Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m00
: Bone
- m01
: Bone
- m10
: Bone
- m11
: Bone
- m_accumulatedDiff
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- m_action
: ActionNode
, CCInvocation
- m_ActionNodeList
: ActionObject
- m_actionSpawn
: ActionNode
- m_ActionTag
: ActionNode
- m_alignment
: ccFontDefinition
- m_AlongVector
: CCLayerGradient
, Layout
- m_anchorPoint
: UIWidget
- m_animationInterval
: CCApplication
- m_asMipmaps
: CCTexturePVR
- m_bAccelerometerEnabled
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
- m_background
: CCControlColourPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_backGroundImageCapInsets
: Layout
- m_backGroundImageTextureSize
: Layout
- m_backgroundSprite
: CCControlButton
, CCControlSlider
- m_backgroundSpriteDispatchTable
: CCControlButton
- m_bActionInstant
: CCRepeat
- m_bActive
: CCGridBase
, CCColliderDetector
- m_bAdditionalTransformDirty
: CCNode
- m_bAffectByClipping
: UIWidget
- m_bArmatureTransformDirty
: CCArmature
- m_barRendererTextureSize
: UILoadingBar
- m_bAttachWithIME
: UICCTextField
- m_bAutoDraw
: CCRenderTexture
- m_bAutorepeat
: CCControlStepper
- m_bAutoScroll
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_bBack
: CCTransitionPageTurn
- m_bBackGroundScale9Enable
: Layout
- m_bBePressed
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_bBoneTransformDirty
: CCBone
- m_bBottomEnd
: UIScrollView
- m_bBounceable
: CCScrollView
- m_bBounceEnable
: UIDragPanel
- m_bBoundaryFullyCovered
: CCFollow
- m_bBoundarySet
: CCFollow
- m_bBright
: UIWidget
- m_bCascadeColorEnabled
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_bCascadeOpacityEnabled
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_bClippingEnabled
: Layout
- m_bClippingToBounds
: CCScrollView
- m_bCompressedInterpolation
: CCLayerGradient
- m_bConcave
: CCLens3D
- m_bContinuous
: CCControlStepper
- m_bCurrentTargetSalvaged
: CCActionManager
, CCScheduler
- m_bDeleteBackward
: UICCTextField
- m_bDetachWithIME
: UICCTextField
- m_bDirty
: CCSprite
, CCTextureAtlas
, CCLens3D
, CCCamera
, CCDrawNode
- m_bDispatchEvents
: CCTouchDispatcher
- m_bDisplayStats
: CCDirector
- m_bDoubleClickEnabled
: UIImageView
- m_bDragging
: CCScrollView
- m_bEnabled
: CCMenuItem
, CCComponent
, UIWidget
, GUIRenderer
, RectClippingNode
, CCControl
- m_bFastMode
: CCMotionStreak
- m_bFirstTick
: CCActionInterval
, UIDragPanel
- m_bFlipX
: CCFlipX
, CCSprite
- m_bFlipY
: CCFlipY
, CCSprite
- m_bFntFileHasInit
: UILabelBMFont
- m_bFocus
: UIWidget
- m_bForceChangeDisplay
: CCDisplayManager
- m_bForcePremultipliedAlpha
: CCTexturePVR
- m_bHasAlpha
: CCImage
, CCTexturePVR
- m_bHasChildren
: CCSprite
- m_bHasMipmaps
: CCTexture2D
- m_bHasPremultipliedAlpha
: CCTexture2D
, CCTexturePVR
- m_bHighlighted
: CCControl
- m_bHorizontal
: CCWaves
- m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition
: CCNode
- m_bIgnoreBodyRotation
: CCPhysicsSprite
- m_bIgnoreContentScaleFactor
: CCAtlasNode
- m_bIgnoreMovementBoneData
: CCBone
- m_bIgnoreSize
: UIWidget
- m_bInsertText
: UICCTextField
- m_bInvalid
: CCDisplayLinkDirector
- m_bInverseDirty
: CCNode
- m_bInverted
: CCClippingNode
- m_bIsActive
: CCParticleSystem
- m_bIsAutoRemoveOnFinish
: CCParticleSystem
- m_bIsAutoScrolling
: UIPageView
- m_bIsBlendAdditive
: CCParticleSystem
- m_bIsComplete
: CCProcessBase
- m_bIsInSceneOnTop
: CCTransitionScene
- m_bIsLoopBack
: CCProcessBase
- m_bIsNeedCleanUp
: CCRemoveSelf
- m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB
: CCAtlasNode
, CCLabelBMFont
- m_bIsPause
: CCProcessBase
- m_bIsPlaying
: CCProcessBase
- m_bIsRunning
: UIWidget
- m_bIsSelected
: UICheckBox
- m_bIsSendCleanupToScene
: CCTransitionScene
- m_bIsTextureFlipped
: CCGridBase
- m_bKeypadEnabled
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
- m_bLandscape
: CCDirector
- m_bLeftEnd
: UIScrollView
- m_blendFunc
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- m_bLineBreakWithoutSpaces
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_bLocked
: CCKeypadDispatcher
, CCTouchDispatcher
- m_bMaxLengthEnabled
: UICCTextField
- m_bMoved
: CCControlSwitch
- m_bNextDeltaTimeZero
: CCDirector
- m_bOlderVersion
: CCSGUIReader
- m_bOn
: CCControlSwitch
- m_bOnce
: CCShatteredTiles3D
- m_bOpacityModifyRGB
: CCParticleSystem
, CCSprite
- m_bOriginalState
: CCBlink
- m_bOwnTiles
: CCTMXLayerInfo
- m_bParentInited
: CCControlButton
- m_bPasswordEnabled
: UICCTextField
- m_bPause
: ActionObject
- m_bPaused
: CCDirector
- m_bPlaying
: ActionObject
- m_bPreMulti
: CCImage
- m_bPressedActionEnabled
: UIButton
- m_bPrevIgnoreSize
: UIButton
, UIImageView
, UILoadingBar
, UISlider
- m_bPurgeDirecotorInNextLoop
: CCDirector
- m_bRectRotated
: CCSprite
- m_bRecursiveDirty
: CCSprite
- m_bReorderChildDirty
: CCNode
- m_bRestoreOriginalFrame
: CCAnimation
- m_bRetainName
: CCTexturePVR
- m_bReverseDirection
: CCProgressTimer
- m_bRightEnd
: UIScrollView
- m_brightness
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_bRotated
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_bRunForever
: CCTimer
- m_bRunning
: CCNode
- m_bRunningAction
: UIDragPanel
- m_bScale9Enabled
: UIButton
, UIImageView
, UILoadingBar
, UISlider
- m_bScissorRestored
: CCScrollView
- m_bSecureTextEntry
: CCTextFieldTTF
- m_bSelected
: CCMenuItem
, CCControl
- m_bSendCleanupToScene
: CCDirector
- m_bShakeZ
: CCShaky3D
, CCShakyTiles3D
- m_bShatterZ
: CCShatteredTiles3D
- m_bShouldBeHidden
: CCSprite
- m_bSpriteFrameRotated
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_bSpritesGenerated
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_bStartCheckDoubleClick
: UIImageView
- m_bStartingPositionInitialized
: CCMotionStreak
- m_bStoringCharacters
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_bSupportsBGRA8888
: CCConfiguration
- m_bSupportsDiscardFramebuffer
