This is the complete list of members for TextFieldTTF, including all inherited members.
_actionManager | Node | protected |
_additionalTransform | Node | mutableprotected |
_additionalTransformDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_alignment | LabelTTF | protected |
_anchorPoint | Node | protected |
_anchorPointInPoints | Node | protected |
_atlasIndex | Sprite | protected |
_autoReleaseCount | Object | protected |
_batchNode | Sprite | protected |
_blendFunc | Sprite | protected |
_camera | Node | protected |
_cascadeColorEnabled | NodeRGBA | protected |
_cascadeOpacityEnabled | NodeRGBA | protected |
_charCount | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_children | Node | protected |
_colorSpaceHolder | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_componentContainer | Node | protected |
_contentSize | Node | protected |
_delegate | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_dimensions | LabelTTF | protected |
_dirty | Sprite | protected |
_displayedColor | NodeRGBA | protected |
_displayedOpacity | NodeRGBA | protected |
_eventPriority | Node | protected |
_flippedX | Sprite | protected |
_flippedY | Sprite | protected |
_fontName | LabelTTF | protected |
_fontSize | LabelTTF | protected |
_globalEventPriorityIndex | Node | protectedstatic |
_grid | Node | protected |
_hasChildren | Sprite | protected |
_ID | Object | |
_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition | Node | protected |
_inputText | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_inverse | Node | mutableprotected |
_inverseDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_isTransitionFinished | Node | protected |
_luaID | Object | |
_offsetPosition | Sprite | protected |
_oldEventPriority | Node | protected |
_opacityModifyRGB | Sprite | protected |
_orderOfArrival | Node | protected |
_parent | Node | protected |
_placeHolder | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_position | Node | protected |
_prepareTextDefinition(bool adjustForResolution=false) | LabelTTF | protected |
_quad | Sprite | protected |
_realColor | NodeRGBA | protected |
_realOpacity | NodeRGBA | protected |
_rect | Sprite | protected |
_rectRotated | Sprite | protected |
_recursiveDirty | Sprite | protected |
_reference | Object | protected |
_reorderChildDirty | Node | protected |
_rotationX | Node | protected |
_rotationY | Node | protected |
_running | Node | protected |
_scaleX | Node | protected |
_scaleY | Node | protected |
_scheduler | Node | protected |
_scriptHandler | Node | protected |
_scriptType | Node | protected |
_secureTextEntry | TextFieldTTF | protected |
_setZOrder(int z) | Node | virtual |
_shaderProgram | Node | protected |
_shadowBlur | LabelTTF | protected |
_shadowEnabled | LabelTTF | protected |
_shadowOffset | LabelTTF | protected |
_shadowOpacity | LabelTTF | protected |
_shouldBeHidden | Sprite | protected |
_skewX | Node | protected |
_skewY | Node | protected |
_string | LabelTTF | protected |
_strokeColor | LabelTTF | protected |
_strokeEnabled | LabelTTF | protected |
_strokeSize | LabelTTF | protected |
_tag | Node | protected |
_textFillColor | LabelTTF | protected |
_texture | Sprite | protected |
_textureAtlas | Sprite | protected |
_transform | Node | mutableprotected |
_transformDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_transformToBatch | Sprite | protected |
_unflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter | Sprite | protected |
_updateScriptHandler | Node | protected |
_updateWithTextDefinition(const FontDefinition &textDefinition, bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | protected |
_userData | Node | protected |
_userObject | Node | protected |
_vAlignment | LabelTTF | protected |
_vertexZ | Node | protected |
_visible | Node | protected |
_ZOrder | Node | protected |
acceptVisitor(DataVisitor &visitor) | Object | virtual |
addChild(Node *child) override | Sprite | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int zOrder) override | Sprite | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) override | Sprite | virtual |
addComponent(Component *pComponent) | Node | virtual |
attachWithIME() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
autorelease() | Object | |
boundingBox() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
canAttachWithIME() | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
canDetachWithIME() | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
childrenAlloc(void) | Node | protected |
cleanup() | Node | virtual |
convertToNodeSpace(const Point &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertToNodeSpaceAR(const Point &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpace(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertToWindowSpace(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | protected |
convertToWorldSpace(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | |
convertToWorldSpaceAR(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | |
create(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | LabelTTF | static |
create(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment hAlignment) | LabelTTF | static |
create(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment hAlignment, TextVAlignment vAlignment) | LabelTTF | static |
create() | LabelTTF | static |
cocos2d::Sprite::create(const char *filename) | Sprite | static |
cocos2d::Sprite::create(const char *filename, const Rect &rect) | Sprite | static |
createWithFontDefinition(const char *string, FontDefinition &textDefinition) | LabelTTF | static |
createWithSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame) | Sprite | static |
createWithSpriteFrameName(const char *spriteFrameName) | Sprite | static |
createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture) | Sprite | static |
createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &rect) | Sprite | static |
deleteBackward() | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
description() const | LabelTTF | |
detachChild(Node *child, int index, bool doCleanup) | Node | protected |
detachWithIME() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
