| UILabelAtlas () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~UILabelAtlas () |
| Default destructor. More...
void | setProperty (const char *stringValue, const char *charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, const char *startCharMap, bool useSpriteFrame=false) |
| initializes the UILabelAtlas with a string, a char map file(the atlas), the width and height of each element and the starting char of the atlas More...
void | setStringValue (const char *value) |
const char * | getStringValue () |
virtual void | setAnchorPoint (const Point &pt) |
| Sets the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual const Size & | getContentSize () const |
| Gets the content size of widget. More...
virtual Node * | getVirtualRenderer () |
| Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget. More...
virtual const char * | getDescription () const |
| Returns the "class name" of widget. More...
| UIWidget (void) |
| Default constructor. More...
| UIWidget () |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~UIWidget () |
| Default destructor. More...
local | ~UIWidget () |
| Default destructor. More...
virtual void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether the widget is enabled. More...
bool | isEnabled () const |
| Determines if the widget is enabled. More...
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
| Sets whether the widget is visible. More...
bool | isVisible () const |
| Determines if the widget is visible. More...
void | setBright (bool bright) |
| Sets whether the widget is bright. More...
bool | isBright () const |
| Determines if the widget is bright. More...
virtual void | setTouchEnabled (bool enabled) |
| Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More...
local | setTouchEnabled ( local enabled) |
| Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More...
void | setBrightStyle (BrightStyle style) |
| To set the bright style of widget. More...
bool | isTouchEnabled () const |
| Determines if the widget is touch enabled. More...
bool | isFocused () const |
| Determines if the widget is on focused. More...
void | setFocused (bool fucosed) |
| Sets whether the widget is on focused. More...
void | setZOrder (int z) |
| Sets the Z order which stands for the drawing order, and reorder this widget in its parent's children array. More...
int | getZOrder () |
| Gets the Z order of this widget. More...
float | getLeftInParent () |
| Gets the left boundary position of this widget. More...
float | getBottomInParent () |
| Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More...
var | getBottomInParent () |
| Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More...
local | getBottomInParent () |
| Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More...
float | getRightInParent () |
| Gets the right boundary position of this widget. More...
float | getTopInParent () |
| Gets the top boundary position of this widget. More...
virtual bool | addChild (UIWidget *child) |
| Adds a child to the container. More...
virtual bool | removeChild (UIWidget *child) |
| Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
local | removeChild ( local child) |
| Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More...
virtual void | removeFromParent () |
| Removes this widget itself from its parent widget. More...
virtual void | removeAllChildren () |
| Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More...
void | disableUpdate () |
| Unschedules the "update" method. More...
virtual void | reorderChild (UIWidget *child) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
local | reorderChild ( local child) |
| Reorders a child according to a new z value. More...
UIWidget * | getChildByName (const char *name) |
| Gets a child from the container with its name. More...
UIWidget * | getChildByTag (int tag) |
| Gets a child from the container with its tag. More...
virtual Array * | getChildren () |
| Return an array of children. More...
Node * | getRenderer () |
| Gets the renderer of widget. More...
void | addRenderer (Node *renderer, int zOrder) |
| Add a CCNode for rendering. More...
void | removeRenderer (Node *renderer, bool cleanup) |
| Remove a CCNode from widget. More...
void | setParent (UIWidget *parent) |
| Sets the parent widget. More...
UIWidget * | getParent () |
| Returns a pointer to the parent widget. More...
void | addTouchEventListener (Object *target, SEL_TouchEvent selector) |
| Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
var | addTouchEventListener ( var target, var selector) |
| Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
local | addTouchEventListener ( local target, local selector) |
| Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More...
void | setPosition (const Point &pos) |
| Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void | setPositionPercent (const Point &percent) |
| Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
var | setPositionPercent ( var percent) |
| Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
local | setPositionPercent ( local percent) |
| Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
const Point & | getPosition () |
| Gets the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
const Point & | getPositionPercent () |
| Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
local | getPositionPercent () |
| Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More...
void | setPositionType (PositionType type) |
| Changes the position type of the widget. More...
PositionType | getPositionType () const |
| Gets the position type of the widget. More...
const Point & | getAnchorPoint () |
| Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
var | getAnchorPoint () |
| Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
local | getAnchorPoint () |
| Returns the anchor point in percent. More...
virtual void | setScale (float fScale) |
| Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget. More...
local | setScale ( local fScale) |
| Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget. More...
float | getScale () |
| Gets the scale factor of the widget, when X and Y have the same scale factor. More...
virtual void | setScaleX (float fScaleX) |
| Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More...
local | setScaleX ( local fScaleX) |
| Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More...
float | getScaleX () |
| Returns the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More...
virtual void | setScaleY (float fScaleY) |
| Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More...
local | setScaleY ( local fScaleY) |
| Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More...
float | getScaleY () |
| Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More...
void | setRotation (float rotation) |
| Sets the rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees. More...
float | getRotation () |
| Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees. More...
local | getRotation () |
| Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees. More...
void | setRotationX (float rotationX) |
| Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More...
local | setRotationX ( local rotationX) |
| Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More...
float | getRotationX () |
| Gets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More...