: CCConfiguration
- m_bSupportsNPOT
: CCConfiguration
- m_bSupportsPVRTC
: CCConfiguration
- m_bSupportsShareableVAO
: CCConfiguration
- m_bSupportTouch
- m_bSwallowsTouches
: CCTargetedTouchHandler
- m_bToAdd
: CCKeypadDispatcher
, CCTouchDispatcher
- m_bTopEnd
: UIScrollView
- m_bToQuit
: CCTouchDispatcher
- m_bToRemove
: CCKeypadDispatcher
, CCTouchDispatcher
- m_bTouchCanceld
: UIDragPanel
- m_bTouchDown
: UIInputManager
- m_bTouchEnabled
: CCLayer
, CCInputDelegate
, UIWidget
- m_bTouchInsideFlag
: CCControlStepper
- m_bTouchMoved
: UIDragPanel
, CCScrollView
- m_bTouchPassedEnabled
: UIWidget
- m_bTouchPressed
: UIDragPanel
- m_bTouchReleased
: UIDragPanel
- m_bTouchScaleChangeEnabled
: UILabel
- m_bTransformDirty
: CCNode
- m_bTransformSystemDirty
: CCParticleSystem
- m_bufferObject
: CCGLBufferedNode
- m_bufferSize
: CCGLBufferedNode
- m_bUpdateEnabled
: UIWidget
- m_bUpdateHashLocked
: CCScheduler
- m_bUpdateSuccess
: UIListView
- m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ
: CCTMXLayer
- m_bUseDelay
: CCTimer
- m_bUseTouchArea
: UITextField
- m_bVertical
: CCWaves
- m_bVisible
: CCNode
, CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCDisplayManager
, UIWidget
- m_bWidgetBeSorted
: UIInputManager
- m_bWraps
: CCControlStepper
- m_callFromLua
: CCLuaStack
- m_capInsets
: UIImageView
, UILoadingBar
, CCScale9Sprite
- m_capInsetsBarRenderer
: UISlider
- m_capInsetsDisabled
: UIButton
- m_capInsetsInternal
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_capInsetsNormal
: UIButton
- m_capInsetsPressed
: UIButton
- m_capInsetsProgressBarRenderer
: UISlider
- m_cColor
: Layout
- m_cDisplayedOpacity
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_cEndOpacity
: CCLayerGradient
- m_children
: UIWidget
- m_color
: ActionTintFrame
- m_ColorSpaceHolder
: CCTextFieldTTF
- m_colorType
: Layout
- m_colourPicker
: CCControlColourPicker
- m_colPlaceHolder
: CCEditBox
- m_colText
: CCEditBox
- m_connected_slots
: _signal_base0< mt_policy >
, _signal_base1< arg1_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base2< arg1_type, arg2_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base3< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base4< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base5< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base6< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base7< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, mt_policy >
, _signal_base8< arg1_type, arg2_type, arg3_type, arg4_type, arg5_type, arg6_type, arg7_type, arg8_type, mt_policy >
- m_controlEvent
: CCInvocation
- m_cOpacity
: CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXLayerInfo
- m_cRealOpacity
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_cStartOpacity
: CCLayerGradient
- m_CurrentTime
: ActionObject
- m_currentTitle
: CCControlButton
- m_currentTitleColor
: CCControlButton
- m_customSize
: UIWidget
- m_cValue
: CSJsonDictionary
- m_dAnimationInterval
: CCDirector
- m_dAverageTime1
: CCProfilingTimer
- m_dAverageTime2
: CCProfilingTimer
- m_delta
: CCJumpBy
- m_deltaB
: CCTintBy
- m_deltaG
: CCTintBy
- m_deltaR
: CCTintBy
- m_dimensions
: ccFontDefinition
- m_directorProjection
: CCGridBase
- m_disabledTextureSize
: UIButton
- m_dMaximumValue
: CCControlStepper
- m_dMinimumValue
: CCControlStepper
- m_doesAdjustBackgroundImage
: CCControlButton
- m_dOldAnimationInterval
: CCDirector
- m_dStepValue
: CCControlStepper
- m_dValue
: CCControlStepper
- m_easingType
: ActionFrame
- m_eBackGroundDisabledTexType
: UICheckBox
- m_eBackGroundSelectedTexType
: UICheckBox
- m_eBackGroundTexType
: UICheckBox
- m_eBallDTexType
: UISlider
- m_eBallNTexType
: UISlider
- m_eBallPTexType
: UISlider
- m_eBarTexType
: UISlider
- m_eBerthDirection
: UIDragPanel
- m_eBGImageTexType
: Layout
- m_eBlendType
: CCBone
- m_eBounceDirection
: UIDragPanel
- m_eBrightStyle
: UIWidget
- m_eDirection
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
, CCScrollView
- m_eDisabledTexType
: UIButton
- m_eEditBoxInputFlag
: CCEditBox
- m_eEditBoxInputMode
: CCEditBox
- m_eFormat
: CCTexturePVR
- m_eFrameTweenEasing
: CCTween
- m_eFrontCrossDisabledTexType
: UICheckBox
- m_eFrontCrossTexType
: UICheckBox
- m_eGLServerState
: CCNode
- m_eImageTexType
: UIImageView
- m_eKeyboardReturnType
: CCEditBox
- m_elapsed
: CCActionInterval
, UIDragPanel
- m_eLayoutParameterType
: LayoutParameter
- m_eLayoutType
: Layout
- m_eLinearGravity
: LinearLayoutParameter
- m_eLoopType
: CCProcessBase
- m_eMoveDirection
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_eMoveType
: UIDragPanel
- m_endColor
: CCLayerGradient
- m_endPosition
: CCMoveTo
, UIDragPanel
- m_eNormalTexType
: UIButton
- m_eOldDirection
: CCTableView
- m_eOrientation
: CCTransitionSceneOriented
- m_ePixelFormat
: CCRenderTexture
, CCTexture2D
- m_ePositionType
: CCParticleSystem
, UIWidget
- m_ePressedTexType
: UIButton
- m_eProgressBarTexType
: UISlider
- m_eProjection
: CCDirector
- m_eRelativeAlign
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- m_eRenderBarTexType
: UILoadingBar
- m_eResolutionPolicy
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_eScriptType
: CCNode
- m_eSizeType
: UIWidget
- m_eState
: CCMenu
, CCControl
- m_eTouchedPart
: CCControlStepper
- m_eTweenEasing
: CCProcessBase
- m_eType
: CCProgressTimer
- m_eVordering
: CCTableView
- m_fAccumDt
: CCDirector
- m_fAdjustHeight
: CCEditBox
- m_fAlphaThreshold
: CCClippingNode
- m_fAmplitude
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
- m_fAmplitudeRate
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCTwirl
, CCWavesTiles3D
, CCJumpTiles3D
- m_fAngle
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fAngleVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fAngleX
: CCOrbitCamera
, CCRotateBy
- m_fAngleY
: CCRotateBy
- m_fAngleZ