didAttachWithIME() | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
didDetachWithIME() | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
disableShadow(bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | |
disableStroke(bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | |
displayFrame() | Sprite | inlinevirtual |
draw() | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
enableShadow(const Size &shadowOffset, float shadowOpacity, float shadowBlur, bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | |
enableStroke(const Color3B &strokeColor, float strokeSize, bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | |
getActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
getActionManager() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getActionManager() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getAnchorPoint() const | Node | virtual |
getAnchorPointInPoints() const | Node | virtual |
getAtlasIndex(void) const | Sprite | inline |
getBatchNode(void) | Sprite | virtual |
getBlendFunc() const override | Sprite | inlinevirtual |
getBoundingBox() const | Node | virtual |
getCamera() | Node | virtual |
getCharCount() const | TextFieldTTF | inline |
getChildByTag(int tag) | Node | |
getChildren() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getChildren() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getChildrenCount() const | Node | |
getColor(void) const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
getColorSpaceHolder() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getComponent(const char *pName) | Node | |
getContentSize() const | Node | virtual |
getContentText() | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
getDelegate() const | TextFieldTTF | inline |
getDimensions() const | LabelTTF | |
getDisplayedColor() const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
getDisplayedOpacity() const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
getDisplayFrame() | Sprite | virtual |
getFontName() const | LabelTTF | |
getFontSize() const | LabelTTF | |
getGLServerState() const | Node | inline |
getGrid() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getGrid() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getHorizontalAlignment() const | LabelTTF | |
getNodeToParentTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToWorldTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNumberOfRunningActions() const | Node | |
getOffsetPosition(void) const | Sprite | inline |
getOpacity() const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
getOrderOfArrival() const | Node | virtual |
getParent() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getParent() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getParentToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getPlaceHolder(void) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getPosition() const | Node | virtual |
getPosition(float *x, float *y) const | Node | virtual |
getPositionX(void) const | Node | virtual |
getPositionY(void) const | Node | virtual |
getQuad(void) const | Sprite | inline |
getRotation() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationX() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationY() const | Node | virtual |
getScale() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleX() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleY() const | Node | virtual |
getScheduler() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getScheduler() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getShaderProgram() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getShaderProgram() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getSkewX() const | Node | virtual |
getSkewY() const | Node | virtual |
getString(void) const | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
getTag() const | Node | virtual |
getTextDefinition() | LabelTTF | |
getTexture() const override | Sprite | virtual |
getTextureAtlas(void) | Sprite | inline |
getTextureRect(void) | Sprite | inline |
getUserData() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserData() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getVertexZ() const | Node | virtual |
getVerticalAlignment() const | LabelTTF | |
getWorldToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getZOrder() const | Node | virtual |
ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool value) override | Sprite | virtual |
IMEDelegate() | IMEDelegate | protected |
INDEX_NOT_INITIALIZED | Sprite | static |
init() | LabelTTF | virtual |
initWithFile(const char *filename) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithFile(const char *filename, const Rect &rect) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithPlaceHolder(const char *placeholder, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment alignment, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | |
initWithPlaceHolder(const char *placeholder, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | |
initWithSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithSpriteFrameName(const char *spriteFrameName) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithString(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | LabelTTF | |
initWithString(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment hAlignment) | LabelTTF | |
initWithString(const char *string, const char *fontName, float fontSize, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment hAlignment, TextVAlignment vAlignment) | LabelTTF | |
initWithStringAndTextDefinition(const char *string, FontDefinition &textDefinition) | LabelTTF | |
initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &rect) | Sprite | virtual |
initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, const Rect &rect, bool rotated) | Sprite | virtual |
insertChild(Node *child, int z) | Node | protected |
insertText(const char *text, int len) | TextFieldTTF | protectedvirtual |
INVALID_TAG | Node | static |
isCascadeColorEnabled() const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
isCascadeOpacityEnabled() const override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
