#include <UICheckBox.h>
Public Member Functions | |
UICheckBox () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~UICheckBox () |
Default destructor. More... | |
local | ~UICheckBox () |
Default destructor. More... | |
void | loadTextures (const char *backGround, const char *backGroundSelected, const char *cross, const char *backGroundDisabled, const char *frontCrossDisabled, TextureResType texType=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load textures for checkbox. More... | |
void | loadTextureBackGround (const char *backGround, TextureResType type=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox. More... | |
var | loadTextureBackGround ( var backGround, var UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox. More... | |
local | loadTextureBackGround ( local backGround, local UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox. More... | |
void | loadTextureBackGroundSelected (const char *backGroundSelected, TextureResType texType=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load backGroundSelected texture for checkbox. More... | |
void | loadTextureFrontCross (const char *cross, TextureResType texType=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load cross texture for checkbox. More... | |
void | loadTextureBackGroundDisabled (const char *backGroundDisabled, TextureResType texType=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load backGroundDisabled texture for checkbox. More... | |
void | loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled (const char *frontCrossDisabled, TextureResType texType=UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL) |
Load frontCrossDisabled texture for checkbox. More... | |
void | setSelectedState (bool selected) |
Sets selcted state for checkbox. More... | |
bool | getSelectedState () |
Gets selcted state of checkbox. More... | |
virtual void | setAnchorPoint (const Point &pt) |
Sets the anchor point in percent. More... | |
void | addEventListener (Object *target, SEL_SelectedStateEvent selector) |
var | addEventListener ( var target, var selector) |
local | addEventListener ( local target, local selector) |
virtual void | setFlipX (bool flipX) |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not. More... | |
virtual void | setFlipY (bool flipY) |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not. More... | |
local | setFlipY ( local flipY) |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not. More... | |
virtual bool | isFlipX () |
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not. More... | |
local | isFlipX () |
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not. More... | |
virtual bool | isFlipY () |
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not. More... | |
local | isFlipY () |
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not. More... | |
virtual void | onTouchEnded (const Point &touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More... | |
local | onTouchEnded ( local touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended. More... | |
virtual const Size & | getContentSize () const |
Gets the content size of widget. More... | |
virtual Node * | getVirtualRenderer () |
Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget. More... | |
local | getVirtualRenderer () |
Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget. More... | |
virtual const char * | getDescription () const |
Returns the "class name" of widget. More... | |
![]() | |
UIWidget (void) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
UIWidget () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~UIWidget () |
Default destructor. More... | |
local | ~UIWidget () |
Default destructor. More... | |
virtual void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the widget is enabled. More... | |
bool | isEnabled () const |
Determines if the widget is enabled. More... | |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
Sets whether the widget is visible. More... | |
bool | isVisible () const |
Determines if the widget is visible. More... | |
void | setBright (bool bright) |
Sets whether the widget is bright. More... | |
bool | isBright () const |
Determines if the widget is bright. More... | |
virtual void | setTouchEnabled (bool enabled) |
Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More... | |
local | setTouchEnabled ( local enabled) |
Sets whether the widget is touch enabled. More... | |
void | setBrightStyle (BrightStyle style) |
To set the bright style of widget. More... | |
bool | isTouchEnabled () const |
Determines if the widget is touch enabled. More... | |
bool | isFocused () const |
Determines if the widget is on focused. More... | |
void | setFocused (bool fucosed) |
Sets whether the widget is on focused. More... | |
void | setZOrder (int z) |
Sets the Z order which stands for the drawing order, and reorder this widget in its parent's children array. More... | |
int | getZOrder () |
Gets the Z order of this widget. More... | |
float | getLeftInParent () |
Gets the left boundary position of this widget. More... | |
float | getBottomInParent () |
Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More... | |
var | getBottomInParent () |
Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More... | |
local | getBottomInParent () |
Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget. More... | |
float | getRightInParent () |
Gets the right boundary position of this widget. More... | |
float | getTopInParent () |
Gets the top boundary position of this widget. More... | |
virtual bool | addChild (UIWidget *child) |
Adds a child to the container. More... | |
virtual bool | removeChild (UIWidget *child) |
Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More... | |
local | removeChild ( local child) |
Removes a child from the container with a cleanup. More... | |
virtual void | removeFromParent () |
Removes this widget itself from its parent widget. More... | |
virtual void | removeAllChildren () |
Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter. More... | |
void | disableUpdate () |
Unschedules the "update" method. More... | |
virtual void | reorderChild (UIWidget *child) |
Reorders a child according to a new z value. More... | |