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fAnimationInternal
: CCProcessBase
- m_fAutoMoveDuration
: UIDragPanel
- m_fAutoMoveEaseRate
: UIDragPanel
- m_fAutoScrollAcceleration
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_fAutoScrollDistance
: UIPageView
- m_fAutoScrollOriginalSpeed
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_fAutoScrollSpeed
: UIPageView
- m_fBarLength
: UISlider
- m_FBO
: CCGrabber
- m_fBottomBoundary
: CCFollow
, UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_fBounceDuration
: UIDragPanel
- m_fBounceEaseRate
: UIDragPanel
- m_fCenterX
: CCCamera
- m_fCenterXOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fCenterY
: CCCamera
- m_fCenterYOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fCenterZ
: CCCamera
- m_fCenterZOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fChildFocusCancelOffset
: UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_fClearDepth
: CCRenderTexture
- m_fClickTimeInterval
: UIImageView
- m_fContentScaleFactor
: CCDirector
, CCTMXLayer
- m_fCurrentFrame
: CCProcessBase
- m_fCurrentPercent
: CCProcessBase
- m_fDelay
: CCTimer
- m_fDelayPerUnit
: CCAnimation
- m_fDelayUnits
: CCAnimationFrame
- m_fDelta
: CCActionTween
- m_fDeltaAngleX
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fDeltaAngleZ
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fDeltaRadius
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fDeltaT
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- m_fDeltaTime
: CCDirector
- m_fDeltaX
: CCSkewTo
, CCScaleTo
- m_fDeltaY
: CCSkewTo
, CCScaleTo
- m_fDiffAngleX
: CCRotateTo
- m_fDiffAngleY
: CCRotateTo
- m_fDisBetweenChild
: UIListView
- m_fDisBoundaryToChild_0
: UIListView
- m_fDstAngleX
: CCRotateTo
- m_fDstAngleY
: CCRotateTo
- m_fDuration
: CCFiniteTimeAction
, CCTransitionScene
, CCParticleSystem
, CCAnimation
, UIDragPanel
- m_fElapsed
: CCTimer
, CCParticleSystem
- m_fEmissionRate
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEmitCounter
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEndScaleX
: CCScaleTo
- m_fEndScaleY
: CCScaleTo
- m_fEndSize
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEndSizeVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEndSkewX
: CCSkewTo
- m_fEndSkewY
: CCSkewTo
- m_fEndSpin
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEndSpinVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fEyeX
: CCCamera
- m_fEyeXOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fEyeY
: CCCamera
- m_fEyeYOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fEyeZ
: CCCamera
- m_fEyeZOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fFileDesignHeight
: UIHelper
- m_fFileDesignWidth
: UIHelper
- m_fFontSize
: CCLabelTTF
- m_fFrameRate
: CCDirector
- m_fFrom
: CCProgressTo
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCActionTween
, CCTransitionProgress
- m_fInitialTouchXPosition
: CCControlSwitch
- m_fInterval
: CCTimer
- m_fLeftBoundary
: CCFollow
, UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_fLensEffect
: CCLens3D
- m_fLife
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fLifeVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fLongClickRecordTime
: UIInputManager
- m_fLongClickTime
: UIInputManager
- m_fMaximumValue
: CCControlPotentiometer
- m_fMaxInset
: CCScrollView
- m_fMaxS
: CCTexture2D
- m_fMaxScale
: CCScrollView
- m_fMaxT
: CCTexture2D
- m_fMaxZoomScale
: CCScrollView
- m_fMinimumValue
: CCControlPotentiometer
- m_fMinInset
: CCScrollView
- m_fMinScale
: CCScrollView
- m_fMinZoomScale
: CCScrollView
- m_fNextDt
: CCRepeat
- m_fNormalScaleValue
: UILabel
- m_fOnSelectedScaleOffset
: UILabel
- m_fontFillColor
: ccFontDefinition
- m_fontName
: ccFontDefinition
- m_fontSize
: ccFontDefinition
- m_fOriginalScale
: CCMenuItemLabel
- m_fPercentage
: CCProgressTimer
- m_fPeriod
: CCEaseElastic
- m_fProcessScale
: CCProcessBase
- m_fRadDeltaX
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fRadDeltaZ
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fRadius
: CCOrbitCamera
, CCLens3D
, CCRipple3D
- m_fRadX
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_fRadZ
: CCOrbitCamera
- m_FrameArray
: ActionNode
- m_frameIndex
: ActionFrame
- m_frameType
: ActionFrame
- m_fRate
: CCEaseRateAction
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCAccelAmplitude
, CCDeccelAmplitude
- m_fRightBoundary
: CCFollow
, UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_from
: CCTintTo
- m_fromB
: CCTintBy
- m_fromG
: CCTintBy
- m_fromOpacity
: CCFadeTo
- m_fromR
: CCTintBy
- m_fRotationX
: CCNode
- m_fRotationY
: CCNode
- m_fScaleX
: CCScaleTo
, CCNode
, CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_fScaleY
: CCScaleTo
, CCNode
, CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_fSecondsPerFrame
: CCDirector
- m_fSkewX
: CCSkewTo
, CCNode
- m_fSkewY
: CCSkewTo
, CCNode
- m_fSlidTime
: UIDragPanel
, UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_fSpeed
: CCSpeed
- m_fSpeedScale
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_fStartAngleX
: CCRotateTo
, CCRotateBy
- m_fStartAngleY
: CCRotateTo
, CCRotateBy
- m_fStartScaleX
: CCScaleTo
- m_fStartScaleY
: CCScaleTo
- m_fStartSize
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fStartSizeVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fStartSkewX
: CCSkewTo
- m_fStartSkewY
: CCSkewTo
- m_fStartSpin
: CCParticleSystem
- m_fStartSpinVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_ft
: CCImage
- m_fTension
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- m_fTime
: ActionFrame
- m_fTimeScale
: CCScheduler
- m_fTo
: CCProgressTo
, CCProgressFromTo
, CCActionTween
, CCTransitionProgress
- m_fTopBoundary
: CCFollow
, UIListView
, UIScrollView
- m_fTotalDelayUnits
: CCAnimation
- m_fTotalLength
: UILoadingBar
- m_fTouchEndLocation
: UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_fTouchHeight
: UITextField
- m_fTouchLength
: CCScrollView
- m_fTouchMoveStartLocation
: UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_fTouchStartLocation
: UIListView
, UIPageView
, UIScrollView
- m_fTouchWidth
: UITextField
- m_fullPathCache
: CCFileUtils
- m_fUnitTime
: ActionNode
, ActionObject
- m_fUpX
: CCCamera
- m_fUpXOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fUpY
: CCCamera
- m_fUpYOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fUpZ
: CCCamera
- m_fUpZOrig
: CCActionCamera
- m_fValue
: ActionFrameEasing
, CCControlPotentiometer
- m_fVersion
: CCArmature
- m_fVertexZ
: CCNode
- m_fWidth
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_fZoomScale
: CCScrollView
- m_gEndColor
: Layout
- m_gStartColor
: Layout
- m_hAccelTable
: CCApplication
- m_hAlignment
: CCLabelTTF
- m_hasVisibleParents
: CCControl
- m_hDC
- m_height
: CCJumpBy
- m_hInstance
: CCApplication
- m_hRC
- m_hsv
: CCControlColourPicker
- m_hue
: CCControlHuePicker
- m_huePercentage
: CCControlHuePicker
- m_huePicker
: CCControlColourPicker
- m_hWnd
- m_iBetweenDuration
: CCTween
- m_iCurFrameIndex
: CCProcessBase
- m_iDisplayIndex
: CCDisplayManager
- m_iDurationTween
: CCProcessBase
- m_iFromIndex
: CCTween
- m_imageTextureSize
: UIImageView
- m_indexBufferObject
: CCGLBufferedNode
- m_indexBufferSize
: CCGLBufferedNode
- m_iNextFrameIndex
: CCProcessBase
- m_insetBottom
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_insetLeft
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_insetRight
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_insetTop
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_iRawDuration
: CCProcessBase
- m_isPushed
: CCControlButton
- m_iToIndex
: CCArmatureAnimation
, CCTween
- m_iTotalDuration
: CCTween
- m_labelAnchorPoint
: CCControlButton
- m_last
: CCSequence
- m_lookupMatrix
: CCCamera
- m_loop
: ActionObject
- m_lpfnAccelerometerKeyHook
- m_manageredWidget
: UIInputManager
- m_margin
: LayoutParameter
- m_marginH
: CCControlButton
- m_marginV
: CCControlButton
- m_maximumAllowedValue
: CCControlSlider
- m_maximumValue
: CCControlSlider
- m_menu
- m_minimumAllowedValue
: CCControlSlider
- m_minimumValue
: CCControlSlider
- m_mutex
: lock_block< mt_policy >
- m_nActionTag
: UIWidget
- m_nActionType
: UIDragPanel
- m_name
: CCNotificationObserver
, ActionObject
- m_NameStr
: CCProfilingTimer
- m_nAnimationInterval
: CCApplication
- m_nAutorepeatCount
: CCControlStepper
- m_nAutoScrollDir
: UIPageView
- m_nBarType
: UILoadingBar
- m_nBegin
: UIListView
- m_nBitsPerComponent
: CCImage
- m_nBufferCount
: CCDrawNode
- m_nCharCount
: CCTextFieldTTF
- m_nClearStencil
: CCRenderTexture
- m_nClickCount
: UIImageView
- m_nCols
: CCSplitCols
- m_nCommonHeight
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_nCOpacity
: Layout
- m_nCurPageIdx
: UIPageView
- m_nDataLength
: UIListView
- m_nEmitterMode
: CCParticleSystem
- m_nEnabledLayer
: CCLayerMultiplex
- m_nEnabledSelectors
: CCTouchHandler
- m_nEnd
: UIListView
- m_nEntryId
: CCScriptHandlerEntry
- m_nFontSize
: UILabel
, CCEditBox
- m_nHandler
: CCScriptHandlerEntry
, CCNotificationObserver
- m_nHeight
: CCImage
- m_nItemsToRender
: CCTileMapAtlas
- m_nJumps
: CCJumpBy
, CCJumpTiles3D
- m_nLayerAttribs
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_nLuaID
: CCObject
- m_nMapOrientation
: CCTMXTiledMap
- m_nMaxLength
: UICCTextField
, CCEditBox
- m_nMaxModelviewStackDepth
: CCConfiguration
- m_nMaxSamplesAllowed
: CCConfiguration
- m_nMaxTextureSize
: CCConfiguration
- m_nMaxTextureUnits
: CCConfiguration
- m_nNextFrame
: CCAnimate
- m_nOldFBO
: CCRenderTexture
- m_nOrientation
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_normalTextureSize
: UIButton
- m_nParentElement
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_nPercent
: UILoadingBar
, UISlider
- m_nPlaceholderFontSize
: CCEditBox
- m_nPriority
: CCTouchHandler
- m_nRandrange
: CCShaky3D
, CCShakyTiles3D
, CCShatteredTiles3D
- m_nReuseGrid
: CCGridBase
- m_nRows
: CCSplitRows
- m_nScriptEditBoxHandler
: CCEditBox
- m_nScriptHandler
: CCCallFunc
, CCNode
, CCTimer
- m_nScriptTapHandler
: CCMenuItem
- m_nSeed
: CCShuffleTiles
, CCTurnOffTiles
- m_nTag
: CCAction
, CCNode
- m_nTilesCount
: CCShuffleTiles
, CCTurnOffTiles
- m_nTimes
: CCReuseGrid
, CCBlink
- m_nTwirls
: CCTwirl
- m_nUniformColor
: CCAtlasNode
- m_nUpdateDataIndex
: UIListView
- m_nUpdateScriptHandler
: CCNode
- m_nVertexDataCount
: CCProgressTimer
- m_nVertexZvalue
: CCTMXLayer
- m_nWaves
: CCWaves3D
, CCRipple3D
, CCLiquid
, CCWaves
, CCWavesTiles3D
- m_nWidgetTag
: UIWidget
- m_nWidgetZOrder
: UIWidget
- m_nWidth
: CCImage
- m_nZOrder
: CCNode
- m_obAnchorPoint
: CCNode
- m_obAnchorPointInPoints
: CCNode
- m_obContentSize
: CCNode
- m_obDesignResolutionSize
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_obFullScreenSize
: CCFollow
- m_obHalfScreenSize
: CCFollow
- m_Object
: ActionNode
- m_object
: CCNotificationObserver
- m_obOffset
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_obOffsetInPixels
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_obOffsetPosition
: CCSprite
- m_obOriginalSize
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_obOriginalSizeInPixels
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_obPosition
: CCNode
- m_obRect
: CCSprite
, CCSpriteFrame
- m_obRectInPixels
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_obScreenSize
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_obStep
: CCGridBase
- m_obUnflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter
: CCSprite
- m_obViewPortRect
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_obWinSizeInPoints
: CCDirector
- m_oldClearColor
: CCGrabber
- m_oldFBO
: CCGrabber
- m_opacity
: ActionFadeFrame
- m_originalSize
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_overBottomArray
