCArmatureData
, CCPhysicsSprite
, CCSpeed
, CCTween
, CCBValue
, CCSprite
, CCActionEase
, CCTMXLayer
, CCParticleSnow
, CCComAudio
, CCEaseSineIn
, CCTouchScriptHandlerEntry
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCParticleSmoke
, CCEaseElasticOut
, CCEaseElasticInOut
, CCRenderTexture
, CCClippingNode
, CCEaseBackOut
, CCMenuItemImage
, CCTiledGrid3DAction
, CCMenuItemLabel
, CCStopGrid
, CCWaves3D
, CCSpriteFrame
, CCFlipX3D
, CCLiquid
, CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular
, CCTransitionZoomFlipX
, CCTransitionFlipY
, CCFlipY
, CCCallFunc
, CCTransitionMoveInL
, CCTransitionScene
, CCActionInterval
, CCLayerColor
, CCRepeatForever
, CCBaseData
, CCRotateTo
, CCTiledGrid3D
, CCBValue
, CCJumpTo
, CCNode
, CCSplitRows
, CCTurnOffTiles
, CCFadeIn
, CCFadeTo
, CCTintBy
, CCTintTo
, CCTargetedAction
, CCScaleTo
, CCShakyTiles3D
, CCMoveBy
, CCFadeOutBLTiles
, CCParticleExplosion
, CCCallFuncO
, CCAtlasNode
, CCShow
, CCSplitCols
, CCShuffleTiles
, CCCallFunc
, CCCallFuncN
, CCCallFuncND
, CCArmatureDisplayData
, CCFadeOutTRTiles
, CCReverseTime
, CCBatchNode
, CCProgressTo
, CCSkewTo
, CCScaleBy
, CCMovementData
, CCBlink
, CCSkewBy
, CCBoneData
, CCBezierTo
, CCSpawn
, CCDisplayData
, CCInteger
, CCString
, CCRotateBy
, CCArmature
, CCLabelBMFont
, CCSequence
, CCLens3D
, CCRemoveSelf
, CCArmatureAnimation
, CCFlipX
, CCRipple3D
, CCBValue
, CCTwirl
, CCAccelAmplitude
, CCBFile
, CCTransitionFadeBL
, CCTransitionFadeUp
, CCTransitionFadeDown
, CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCEaseBounceInOut
, CCBRotateTo
, CCGridAction
, CCEaseExponentialIn
, CCEaseElasticIn
, CCTileMapAtlas
, CCEaseElasticOut
, CCEaseExponentialOut
, CCComponent
, CCEaseSineInOut
, CCCatmullRomTo
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCSpriteFrame
, CCEaseIn
, CCAnimation
, ccColor3BWapper
, CCOrbitCamera
, CCLayerMultiplex
, CCSchedulerScriptHandlerEntry
, CCSpriteDisplayData
, UICheckBox
, CCLayerMultiplex
, CCParticleSystem
, CCLabelTTF
, ModalLayer
- createAndAddTimerWithName()
: CCProfiler
- createArmatureDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- createAutoreleasePool()
: CCThread
- createBone()
: CCArmature
- createCCArrayWithContentsOfFile()
: CCFileUtilsIOS
, CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsMac
- createCCBreader()
: CCBProxy
- createCCDictionaryWithContentsOfFile()
: CCFileUtils
, CCFileUtilsMac
, CCFileUtilsIOS
- createCCNode()
: CCLabelTTFLoader
, CCMenuItemLoader
, CCMenuItemImageLoader
, CCLabelBMFontLoader
, CCLayerLoader
, CCNodeLoader
, CCParticleSystemQuadLoader
, CCMenuLoader
, CCControlLoader
, CCControlButtonLoader
, CCLayerColorLoader
, CCBFileLoader
, CCScale9SpriteLoader
, CCSpriteLoader
, CCLayerGradientLoader
, CCScrollViewLoader
- CreateDeviceIndependentResources()
: abstract
- CreateDeviceResources()
: abstract
- createDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- createFontChars()
: CCLabelBMFont
- CreateInstance()
: CCOspApplication
, CocosPepperModule
- createNew()
: CCBScriptOwnerProtocol
- createNodeWithSceneFile()
: CCSSceneReader
- createPage()
: UIPageView
- createParticleDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- createSceneWithNodeGraphFromFile()
: CCBReader
- createSpriteDisplay()
: CCDisplayFactory
- createStatsLabel()
: CCDirector
- createWidgetFromJsonFile()
: UIHelper
- CreateWindowSizeDependentResources()
: abstract
- createWithArray()
: CCArray
, CCLayerMultiplex
, CCMenu
- createWithCapacity()
: CCArray
- createWithContentsOfFile()
: CCArray
, CCString
, CCDictionary
- createWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe()
: CCDictionary
, CCArray
- createWithData()
: CCString
, CCSkeleton
, CCSkeletonAnimation
- createWithDictionary()
: CCDictionary
- createWithFile()
: CCSkeleton
, CCSkeletonAnimation
- createWithFontDefinition()
: CCLabelTTF
- createWithFormat()
: CCString
- createWithItem()
: CCMenu
- createWithItems()
: CCMenu
- createWithLayer()
: CCLayerMultiplex
- createWithObject()
: CCArray
- createWithSpriteFrame()
: CCPhysicsSprite
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCSprite
- createWithSpriteFrameName()
: CCPhysicsSprite
, CCSprite
, CCScale9Sprite
, CCSkin
, CCScale9Sprite
- createWithSpriteFrames()
: CCAnimation
- createWithTarget()
: CCMenuItemToggle
- createWithTexture()
: CCSprite
, CCSpriteFrame
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCPhysicsSprite
, CCSpriteFrame
, CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
, CCParticleBatchNode
, CCPhysicsSprite
, CCTextureAtlas
- createWithTotalParticles()
: CCParticleGalaxy
, CCParticleSnow
, CCParticleFlower
, CCParticleSystem
, CCParticleSmoke
, CCParticleFire
, CCParticleExplosion
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCParticleRain
, CCParticleSun
, CCParticleSpiral
, CCParticleMeteor
, CCParticleFireworks
- createWithTwoActions()
: CCSpawn
, CCSequence
- createWithVariableList()
: CCSpawn
, CCSequence
- createWithXML()
: CCTMXTiledMap
- cross()
: CCPoint
- CSJsonDictionary()
: CSJsonDictionary
- CStr()
: XMLPrinter
- CStrSize()
: XMLPrinter
- cubicEaseIn()
: CCTweenFunction
- cubicEaseInOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- cubicEaseOut()
: CCTweenFunction
- CurrentAllocs()
: MemPoolT< SIZE >
- currentFrameIndex
: ActionNode
- curves
: CurveTimeline
- CWin32InputBox
, CWin32InputBox