cocos2d-x  2.2.3
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class  CCAction
 Base class for CCAction objects. More...
class  CCFiniteTimeAction
 Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More...
class  CCSpeed
 Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More...
class  CCFollow
 CCFollow is an action that "follows" a node. More...
class  CCActionCamera
 Base class for CCCamera actions. More...
class  CCOrbitCamera
 CCOrbitCamera action Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates. More...
class  CCPointArray
 An Array that contain control points. More...
class  CCCardinalSplineTo
 //// @ More...
class  CCCardinalSplineBy
 //// @ More...
class  CCCatmullRomTo
 //// @ More...
class  CCCatmullRomBy
 //// @ More...
class  CCActionEase
 Base class for Easing actions. More...
class  CCEaseRateAction
 Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More...
class  CCEaseIn
 CCEaseIn action with a rate. More...
class  CCEaseOut
 CCEaseOut action with a rate. More...
class  CCEaseInOut
 CCEaseInOut action with a rate. More...
class  CCEaseExponentialIn
 CCEase Exponential In. More...
class  CCEaseExponentialOut
 Ease Exponential Out. More...
class  CCEaseExponentialInOut
 Ease Exponential InOut. More...
class  CCEaseSineIn
 Ease Sine In. More...
class  CCEaseSineOut
 Ease Sine Out. More...
class  CCEaseSineInOut
 Ease Sine InOut. More...
class  CCEaseElastic
 Ease Elastic abstract class. More...
class  CCEaseElasticIn
 Ease Elastic In action. More...
class  CCEaseElasticOut
 Ease Elastic Out action. More...
class  CCEaseElasticInOut
 Ease Elastic InOut action. More...
class  CCEaseBounce
 CCEaseBounce abstract class. More...
class  CCEaseBounceIn
 CCEaseBounceIn action. More...
class  CCEaseBounceOut
 EaseBounceOut action. More...
class  CCEaseBounceInOut
 CCEaseBounceInOut action. More...
class  CCEaseBackIn
 CCEaseBackIn action. More...
class  CCEaseBackOut
 CCEaseBackOut action. More...
class  CCEaseBackInOut
 CCEaseBackInOut action. More...
class  CCGridAction
 Base class for Grid actions. More...
class  CCGrid3DAction
 Base class for CCGrid3D actions. More...
class  CCTiledGrid3DAction
 Base class for CCTiledGrid3D actions. More...
class  CCAccelDeccelAmplitude
 CCAccelDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  CCAccelAmplitude
 CCAccelAmplitude action. More...
class  CCDeccelAmplitude
 CCDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class  CCStopGrid
 CCStopGrid action. More...
class  CCReuseGrid
 CCReuseGrid action. More...
class  CCWaves3D
 CCWaves3D action. More...
class  CCFlipX3D
 CCFlipX3D action. More...
class  CCFlipY3D
 CCFlipY3D action. More...
class  CCLens3D
 CCLens3D action. More...
class  CCRipple3D
 CCRipple3D action. More...
class  CCShaky3D
 CCShaky3D action. More...
class  CCLiquid
 CCLiquid action. More...
class  CCWaves
 CCWaves action. More...
class  CCTwirl
 CCTwirl action. More...
class  CCActionInstant
 Instant actions are immediate actions. More...
class  CCShow
 Show the node. More...
class  CCHide
 Hide the node. More...
class  CCToggleVisibility
 Toggles the visibility of a node. More...
class  CCRemoveSelf
 Remove the node. More...
class  CCFlipX
 @ @ More...
class  CCFlipY
 @ @ More...
class  CCPlace
 @ More...
class  CCCallFunc
 @ More...
class  CCCallFuncN
 @ More...
class  CCCallFuncND

class  CCCallFuncO
class  CCActionInterval
 An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More...
class  CCSequence
 Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More...
class  CCRepeat
 Repeats an action a number of times. More...
class  CCRepeatForever
 Repeats an action for ever. More...
class  CCSpawn
 Spawn a new action immediately. More...
class  CCRotateTo
 Rotates a CCNode object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class  CCRotateBy
 Rotates a CCNode object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class  CCMoveBy
 Moves a CCNode object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  CCMoveTo
 Moves a CCNode object to the position x,y. More...
class  CCSkewTo
 Skews a CCNode object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More...
class  CCSkewBy
 Skews a CCNode object by skewX and skewY degrees. More...
class  CCJumpBy
 Moves a CCNode object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class  CCJumpTo
 Moves a CCNode object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
struct  ccBezierConfig
class  CCBezierBy
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More...
class  CCBezierTo
 An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More...
class  CCScaleTo
 Scales a CCNode object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  CCScaleBy
 Scales a CCNode object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class  CCBlink
 Blinks a CCNode object by modifying it's visible attribute. More...
class  CCFadeIn
 Fades In an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  CCFadeOut
 Fades Out an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  CCFadeTo
 Fades an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class  CCTintTo
 Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  CCTintBy
 Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class  CCDelayTime
 Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More...
class  CCReverseTime
 Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More...
class  CCAnimate
 Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More...
class  CCTargetedAction
 Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More...
class  CCActionManager
 CCActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More...
class  CCPageTurn3D
 This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More...
class  CCProgressTo
 Progress to percentage. More...
class  CCProgressFromTo
 Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More...
class  CCShakyTiles3D
 CCShakyTiles3D action. More...
class  CCShatteredTiles3D
 CCShatteredTiles3D action. More...
class  CCShuffleTiles
 CCShuffleTiles action Shuffle the tiles in random order. More...
class  CCFadeOutTRTiles
 CCFadeOutTRTiles action Fades out the tiles in a Top-Right direction. More...
class  CCFadeOutBLTiles
 CCFadeOutBLTiles action. More...
class  CCFadeOutUpTiles
 CCFadeOutUpTiles action. More...
class  CCFadeOutDownTiles
 CCFadeOutDownTiles action. More...
class  CCTurnOffTiles
 CCTurnOffTiles action. More...
class  CCWavesTiles3D
 CCWavesTiles3D action. More...
class  CCJumpTiles3D
 CCJumpTiles3D action. More...
class  CCSplitRows
 CCSplitRows action. More...
class  CCSplitCols
 CCSplitCols action. More...
class  CCActionTweenDelegate
class  CCActionTween
 CCActionTween. More...


CC_DLL CCPoint  (CCPoint &p0, CCPoint &p1, CCPoint &p2, CCPoint &p3, float tension, float t)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

( CCPoint &  p0,
CCPoint &  p1,
CCPoint &  p2,
CCPoint &  p3,
float  tension,
float  t 
var ccCardinalSplineAt ( var  p0,
var  p1,
var  p2,
var  p3,
var  tension,
var  t 
local ccCardinalSplineAt ( local  p0,
local  p1,
local  p2,
local  p3,
local  tension,
local  t 