: UIListView
- m_overlay
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_overLeftArray
: UIListView
- m_overRightArray
: UIListView
- m_overTopArray
: UIListView
- m_pAccelerometer
: CCDirector
- m_pActionDic
: ActionManager
- m_pActionManager
: CCNode
, CCDirector
- m_pActions
: CCSequence
- m_pActionWidget
: UIDragPanel
- m_pActiveTimers
: CCProfiler
- m_pages
: UIPageView
- m_pAlignment
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_pAnimation
: CCAnimate
, CCTween
, CCArmature
- m_pAnimationData
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_pArmature
: CCBone
, CCArmatureAnimation
- m_pArmatureData
: CCArmature
- m_pAtlas
: CCArmature
, CCBatchNode
- m_pAtlasIndexArray
: CCTMXLayer
- m_pAttachWithIMEListener
: UITextField
- m_pBackGroundBoxDisabledRenderer
: UICheckBox
- m_pBackGroundBoxRenderer
: UICheckBox
- m_pBackGroundImage
: Layout
- m_pBackGroundSelectedBoxRenderer
: UICheckBox
- m_pBarRenderer
: UILoadingBar
, UISlider
- m_pBatchNode
: CCParticleSystem
, CCArmature
- m_pBerthToBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToLeftBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToLeftListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToLeftTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToRightBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToRightListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToRightTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBerthToTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBetween
: CCTween
- m_pBody
: CCColliderDetector
, CCArmature
- m_pBone
: CCTween
, CCDisplayManager
, CCSkin
, CCColliderDetector
- m_pBoneData
: CCBone
- m_pBoneDic
: CCArmature
- m_pBounceOverListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToLeftBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToLeftListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToLeftTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToRightBottomListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToRightListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToRightTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBounceToTopListener
: UIDragPanel
- m_pBuffer
: CCDrawNode
- m_pBuffersVBO
: CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCTextureAtlas
- m_pButtonClickedRenderer
: UIButton
- m_pButtonDisableRenderer
: UIButton
- m_pButtonNormalRenderer
: UIButton
- m_pCallFunc
: CCCallFunc
- m_pCallFuncN
: CCCallFunc
- m_pCallFuncND
: CCCallFunc
- m_pCallFuncO
: CCCallFunc
- m_pCamera
: CCNode
- m_pCancelListener
: UIWidget
- m_pCellsFreed
: CCTableView
- m_pCellsUsed
: CCTableView
- m_pCharacterSet
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_pChildArmature
: CCBone
- m_pChildPool
: UIListView
- m_pChildren
: CCNode
- m_pClaimedTouches
: CCTargetedTouchHandler
- m_pColliderBodyList
: CCColliderDetector
- m_pColliderDetector
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- m_pColorRender
: Layout
- m_pComponentContainer
: CCNode
- m_pConfiguration
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_pContainer
: CCScrollView
- m_pCopyObject
: CCZone
- m_pCtx
: CCOspForm
- m_pCurrentDecoDisplay
: CCDisplayManager
- m_pCurrentTarget
: CCActionManager
, CCScheduler
- m_pCustomProperties
: CCNodeLoader
- m_pData
: CCImage
, CCCallFuncND
- m_pDataSource
: CCTableView
- m_pDecoDisplayList
: CCDisplayManager
- m_pDelegate
: CCEditBoxImpl
, CCKeypadHandler
, CCEGLViewProtocol
, CCTextFieldTTF
, CCTouchHandler
, CCEditBox
, CCScrollView
- m_pDelegates
: CCKeypadDispatcher
- m_pDeleteBackwardListener
: UITextField
- m_pDetachWithIMEListener
: UITextField
- m_pDisabledImage
: CCMenuItemSprite
- m_pDispatchTable
: CCControl
- m_pDisplay
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- m_pDisplayData
: CCDecorativeDisplay
- m_pDisplayManager
: CCBone
- m_pDisplayRenderNode
: CCDisplayManager
- m_pDrawsLabel
: CCDirector
- m_pEditBox
: CCEditBoxImpl
- m_pEditBoxImpl
: CCEditBox
- m_pElements
: CCDictionary
- m_pEventListener
: UIPageView
, UIListView
, UIScrollView
, UITextField
- m_pEventLister
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfEditTextCallback
: CCOspForm
- m_pFilenameLookupDict
: CCFileUtils
- m_pFilter
: ColliderBody
- m_pFixture
: ColliderBody
- m_pfnAttachWithIMESelector
: UITextField
- m_pfnBerthToBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToLeftBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToLeftSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToLeftTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToRightBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToRightSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToRightTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBerthToTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceOverSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToLeftBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToLeftSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToLeftTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToRightBottomSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToRightSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToRightTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnBounceToTopSelector
: UIDragPanel
- m_pfnCancelSelector
: UIWidget
- m_pfnDeleteBackwardSelector
: UITextField
- m_pfnDetachWithIMESelector
: UITextField
- m_pfnEventSelector
: UIScrollView
, UIDragPanel
, UIListView
, UIPageView
, UITextField
- m_pfnInitChildSelector
: UIListView
- m_pfnInsertTextSelector
: UITextField
- m_pfnMoveSelector
: UIWidget
- m_pfnPageTurningSelector
: UIPageView
- m_pfnPercentSelector
: UISlider
- m_pfnPushSelector
: UIWidget
- m_pfnReleaseSelector
: UIWidget
- m_pfnScrollToBottomSelector
: UIScrollView
- m_pfnScrollToLeftSelector
: UIScrollView
- m_pfnScrollToRightSelector