local | reorderChild ( local child) |
Reorders a child according to a new z value. More... | |
UIWidget * | getChildByName (const char *name) |
Gets a child from the container with its name. More... | |
UIWidget * | getChildByTag (int tag) |
Gets a child from the container with its tag. More... | |
virtual Array * | getChildren () |
Return an array of children. More... | |
Node * | getRenderer () |
Gets the renderer of widget. More... | |
void | addRenderer (Node *renderer, int zOrder) |
Add a CCNode for rendering. More... | |
void | removeRenderer (Node *renderer, bool cleanup) |
Remove a CCNode from widget. More... | |
void | setParent (UIWidget *parent) |
Sets the parent widget. More... | |
UIWidget * | getParent () |
Returns a pointer to the parent widget. More... | |
void | addTouchEventListener (Object *target, SEL_TouchEvent selector) |
Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More... | |
var | addTouchEventListener ( var target, var selector) |
Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More... | |
local | addTouchEventListener ( local target, local selector) |
Sets the touch event target/selector of the menu item. More... | |
void | setPosition (const Point &pos) |
Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
void | setPositionPercent (const Point &percent) |
Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
var | setPositionPercent ( var percent) |
Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
local | setPositionPercent ( local percent) |
Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
const Point & | getPosition () |
Gets the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
const Point & | getPositionPercent () |
Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
local | getPositionPercent () |
Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates. More... | |
void | setPositionType (PositionType type) |
Changes the position type of the widget. More... | |
PositionType | getPositionType () const |
Gets the position type of the widget. More... | |
const Point & | getAnchorPoint () |
Returns the anchor point in percent. More... | |
var | getAnchorPoint () |
Returns the anchor point in percent. More... | |
local | getAnchorPoint () |
Returns the anchor point in percent. More... | |
virtual void | setScale (float fScale) |
Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget. More... | |
local | setScale ( local fScale) |
Changes both X and Y scale factor of the widget. More... | |
float | getScale () |
Gets the scale factor of the widget, when X and Y have the same scale factor. More... | |
virtual void | setScaleX (float fScaleX) |
Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More... | |
local | setScaleX ( local fScaleX) |
Changes the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More... | |
float | getScaleX () |
Returns the scale factor on X axis of this widget. More... | |
virtual void | setScaleY (float fScaleY) |
Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More... | |
local | setScaleY ( local fScaleY) |
Changes the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More... | |
float | getScaleY () |
Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this widget. More... | |
void | setRotation (float rotation) |
Sets the rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees. More... | |
float | getRotation () |
Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees. More... | |
local | getRotation () |
Returns the rotation of the widget in degrees. More... | |
void | setRotationX (float rotationX) |
Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More... | |
local | setRotationX ( local rotationX) |
Sets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew. More... | |
float | getRotationX () |
Gets the X rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew. More... | |
void | setRotationY (float rotationY) |
Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More... | |
local | setRotationY ( local rotationY) |
Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More... | |
float | getRotationY () |
Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the widget in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew. More... | |
virtual void | setColor (const Color3B &color) |
Sets color to widget. More... | |
local | setColor ( local color) |
Sets color to widget. More... | |
virtual const Color3B & | getColor () |
Gets color of widget. More... | |
var | getColor () |
Gets color of widget. More... | |
local | getColor () |
Gets color of widget. More... | |
virtual void | setOpacity (int opacity) |
Sets opacity to widget. More... | |
virtual int | getOpacity () |
Gets opacity of widget. More... | |
local | getOpacity () |
Gets opacity of widget. More... | |
virtual bool | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
local | isCascadeOpacityEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeOpacityEnabled (bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) |
local | setCascadeOpacityEnabled ( local cascadeOpacityEnabled) |
virtual bool | isCascadeColorEnabled () |
virtual void | setCascadeColorEnabled (bool cascadeColorEnabled) |
local | setCascadeColorEnabled ( local cascadeColorEnabled) |
void | setBlendFunc (BlendFunc blendFunc) |
virtual void | setActionManager (ActionManager *actionManager) |
local | setActionManager ( local actionManager) |
virtual ActionManager * | getActionManager () |
local | getActionManager () |
Action * | runAction (Action *action) |
void | stopAllActions (void) |
void | stopAction (Action *action) |
void | stopActionByTag (int tag) |
Action * | getActionByTag (int tag) |
void | didNotSelectSelf () |
A call back function when widget lost of focus. More... | |
var | didNotSelectSelf () |
A call back function when widget lost of focus. More... | |
local | didNotSelectSelf () |
A call back function when widget lost of focus. More... | |
bool | clippingParentAreaContainPoint (const Point &pt) |
virtual void | checkChildInfo (int handleState, UIWidget *sender, const Point &touchPoint) |
local | checkChildInfo ( local handleState, local sender, local touchPoint) |
const Point & | getTouchStartPos () |
const Point & | getTouchMovePos () |
const Point & | getTouchEndPos () |
