Classes | |
class | CCAction |
Base class for CCAction objects. More... | |
class | CCFiniteTimeAction |
Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More... | |
class | CCSpeed |
Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More... | |
class | CCFollow |
CCFollow is an action that "follows" a node. More... | |
class | CCActionCamera |
Base class for CCCamera actions. More... | |
class | CCOrbitCamera |
CCOrbitCamera action Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates. More... | |
class | CCPointArray |
An Array that contain control points. More... | |
class | CCCardinalSplineTo |
//// @ More... | |
class | CCCardinalSplineBy |
//// @ More... | |
class | CCCatmullRomTo |
//// @ More... | |
class | CCCatmullRomBy |
//// @ More... | |
class | CCActionEase |
Base class for Easing actions. More... | |
class | CCEaseRateAction |
Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More... | |
class | CCEaseIn |
CCEaseIn action with a rate. More... | |
class | CCEaseOut |
CCEaseOut action with a rate. More... | |
class | CCEaseInOut |
CCEaseInOut action with a rate. More... | |
class | CCEaseExponentialIn |
CCEase Exponential In. More... | |
class | CCEaseExponentialOut |
Ease Exponential Out. More... | |
class | CCEaseExponentialInOut |
Ease Exponential InOut. More... | |
class | CCEaseSineIn |
Ease Sine In. More... | |
class | CCEaseSineOut |
Ease Sine Out. More... | |
class | CCEaseSineInOut |
Ease Sine InOut. More... | |
class | CCEaseElastic |
Ease Elastic abstract class. More... | |
class | CCEaseElasticIn |
Ease Elastic In action. More... | |
class | CCEaseElasticOut |
Ease Elastic Out action. More... | |
class | CCEaseElasticInOut |
Ease Elastic InOut action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBounce |
CCEaseBounce abstract class. More... | |
class | CCEaseBounceIn |
CCEaseBounceIn action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBounceOut |
EaseBounceOut action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBounceInOut |
CCEaseBounceInOut action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBackIn |
CCEaseBackIn action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBackOut |
CCEaseBackOut action. More... | |
class | CCEaseBackInOut |
CCEaseBackInOut action. More... | |
class | CCGridAction |
Base class for Grid actions. More... | |
class | CCGrid3DAction |
Base class for CCGrid3D actions. More... | |
class | CCTiledGrid3DAction |
Base class for CCTiledGrid3D actions. More... | |
class | CCAccelDeccelAmplitude |
CCAccelDeccelAmplitude action. More... | |
class | CCAccelAmplitude |
CCAccelAmplitude action. More... | |
class | CCDeccelAmplitude |
CCDeccelAmplitude action. More... | |
class | CCStopGrid |
CCStopGrid action. More... | |
class | CCReuseGrid |
CCReuseGrid action. More... | |
class | CCWaves3D |
CCWaves3D action. More... | |
class | CCFlipX3D |
CCFlipX3D action. More... | |
class | CCFlipY3D |
CCFlipY3D action. More... | |
class | CCLens3D |
CCLens3D action. More... | |
class | CCRipple3D |
CCRipple3D action. More... | |
class | CCShaky3D |
CCShaky3D action. More... | |
class | CCLiquid |
CCLiquid action. More... | |
class | CCWaves |
CCWaves action. More... | |
class | CCTwirl |
CCTwirl action. More... | |
class | CCActionInstant |
Instant actions are immediate actions. More... | |
class | CCShow |
Show the node. More... | |
class | CCHide |
Hide the node. More... | |
class | CCToggleVisibility |
Toggles the visibility of a node. More... | |
class | CCRemoveSelf |
Remove the node. More... | |
class | CCFlipX |
@ @ More... | |
class | CCFlipY |
@ @ More... | |
class | CCPlace |
@ More... | |
class | CCCallFunc |
@ More... | |
class | CCCallFuncN |
@ More... | |
class | CCCallFuncND |
| |
class | CCCallFuncO |
class | CCActionInterval |
An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More... | |
class | CCSequence |
Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More... | |
class | CCRepeat |
Repeats an action a number of times. More... | |
class | CCRepeatForever |
Repeats an action for ever. More... | |
class | CCSpawn |
Spawn a new action immediately. More... | |
class | CCRotateTo |
Rotates a CCNode object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More... | |
class | CCRotateBy |
Rotates a CCNode object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More... | |
class | CCMoveBy |
Moves a CCNode object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
class | CCMoveTo |
Moves a CCNode object to the position x,y. More... | |
class | CCSkewTo |
Skews a CCNode object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More... | |
class | CCSkewBy |
Skews a CCNode object by skewX and skewY degrees. More... | |
class | CCJumpBy |
Moves a CCNode object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
class | CCJumpTo |
Moves a CCNode object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More... | |
struct | ccBezierConfig |
class | CCBezierBy |
An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More... | |
class | CCBezierTo |
An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More... | |
class | CCScaleTo |
Scales a CCNode object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More... | |
class | CCScaleBy |
Scales a CCNode object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More... | |
class | CCBlink |
Blinks a CCNode object by modifying it's visible attribute. More... | |
class | CCFadeIn |
Fades In an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | CCFadeOut |
Fades Out an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | CCFadeTo |
Fades an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More... | |
class | CCTintTo |
Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More... | |
class | CCTintBy |
Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More... | |
class | CCDelayTime |
Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More... | |
class | CCReverseTime |
Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More... | |
class | CCAnimate |
Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More... | |
class | CCTargetedAction |
Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More... | |
class | CCActionManager |
CCActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More... | |
class | CCPageTurn3D |
This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More... | |
class | CCProgressTo |
Progress to percentage. More... | |
class | CCProgressFromTo |
Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More... | |
class | CCShakyTiles3D |
CCShakyTiles3D action. More... | |
class | CCShatteredTiles3D |
CCShatteredTiles3D action. More... | |
class | CCShuffleTiles |
CCShuffleTiles action Shuffle the tiles in random order. More... | |
class | CCFadeOutTRTiles |
CCFadeOutTRTiles action Fades out the tiles in a Top-Right direction. More... | |
class | CCFadeOutBLTiles |
CCFadeOutBLTiles action. More... | |
class | CCFadeOutUpTiles |
CCFadeOutUpTiles action. More... | |
class | CCFadeOutDownTiles |
CCFadeOutDownTiles action. More... | |
class | CCTurnOffTiles |
CCTurnOffTiles action. More... | |
class | CCWavesTiles3D |
CCWavesTiles3D action. More... | |
class | CCJumpTiles3D |
CCJumpTiles3D action. More... | |
class | CCSplitRows |
CCSplitRows action. More... | |
class | CCSplitCols |
CCSplitCols action. More... | |
class | CCActionTweenDelegate |
class | CCActionTween |
CCActionTween. More... | |
Functions | |
CC_DLL CCPoint | (CCPoint &p0, CCPoint &p1, CCPoint &p2, CCPoint &p3, float tension, float t) |
CC_DLL CCPoint cocos2d::ccCardinalSplineAt |
( | CCPoint & | p0, |
CCPoint & | p1, | ||
CCPoint & | p2, | ||
CCPoint & | p3, | ||
float | tension, | ||
float | t | ||
) |
var ccCardinalSplineAt | ( | var | p0, |
var | p1, | ||
var | p2, | ||
var | p3, | ||
var | tension, | ||
var | t | ||
) |
local ccCardinalSplineAt | ( | local | p0, |
local | p1, | ||
local | p2, | ||
local | p3, | ||
local | tension, | ||
local | t | ||
) |