: UIScrollView
- m_pfnScrollToTopSelector
: UIScrollView
- m_pfnSelectedStateEventSelector
: UICheckBox
- m_pfnSelector
: CCTimer
, CCMenuItem
- m_pfnSelectSelector
: UICheckBox
- m_pfnSlidPercentSelector
: UISlider
- m_pfnTouchEventSelector
: UIWidget
- m_pfnUnSelectSelector
: UICheckBox
- m_pfnUpdateChildSelector
: UIListView
- m_pFontDefDictionary
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_pFontName
: CCLabelTTF
- m_pForcedTarget
: CCTargetedAction
- m_pFPSLabel
: CCDirector
- m_pFrames
: CCAnimation
- m_pFrom
: CCTween
- m_pFrontCrossDisabledRenderer
: UICheckBox
- m_pFrontCrossRenderer
: UICheckBox
- m_pGlExtensions
: CCConfiguration
- m_pGrabber
: CCGridBase
- m_pGradientRender
: Layout
- m_pGrid
: CCNode
- m_pHandlersToAdd
: CCKeypadDispatcher
, CCTouchDispatcher
- m_pHandlersToRemove
: CCTouchDispatcher
, CCKeypadDispatcher
- m_pHashForTimers
: CCScheduler
- m_pHashForUpdates
: CCScheduler
- m_pImageRenderer
: UIImageView
- m_pIndices
: CCGrid3D
, CCTiledGrid3D
, CCParticleSystemQuad
, CCTextureAtlas
, CCTableView
- m_pInitChildListener
: UIListView
- m_pInner
: CCActionEase
- m_pInnerAction
: CCRepeat
, CCSpeed
, CCRepeatForever
- m_pInnerContainer
: UIDragPanel
, UIScrollView
- m_pInnerStencil
: RectClippingNode
- m_pInputManager
: UILayer
- m_pInputText
: CCTextFieldTTF
- m_pInScene
: CCTransitionScene
- m_pInsertTextListener
: UITextField
- m_pKerningDictionary
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_pKeypadDispatcher
: CCDirector
- m_pLabel
: CCMenuItemLabel
- m_pLabelBMFontRenderer
: UILabelBMFont
- m_pLabelRenderer
: UILabel
- m_pLaberAtlasRenderer
: UILabelAtlas
- m_pLastUpdate
: CCDirector
- m_pLayers
: CCTMXMapInfo
, CCLayerMultiplex
- m_pLayoutParameter
: UIWidget
- m_pLeftChild
: UIPageView
- m_pListener
: CCMenuItem
- m_pLoadedFileNames
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- m_pMinusLabel
: CCControlStepper
- m_pMinusSprite
: CCControlStepper
- m_pMoveListener
: UIWidget
- m_pMovementBoneData
: CCTween
- m_pMovementData
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_pNextScene
: CCDirector
- m_pNormalImage
: CCMenuItemSprite
- m_pNotificationNode
: CCDirector
- m_pobBatchNode
: CCSprite
- m_pobDescendants
: CCSpriteBatchNode
- m_pobFollowedNode
: CCFollow
- m_pObject
: CCCallFuncO
- m_pObjectGroups
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- m_pObjects
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- m_pobOpenGLView
: CCDirector
- m_pobScenesStack
: CCDirector
- m_pobTexture
: CCSpriteFrame
, CCSprite
- m_pobTextureAtlas
: CCSprite
, CCSpriteBatchNode
- m_pOffsetPoint
: CCArmature
- m_pOne
: CCSpawn
- m_pOrigFrame
: CCAnimate
- m_pOriginalTarget
: CCAction
- m_pOriginalVertices
: CCTiledGrid3D
, CCGrid3D
- m_position
: ActionMoveFrame
, CCLens3D
, CCTwirl
, CCRipple3D
- m_positionDelta
: UIDragPanel
, CCMoveBy
- m_positionPercent
: UIWidget
- m_positionsAreDirty
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_pOther
: CCReverseTime
, CCDeccelAmplitude
, CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
, CCAccelAmplitude
- m_pOutScene
: CCTransitionScene
- m_pOwner
: CCComponent
- m_pPageTurningListener
: UIPageView
- m_pParallaxArray
: CCParallaxNode
- m_pParent
: CCNode
- m_pParentBone
: CCArmature
, CCBone
- m_pParticles
: CCParticleSystem
- m_pPercentListener
: UISlider
- m_pPixelFormatInfo
: CCTexturePVR
- m_pPlaceHolder
: CCTextFieldTTF
- m_pPlusLabel
: CCControlStepper
- m_pPlusSprite
: CCControlStepper
- m_pPoints
: CCCardinalSplineTo
- m_pPosToAtlasIndex
: CCTileMapAtlas
- m_pProgressBarRenderer
: UISlider
- m_pProgressTimer
: CCControlPotentiometer
- m_pProjectionDelegate
: CCDirector
- m_pProperties
: CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCTMXObjectGroup
, CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- m_pPushListener
: UIWidget
- m_pQuads
: CCTextureAtlas
, CCParticleSystemQuad
- m_preferredSize
: CCControlButton
, CCScale9Sprite
- m_pReleaseListener
: UIWidget
- m_pRenderer
: UIWidget
- m_pressedTextureSize
: UIButton
- m_pReusedChar
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_pReusedTile
: CCTMXLayer
- m_previousPos
: CCJumpBy
- m_previousPosition
: UIDragPanel
, CCCardinalSplineTo
, CCMoveBy
, CCBezierBy
- m_pRightChild
: UIPageView
- m_ProgressBarTextureSize
: UISlider
- m_progressSprite
: CCControlSlider
- m_pRootWidget
: UILayer
, UIInputManager
- m_pRunningScene
: CCDirector
- m_pSceneToBeModified
: CCTransitionProgress
- m_pScheduler
: CCNode
, CCDirector
, UIWidget
- m_pScriptHandlerEntries
: CCScheduler
- m_pScrollToBottomListener
: UIScrollView
- m_pScrollToLeftListener
: UIScrollView
- m_pScrollToRightListener
: UIScrollView
- m_pScrollToTopListener
: UIScrollView
- m_pSelectedImage
: CCMenuItemSprite
- m_pSelectedItem
: CCMenu
- m_pSelectedStateEventListener
: UICheckBox
- m_pSelectedWidgets
: UIInputManager
- m_pSelectListener
: UICheckBox
- m_pSelectorTarget
: CCCallFunc
- m_pShaderProgram
: CCGridBase
, CCTexture2D
, CCNode
- m_pSlidBallDisabledRenderer
: UISlider
- m_pSlidBallNormalRenderer
: UISlider
- m_pSlidBallPressedRenderer
: UISlider
- m_pSlidBallRenderer
: UISlider
- m_pSlidPercentListener
: UISlider
- m_pSPFLabel
: CCDirector
- m_pSplitTimes
: CCAnimate
- m_pSprite
: CCRenderTexture
, CCProgressTimer
- m_pSpriteFrame
: CCAnimationFrame
- m_pSpriteFrames
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- m_pSpriteFramesAliases
: CCSpriteFrameCache
- m_pSquareColors
: CCLayerColor
- m_pSquareVertices
: CCLayerColor
- m_pStandardHandlers
: CCTouchDispatcher
- m_pStencil
: CCClippingNode
- m_pSubItems
: CCMenuItemToggle
- m_pSwitchSprite
: CCControlSwitch
- m_pszFPS
: CCDirector
- m_pTableViewDelegate
: CCTableView
- m_pTarget
: CCTimer
, CCAction
- m_pTargetedHandlers
: CCTouchDispatcher
- m_pTargets
: CCActionManager
- m_pTexCoordinates
: CCGrid3D
, CCTiledGrid3D
- m_pTextFieldRenderer