local | getTouchEndPos () |
void | setTag (int tag) |
Changes the tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
int | getTag () const |
Returns a tag that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
void | setName (const char *name) |
Changes the name that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
const char * | getName () const |
Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
var | getName () |
Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
local | getName () |
Returns a name that is used to identify the widget easily. More... | |
WidgetType | getWidgetType () const |
Returns a type that is widget's type. More... | |
virtual void | setSize (const Size &size) |
Changes the size that is widget's size. More... | |
local | setSize ( local size) |
Changes the size that is widget's size. More... | |
virtual void | setSizePercent (const Point &percent) |
Changes the percent that is widget's percent size. More... | |
void | setSizeType (SizeType type) |
Changes the size type of widget. More... | |
SizeType | getSizeType () const |
Gets the size type of widget. More... | |
local | getSizeType () |
Gets the size type of widget. More... | |
const Size & | getSize () const |
Returns size of widget. More... | |
const Point & | getSizePercent () const |
Returns size percent of widget. More... | |
local | getSizePercent () |
Returns size percent of widget. More... | |
virtual bool | hitTest (const Point &pt) |
Checks a point if is in widget's space. More... | |
virtual bool | onTouchBegan (const Point &touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch began. More... | |
virtual void | onTouchMoved (const Point &touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More... | |
local | onTouchMoved ( local touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch moved. More... | |
virtual void | onTouchCancelled (const Point &touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More... | |
local | onTouchCancelled ( local touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch canceled. More... | |
virtual void | onTouchLongClicked (const Point &touchPoint) |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch long clicked. More... | |
void | setLayoutParameter (LayoutParameter *parameter) |
Sets a LayoutParameter to widget. More... | |
LayoutParameter * | getLayoutParameter () |
Gets LayoutParameter of widget. More... | |
virtual void | ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (bool ignore) |
Ignore the widget size. More... | |
bool | isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () const |
Gets the widget if is ignore it's size. More... | |
Point | getWorldPosition () |
Gets world position of widget. More... | |
Point | convertToWorldSpace (const Point &pt) |
Converts a Point to world space coordinates. More... | |
void | setUpdateEnabled (bool enable) |
Schedules the "update" method. More... | |
bool | isUpdateEnabled () |
is the "update" method scheduled. More... | |
virtual void | onEnter () |
virtual void | onExit () |
local | onExit () |
void | setActionTag (int tag) |
int | getActionTag () |
![]() | |
Object () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Object () |
void | release () |
Release the ownership immediately. More... | |
void | retain () |
Retains the ownership. More... | |
Object * | autorelease () |
Release the ownership sometime soon automatically. More... | |
bool | isSingleReference () const |
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether there is only one reference to the object. More... | |
unsigned int | retainCount () const |
Returns the object's current reference count. More... | |
virtual bool | isEqual (const Object *object) |
Returns a boolean value that indicates whether this object and a given object are equal. More... | |
virtual void | acceptVisitor (DataVisitor &visitor) |
virtual void | update (float dt) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static UICheckBox * | create () |
Allocates and initializes. More... | |
var | create () |
Allocates and initializes. More... | |
local | create () |
Allocates and initializes. More... | |
![]() | |
static UIWidget * | create () |
Allocates and initializes a widget. More... | |
local | create () |
Allocates and initializes a widget. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
unsigned int | _ID |
object id, ScriptSupport need public _ID More... | |
int | _luaID |
Lua reference id. More... | |
UICheckBox | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
var UICheckBox | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
local UICheckBox | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
virtual |
Default destructor.
virtual |
Default destructor.
virtual |
Default destructor.
void addEventListener | ( | Object * | target, |
SEL_SelectedStateEvent | selector | ||
) |
var addEventListener | ( | var | target, |
var | selector | ||
) |
local addEventListener | ( | local | target, |
local | selector | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
static |
Allocates and initializes.
static |
Allocates and initializes.
static |
Allocates and initializes.
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Gets the content size of widget.
Content size is widget's texture size.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Gets the content size of widget.
Content size is widget's texture size.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Gets the content size of widget.
Content size is widget's texture size.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the "class name" of widget.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the "class name" of widget.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the "class name" of widget.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
bool getSelectedState | ( | ) |
Gets selcted state of checkbox.
var getSelectedState | ( | ) |
Gets selcted state of checkbox.
local getSelectedState | ( | ) |
Gets selcted state of checkbox.
virtual |
Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget.
For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget.
For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Gets the Virtual Renderer of widget.