void | setRotationY (float rotationY) |
| Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
local | setRotationY ( local rotationY) |
| Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
float | getRotationY () |
| Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More...
virtual void | setFlipX (bool flipX) |
| Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual bool | isFlipX () |
| Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not. More...
virtual void | setFlipY (bool flipY) |
| Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not. More...
virtual bool | isFlipY () |
| Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not. More...
virtual void | setColor (const Color3B &color) |
| Sets color to widget. More...
local | setColor ( local color) |
| Sets color to widget. More...
virtual const Color3B & | getColor () |
| Gets color of widget. More...
var | getColor () |
| Gets color of widget. More...
local | getColor () |
| Gets color of widget. More...
virtual void | setOpacity (int opacity) |
| Sets opacity to widget. More...
virtual int | getOpacity () |
| Gets opacity of widget. More...
local | getOpacity () |
| Gets opacity of widget. More...
virtual bool | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
local | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeOpacityEnabled (bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) |
local | setCascadeOpacityEnabled ( local cascadeOpacityEnabled) |
virtual bool | isCascadeColorEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeColorEnabled (bool cascadeColorEnabled) |
local | setCascadeColorEnabled ( local cascadeColorEnabled) |
void | setBlendFunc (BlendFunc blendFunc) |
virtual void | setActionManager (ActionManager *actionManager) |
local | setActionManager ( local actionManager) |
virtual ActionManager * | getActionManager () |
local | getActionManager () |
Action * | runAction (Action *action) |
void | stopAllActions (void) |
void | stopAction (Action *action) |
void | stopActionByTag (int tag) |
Action * | getActionByTag (int tag) |
void | didNotSelectSelf () |
| A call back function when widget lost of focus. More...
var | didNotSelectSelf () |
| A call back function when widget lost of focus. More...
local | didNotSelectSelf () |
| A call back function when widget lost of focus. More...
bool | clippingParentAreaContainPoint (const Point &pt) |
virtual void | checkChildInfo (int handleState, UIWidget *sender, const Point &touchPoint) |
local | checkChildInfo ( local handleState, local sender, local touchPoint) |
const Point & | getTouchStartPos () |
const Point & | getTouchMovePos () |
const Point & | getTouchEndPos () |
local | getTouchEndPos () |
void | setTag (int tag) |
| Changes the tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
int | getTag () const |
| Returns a tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
void | setName (const char *name) |
| Changes the name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
const char * | getName () const |
| Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
var | getName () |
| Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
local | getName () |
| Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More...
WidgetType | getWidgetType () const |
| Returns a type that is widget's type. More...
virtual void | setSize (const Size &size) |
| Changes the size that is widget's size. More...
local | setSize ( local size) |
| Changes the size that is widget's size. More...
virtual void | setSizePercent (const Point &percent) |
| Changes the percent that is widget's percent size. More...
void | setSizeType (SizeType type) |
| Changes the size type of widget. More...
SizeType | getSizeType () const |
| Gets the size type of widget. More...
local | getSizeType () |
| Gets the size type of widget. More...
const Size & | getSize () const |
| Returns size of widget. More...
const Point & | getSizePercent () const |
| Returns size percent of widget. More...
local | getSizePercent () |
| Returns size percent of widget. More...
virtual bool | hitTest (const Point &pt) |
| Checks a point if is in widget's space. More...
virtual bool | onTouchBegan (const Point &touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began. More...
virtual void | onTouchMoved (const Point &touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More...
local | onTouchMoved ( local touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More...
virtual void | onTouchEnded (const Point &touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More...
virtual void | onTouchCancelled (const Point &touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More...
local | onTouchCancelled ( local touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More...
virtual void | onTouchLongClicked (const Point &touchPoint) |
| A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked. More...
void | setLayoutParameter (LayoutParameter *parameter) |
| Sets a LayoutParameter to widget. More...
LayoutParameter * | getLayoutParameter () |
| Gets LayoutParameter of widget. More...
virtual void | ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (bool ignore) |
| Ignore the widget size. More...
bool | isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () const |
| Gets the widget if is ignore it's size. More...
Point | getWorldPosition () |
| Gets world position of widget. More...
Point | convertToWorldSpace (const Point &pt) |
| Converts a Point to world space coordinates. More...
void | setUpdateEnabled (bool enable) |
| Schedules the "update" method. More...
bool | isUpdateEnabled () |
| is the "update" method scheduled. More...
virtual void | onEnter () |
virtual void | onExit () |
local | onExit () |
void | setActionTag (int tag) |
int | getActionTag () |
| Object () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Object () |
void | release () |
| Release the ownership immediately. More...
void | retain () |
| Retains the ownership. More...
Object * | autorelease () |
| Release the ownership sometime soon automatically. More...
bool | isSingleReference () const |
| Returns a boolean value that indicates whether there is only one reference to the object. More...
unsigned int | retainCount () const |
| Returns the object's current reference count. More...
virtual bool | isEqual (const Object *object) |
| Returns a boolean value that indicates whether this object and a given object are equal. More...
virtual void | acceptVisitor (DataVisitor &visitor) |
virtual void | update (float dt) |