TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene.
#include <CCTransition.h>
| TransitionMoveInT () |
virtual | ~TransitionMoveInT () |
virtual void | initScenes () |
| initializes the scenes More...
| TransitionMoveInL () |
virtual | ~TransitionMoveInL () |
| TransitionScene () |
virtual | ~TransitionScene () |
bool | initWithDuration (float t, Scene *scene) |
| initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene More...
virtual void | sceneOrder () |
void | setNewScene (float dt) |
| Scene () |
| Scene () |
| Scene () |
virtual | ~Scene () |
var | ~Scene () |
local | ~Scene () |
bool | init () |
var | init () |
local | init () |
bool | initWithPhysics () |
var | initWithPhysics () |
local | initWithPhysics () |
void | addChildToPhysicsWorld (Node *child) |
var | addChildToPhysicsWorld ( var child) |
local | addChildToPhysicsWorld ( local child) |
| Node () |
| Node () |
| Node () |
virtual | ~Node () |
local | ~Node () |
void | childrenAlloc (void) |
| lazy allocs More...
var | childrenAlloc () |
| lazy allocs More...
local | childrenAlloc () |
| lazy allocs More...
void | insertChild (Node *child, int z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
var | insertChild ( var child, var z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
local | insertChild ( local child, local z) |
| helper that reorder a child More...
void | detachChild (Node *child, ssize_t index, bool doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
var | detachChild ( var child, var index, var doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
local | detachChild ( local child, local index, local doCleanup) |
| Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array. More...
Point | convertToWindowSpace (const Point &nodePoint) const |
| Convert cocos2d coordinates to UI windows coordinate. More...
var | convertToWindowSpace ( var nodePoint) |
| Convert cocos2d coordinates to UI windows coordinate. More...
local | convertToWindowSpace ( local nodePoint) |
| Convert cocos2d coordinates to UI windows coordinate. More...
virtual void | updateCascadeOpacity () |
virtual void | disableCascadeOpacity () |
virtual void | updateCascadeColor () |
virtual void | disableCascadeColor () |
virtual void | updateColor () |
var | updateColor () |
local | updateColor () |
TransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene.
virtual void initScenes |
( |
) | |
protectedvirtual |
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