For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleY(widget->getScaleY() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleY(widget->getScaleY() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
It only flips the texture of the widget, and not the texture of the widget's children. Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint. If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use: widget->setScaleY(widget->getScaleY() * -1);
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
void loadTextureBackGround | ( | const char * | backGround, |
TextureResType | type = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextureBackGround | ( | var | backGround, |
var | type = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextureBackGround | ( | local | backGround, |
local | type = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGround texture for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
void loadTextureBackGroundDisabled | ( | const char * | backGroundDisabled, |
TextureResType | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundDisabled texture for checkbox.
backGroundDisabled | backGroundDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextureBackGroundDisabled | ( | var | backGroundDisabled, |
var | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundDisabled texture for checkbox.
backGroundDisabled | backGroundDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextureBackGroundDisabled | ( | local | backGroundDisabled, |
local | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundDisabled texture for checkbox.
backGroundDisabled | backGroundDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
void loadTextureBackGroundSelected | ( | const char * | backGroundSelected, |
TextureResType | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundSelected texture for checkbox.
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextureBackGroundSelected | ( | var | backGroundSelected, |
var | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundSelected texture for checkbox.
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextureBackGroundSelected | ( | local | backGroundSelected, |
local | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load backGroundSelected texture for checkbox.
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
void loadTextureFrontCross | ( | const char * | cross, |
TextureResType | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load cross texture for checkbox.
cross | cross texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextureFrontCross | ( | var | cross, |
var | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load cross texture for checkbox.
cross | cross texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextureFrontCross | ( | local | cross, |
local | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load cross texture for checkbox.
cross | cross texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
void loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled | ( | const char * | frontCrossDisabled, |
TextureResType | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load frontCrossDisabled texture for checkbox.
frontCrossDisabled | frontCrossDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled | ( | var | frontCrossDisabled, |
var | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load frontCrossDisabled texture for checkbox.
frontCrossDisabled | frontCrossDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled | ( | local | frontCrossDisabled, |
local | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load frontCrossDisabled texture for checkbox.
frontCrossDisabled | frontCrossDisabled texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
void loadTextures | ( | const char * | backGround, |
const char * | backGroundSelected, | ||
const char * | cross, | ||
const char * | backGroundDisabled, | ||
const char * | frontCrossDisabled, | ||
TextureResType | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load textures for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
cross | cross texture. |
frontCrossDisabled | cross dark state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
var loadTextures | ( | var | backGround, |
var | backGroundSelected, | ||
var | cross, | ||
var | backGroundDisabled, | ||
var | frontCrossDisabled, | ||
var | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load textures for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
cross | cross texture. |
frontCrossDisabled | cross dark state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
local loadTextures | ( | local | backGround, |
local | backGroundSelected, | ||
local | cross, | ||
local | backGroundDisabled, | ||
local | frontCrossDisabled, | ||
local | texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
) |
Load textures for checkbox.
backGround | backGround texture. |
backGroundSelected | backGround selected state texture. |
cross | cross texture. |
frontCrossDisabled | cross dark state texture. |
texType@see | UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended.
touch | point |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended.
touch | point |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
A call back function called when widget is selected, and on touch ended.
touch | point |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
protected |
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Sets the anchor point in percent.
anchorPoint is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place. It's like a pin in the widget where it is "attached" to its parent. The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner. But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too. The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the widget.
anchorPoint | The anchor point of widget. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets the anchor point in percent.
anchorPoint is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place. It's like a pin in the widget where it is "attached" to its parent. The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner. But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too. The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the widget.
anchorPoint | The anchor point of widget. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets the anchor point in percent.
anchorPoint is the point around which all transformations and positioning manipulations take place. It's like a pin in the widget where it is "attached" to its parent. The anchorPoint is normalized, like a percentage. (0,0) means the bottom-left corner and (1,1) means the top-right corner. But you can use values higher than (1,1) and lower than (0,0) too. The default anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), so it starts in the center of the widget.
anchorPoint | The anchor point of widget. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
bFlipX | true if the widget should be flipped horizaontally, false otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
bFlipX | true if the widget should be flipped horizaontally, false otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
bFlipX | true if the widget should be flipped horizaontally, false otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
bFlipY | true if the widget should be flipped vertically, flase otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
bFlipY | true if the widget should be flipped vertically, flase otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
virtual |
Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
bFlipY | true if the widget should be flipped vertically, flase otherwise. |
Reimplemented from UIWidget.
void setSelectedState | ( | bool | selected) |
Sets selcted state for checkbox.
selected | true that checkbox is selected, false otherwise. |
var setSelectedState | ( | var | selected) |
Sets selcted state for checkbox.
selected | true that checkbox is selected, false otherwise. |
local setSelectedState | ( | local | selected) |
Sets selcted state for checkbox.
selected | true that checkbox is selected, false otherwise. |
protected |
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protected |
protected |
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protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
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protected |