: UITextField
- m_pTexture
: CCTextureAtlas
, CCGridBase
, CCRenderTexture
, CCParticleSystem
- m_pTextureAtlas
: CCAtlasNode
, CCParticleBatchNode
- m_pTextureCopy
: CCRenderTexture
- m_pTextures
: CCTextureCache
- m_pTGAInfo
: CCTileMapAtlas
- m_pThumbSprite
: CCControlPotentiometer
- m_pTileProperties
: CCTMXMapInfo
, CCTMXTiledMap
- m_pTiles
: CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCShuffleTiles
- m_pTileSet
: CCTMXLayer
- m_pTilesets
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_pTilesOrder
: CCShuffleTiles
, CCTurnOffTiles
- m_pTitleRenderer
: UIButton
- m_pTo
: CCTween
- m_pTopBoneList
: CCArmature
- m_pTouchDispatcher
: CCDirector
- m_pTouchedCell
: CCTableView
- m_pTouches
: CCScrollView
- m_pTouchEventListener
: UIWidget
- m_pTween
: CCBone
- m_pTweenData
: CCTween
, CCBone
- m_pTweenList
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_pTwo
: CCSpawn
- m_pUITextureImage
: CCRenderTexture
- m_pUnSelectListener
: UICheckBox
- m_pUpdateChild
: UIListView
- m_pUpdateChildListener
: UIListView
- m_pUpdatePool
: UIListView
- m_pUpdates0List
: CCScheduler
- m_pUpdatesNegList
: CCScheduler
- m_pUpdatesPosList
: CCScheduler
- m_pUserData
: CCNode
- m_pUserInfo
: CCAnimationFrame
- m_pUserObject
: CCNode
- m_pValueDict
: CCConfiguration
- m_pVertexData
: CCProgressTimer
- m_pVertices
: CCTiledGrid3D
, CCGrid3D
- m_pWidgetParent
: UIWidget
- m_resourceRootPath
: CCApplication
- m_rotation
: ActionRotationFrame
- m_sAdditionalTransform
: CCNode
- m_sArmatureIndexDic
: CCArmature
- m_sAtlasName
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_saturation
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_sBlendFunc
: CCDrawNode
, CCArmature
, CCSprite
- m_scaleX
: ActionScaleFrame
- m_scaleY
: ActionScaleFrame
- m_sClearColor
: CCRenderTexture
- m_sConfig
: CCBezierBy
- m_sCurrentString
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_searchPathArray
: CCFileUtils
- m_searchResolutionsOrderArray
: CCFileUtils
- m_selector
: CCNotificationObserver
- m_sFntFile
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_sFontName
: UILabel
- m_sFrameEventCallFunc
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_sFrameEventTarget
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_sGridSize
: CCGridAction
, CCGridBase
- m_sGroupName
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- m_shadow
: ccFontDefinition
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_shadowBlur
: ccFontShadow
, CCLabelTTF
- m_shadowEnabled
: ccFontShadow
, CCLabelTTF
- m_shadowOffset
: ccFontShadow
, CCLabelTTF
- m_shadowOpacity
: ccFontShadow
, CCLabelTTF
- m_sHandlerHelperData
: CCTouchDispatcher
- m_sInitialString
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_sInitialStringUTF8
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_sInverse
: CCNode
- m_size
: UIWidget
- m_sizePercent
: UIWidget
- m_sLayerName
: CCTMXLayer
- m_slider
: CCControlHuePicker
, CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
- m_sMovementEventCallFunc
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_sMovementEventTarget
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_sName
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
, CCTMXLayerInfo
- m_sPlistFile
: CCParticleSystem
- m_split
: CCSequence
- m_spriteRect
: CCScale9Sprite
- m_sQuad
: CCSprite
- m_sResources
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_sSkinData
: CCSkin
- m_sSourceImage
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- m_sStartTime
: CCProfilingTimer
- m_sString
: CCLabelAtlas
, CCString
, CCLabelBMFont
- m_startColor
: CCLayerGradient
- m_startPos
: CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker
, CCControlHuePicker
- m_startPosition
: CCMoveBy
, CCCardinalSplineBy
, UIDragPanel
, CCJumpBy
, CCBezierBy
- m_startupScriptFilename
: CCApplication
- m_state
: CCLuaStack
- m_sTMXFileName
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_sToConfig
: CCBezierTo
- m_sTransform
: CCNode
- m_strBackGroundImageFileName
: Layout
- m_strClickedFileName
: UIButton
- m_strDefaultResRootPath
: CCFileUtils
- m_strDisabledFileName
: UIButton
- m_strDisplayName
: CCSkin
- m_strFilePath
: CCSGUIReader
- m_strFontName
: CCMenuItemFont
, CCEditBox
- m_string
: CCLabelTTF
- m_strKey
: CCActionTween
- m_strMovementID
: CCArmatureAnimation
- m_strName
: CCBone
, CCComponent
, UIWidget
, CCArmature
- m_strNormalFileName
: UIButton
- m_stroke
: ccFontDefinition
- m_strokeColor
: ccFontStroke
, CCLabelTTF
- m_strokeEnabled
: CCLabelTTF
, ccFontStroke
- m_strokeSize
: ccFontStroke
, CCLabelTTF
- m_strPasswordStyleText
: UICCTextField
- m_strPlaceHolder
: CCEditBox
- m_strPlaceholderFontName
: CCEditBox
- m_strProgressBarTextureFile
: UISlider
- m_strRelativeLayoutName
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- m_strRelativeWidgetName
: RelativeLayoutParameter
- m_strSlidBallDisabledTextureFile
: UISlider
- m_strSlidBallNormalTextureFile
: UISlider
- m_strSlidBallPressedTextureFile
: UISlider
- m_strText
: CCEditBox
- m_strTextureFile
: UISlider
, UIImageView
, UILoadingBar
- m_strTextureFilename
: CCSpriteFrame
- m_szViewName
: CCEGLViewProtocol
- m_target
: CCInvocation
, CCNotificationObserver
- m_tBarChangeRate
: CCProgressTimer
- m_tBlendFunc
: CCParticleSystem
, CCLayerColor
, CCAtlasNode
- m_tColor
: CCTransitionFade
- m_tColorBackup
: CCMenuItemLabel
- m_tColorUnmodified
: CCAtlasNode
- m_tContentOffset
: CCScrollView
- m_tContentSize
: CCTexture2D
- m_tDimensions
: CCLabelTTF
- m_tDisabledColor
: CCMenuItemLabel
- m_tDisplayedColor
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_tEndColor
: CCParticleSystem
- m_tEndColorVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_textFillColor
: CCLabelTTF
- m_textureFiles
: UIHelper
- m_thumbSprite
: CCControlSlider
- m_tImageOffset
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_tImageSize
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- m_titleColor
: UIButton
- m_titleColorDispatchTable
: CCControlButton
- m_titleDispatchTable
: CCControlButton
- m_titleLabel
: CCControlButton
- m_titleLabelDispatchTable
: CCControlButton
- m_tLastPosition
: CCParallaxNode
- m_tLayerSize
: CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCTMXLayer
- m_tMapSize
: CCTMXTiledMap
, CCTMXMapInfo
- m_tMapTileSize
: CCTMXLayer
- m_tMidpoint
: CCProgressTimer
- m_to
: CCTintTo
- m_tOffset
: CCTMXLayerInfo
- m_toOpacity
: CCFadeTo
- m_touchEndPos
: UIWidget
- m_touchEndWorldSpace
: UIDragPanel
- m_touchMoveDir
: UIPageView
- m_touchMovePos
: UIWidget
- m_touchRelease
: UIImageView
- m_touchStartNodeSpace
: UIDragPanel
- m_touchStartPos
: UIWidget
- m_touchStartWorldSpace
: UIDragPanel
- m_tPadding
: CCBMFontConfiguration
- m_tParentScissorRect
: CCScrollView
- m_tPosition
: CCPlace
- m_tPositionOffset
: CCTMXObjectGroup
- m_tPosVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_tPreviousLocation
: CCControlPotentiometer
- m_transformToBatch
: CCSprite
- m_tRealColor
: CCLabelBMFont
- m_tScrollDistance
: CCScrollView
- m_tSkinTransform
: CCSkin
- m_tSourcePosition
: CCParticleSystem
- m_tStartColor
: CCParticleSystem
- m_tStartColorVar
: CCParticleSystem
- m_tTileSize
: CCTMXMapInfo
, CCTMXTilesetInfo
, CCTMXTiledMap
- m_tTouchPoint
: CCScrollView
- m_tViewSize
: CCScrollView
- m_tWorldInfo
: CCBone
- m_tWorldTransform
: CCBone
- m_type
: ActionFrameEasing
, ccTouchHandlerHelperData
- m_uAllocatedParticles
: CCParticleSystem
- m_uAtlasIndex
: CCSprite
, CCParticleSystem
- m_uAutoReleaseCount
: CCObject
- m_uBufferCapacity
: CCDrawNode
- m_uCapacity
: CCTextureAtlas
- m_uClearFlags
: CCRenderTexture
- m_uCurrentFirstGID
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_uDepthRenderBufffer
: CCRenderTexture
- m_uExecutedLoops
: CCAnimate
- m_uFBO
: CCRenderTexture
- m_uFirstGid
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- m_uFontSize
: CCMenuItemFont
- m_uFrames
: CCDirector
- m_uHeight
: CCTexturePVR
- m_uID
: CCObject
- m_uItemHeight
: CCAtlasNode
- m_uItemsPerColumn
: CCAtlasNode
- m_uItemsPerRow
: CCAtlasNode
- m_uItemWidth
: CCAtlasNode
- m_uLayerOrientation
: CCTMXLayer
- m_uLoops
: CCAnimation
- m_uMapStartChar
: CCLabelAtlas
- m_uMargin
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- m_uMaxGID
: CCTMXLayerInfo
, CCTMXLayer
- m_uMinGID
: CCTMXLayer
, CCTMXLayerInfo
- m_uName
: CCTexturePVR
, CCTexture2D
- m_uNumberOfMipmaps
: CCTexturePVR
- m_uOrderOfArrival
: CCNode
- m_uParentGID
: CCTMXMapInfo
- m_uParticleCount
: CCParticleSystem
- m_uParticleIdx
: CCParticleSystem
- m_uPixelsHigh
: CCTexture2D
- m_uPixelsWide
: CCTexture2D
- m_uQuadsToDraw
: CCAtlasNode
- m_uReference
: CCObject
- m_uRepeat
: CCTimer
- m_uSelectedIndex
: CCMenuItemToggle
- m_uSpacing
: CCTMXTilesetInfo
- m_uTimes
: CCRepeat
- m_uTimesExecuted
: CCTimer
- m_uTotal
: CCRepeat
- m_uTotalFrames
: CCDirector
- m_uTotalParticles
: CCParticleSystem
- m_uTotalQuads
: CCTextureAtlas
- m_uVao
: CCDrawNode
- m_uVbo
: CCDrawNode
- m_uWidth
: CCTexturePVR
- m_vAlignment
: CCLabelTTF
- m_value
: CCControlSlider
- m_vCellsPositions
: CCTableView
- m_vertAlignment
: ccFontDefinition
- m_WidgetType
: UIWidget
- m_winSize
: CCSplitCols
, CCSplitRows
- m_wndproc
- m_zoomOnTouchDown
: CCControlButton
- magFilter
: ccTexParams
, AtlasPage
- mainLoop()
: CCDirector
, CCDisplayLinkDirector
- make()
: Path
- markedForDeletion()
: CCSchedulerScriptHandlerEntry
- markedTextRange
: EAGLView
- markedTextStyle
: EAGLView
- matrixToNode()
: CCTransformHelp
- maxContainerOffset()
: CCScrollView
- maxInt
: Value
- maxInt64
: Value
- maxLargestInt
: Value
- maxLargestUInt
: Value
- maxTime
: CCProfilingTimer
- maxUInt
: Value
- maxUInt64
: Value
- mControlEvents
: BlockCCControlData
- Mem()
: DynArray< T, INIT >
- memberName()
: ValueIteratorBase
- Members
: Value
- MemPool()
: MemPool
- MemPoolT()
: MemPoolT< SIZE >
- menuCloseCallback()
: ModalLayer
- methodID
: JniMethodInfo
- minContainerOffset()
: CCScrollView
- minFilter
: ccTexParams
, AtlasPage
- minInt
: Value
- minInt64
: Value
- minLargestInt
: Value
- minTime
: CCProfilingTimer
- modeA
: CCParticleSystem
, tCCParticle
- modeB
: tCCParticle
, CCParticleSystem
- mouseButtonEventHandle
- mouseDelegates_
: CCEventDispatcher
- mouseDown:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- mouseDragged:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- mouseEntered:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- mouseExited:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- mouseMoved:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- mousePosEventHandle
- mouseUp:
: <MacEventDelegate>
- movBoneDataDic
: CCMovementData
- moveAnimationsFromNode()
: CCBAnimationManager
- moveByInit()
: UIDragPanel
- moveByUpdate()
: UIDragPanel
- moveByWithDuration()
: UIDragPanel
- moveChildPoint
: UIScrollView
, UIListView
- moveChildren()
: UIListView
, UIScrollView
- moveEvent()
: UIWidget
- movementDataDic
: CCAnimationData
- movementNames
: CCAnimationData
- movePagePoint
: UIPageView
- movePages()
: UIPageView
- moveQuadsFromIndex()
: CCTextureAtlas
- moveToInit()
: UIDragPanel
- moveToUpdate()
: UIDragPanel
- moveToWithDuration()
: UIDragPanel
- moveWithDelta()
: UIDragPanel
- mOwner
: CCBAnimationManager
- msaaColorBuffer
: <CCESRenderer>
- msaaColorbuffer
: CCES2Renderer
- msaaColorbuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- msaaFrameBuffer
: <CCESRenderer>
- msaaFramebuffer
: CCES2Renderer
- msaaFramebuffer_
: CCES2Renderer
- mSELCCControlHandler
: BlockCCControlData
- mSELMenuHandler
: BlockData
- mTarget
: BlockData
, BlockCCControlData
- multiSampling
: EAGLView
- multisampling_
: EAGLView
- multiSampling_
: CCES2Renderer
- mutableCopy()
: CCSet