isDirty(void) const | Sprite | inlinevirtual |
isEqual(const Object *object) | Object | virtual |
isFlippedX(void) const | Sprite | |
isFlippedY(void) const | Sprite | |
isFlipX() | Sprite | inline |
isFlipY() | Sprite | inline |
isFrameDisplayed(SpriteFrame *pFrame) const | Sprite | virtual |
isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() const | Node | virtual |
isOpacityModifyRGB(void) const override | Sprite | virtual |
isRunning() const | Node | virtual |
isScheduled(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
isSecureTextEntry() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
isSingleReference() const | Object | |
isTextureRectRotated(void) const | Sprite | inline |
isVisible() const | Node | virtual |
keyboardDidHide(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo &info) | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
keyboardDidShow(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo &info) | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
keyboardWillHide(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo &info) | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
keyboardWillShow(IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo &info) | IMEDelegate | inlineprotectedvirtual |
LabelTTF() | LabelTTF | |
Node(void) | Node | |
NodeRGBA() | NodeRGBA | |
nodeToParentTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
nodeToWorldTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
numberOfRunningActions() const | Node | inline |
Object() | Object | |
onEnter() | Node | virtual |
onEnterTransitionDidFinish() | Node | virtual |
onExit() | Node | virtual |
onExitTransitionDidStart() | Node | virtual |
parentToNodeTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
pauseSchedulerAndActions(void) | Node | |
release() | Object | inline |
removeAllChildren() | Node | virtual |
removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) override | Sprite | virtual |
removeAllComponents() | Node | virtual |
removeAllEventListeners() | Node | protected |
removeChild(Node *child, bool cleanup) override | Sprite | virtual |
removeChildByTag(int tag, bool cleanup=true) | Node | virtual |
removeComponent(const char *pName) | Node | virtual |
removeFromParent() | Node | virtual |
removeFromParentAndCleanup(bool cleanup) | Node | virtual |
reorderChild(Node *child, int zOrder) override | Sprite | virtual |
resumeSchedulerAndActions(void) | Node | |
retain() | Object | inline |
retainCount() const | Object | |
runAction(Action *action) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay) | Node | |
scheduleUpdate(void) | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriority(int priority) | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua(int handler, int priority) | Node | |
setActionManager(ActionManager *actionManager) | Node | virtual |
setAdditionalTransform(const AffineTransform &additionalTransform) | Node | |
setAnchorPoint(const Point &anchor) override | Sprite | virtual |
setAtlasIndex(int atlasIndex) | Sprite | inline |
setBatchNode(SpriteBatchNode *spriteBatchNode) | Sprite | virtual |
setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) override | Sprite | inlinevirtual |
setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled) override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) override | NodeRGBA | virtual |
setColor(const Color3B &color3) override | Sprite | virtual |
setColorSpaceHolder(const Color3B &color) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setContentSize(const Size &contentSize) | Node | virtual |
setDelegate(TextFieldDelegate *delegate) | TextFieldTTF | inline |
setDimensions(const Size &dim) | LabelTTF | |
setDirty(bool bDirty) | Sprite | inlinevirtual |
setDirtyForAllEventListeners() | Node | protected |
setDirtyRecursively(bool bValue) | Sprite | protectedvirtual |
setDisplayFrame(SpriteFrame *pNewFrame) | Sprite | virtual |
setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(const char *animationName, int frameIndex) | Sprite | virtual |
setFlippedX(bool flippedX) | Sprite | |
setFlippedY(bool flippedY) | Sprite | |
setFlipX(bool flippedX) | Sprite | inline |
setFlipY(bool flippedY) | Sprite | inline |
setFontFillColor(const Color3B &tintColor, bool mustUpdateTexture=true) | LabelTTF | |
setFontName(const char *fontName) | LabelTTF | |
setFontSize(float fontSize) | LabelTTF | |
setGLServerState(int serverState) | Node | inline |
setGrid(GridBase *grid) | Node | virtual |
setHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment alignment) | LabelTTF | |
setOpacity(GLubyte opacity) override | Sprite | virtual |
setOpacityModifyRGB(bool modify) override | Sprite | virtual |
setOrderOfArrival(int orderOfArrival) | Node | virtual |
setParent(Node *parent) | Node | virtual |
setPlaceHolder(const char *text) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setPosition(const Point &pos) override | Sprite | virtual |
cocos2d::NodeRGBA::setPosition(float x, float y) | Node | virtual |
setPositionX(float x) | Node | virtual |
setPositionY(float y) | Node | virtual |
setReorderChildDirtyRecursively(void) | Sprite | protectedvirtual |
setRotation(float rotation) override | Sprite | virtual |
setRotationX(float rotationX) override | Sprite | virtual |
setRotationY(float rotationY) override | Sprite | virtual |
setScale(float scale) override | Sprite | virtual |
setScaleX(float scaleX) override | Sprite | virtual |
setScaleY(float scaleY) override | Sprite | virtual |
setScheduler(Scheduler *scheduler) | Node | virtual |
setSecureTextEntry(bool value) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setShaderProgram(GLProgram *shaderProgram) | Node | virtual |
setSkewX(float sx) override | Sprite | virtual |
setSkewY(float sy) override | Sprite | virtual |
setString(const char *text) | TextFieldTTF | virtual |
setTag(int tag) | Node | virtual |
setTextDefinition(const FontDefinition &theDefinition) | LabelTTF | |
setTexture(Texture2D *texture) override | Sprite | virtual |
setTextureAtlas(TextureAtlas *pobTextureAtlas) | Sprite | inline |
setTextureCoords(Rect rect) | Sprite | protectedvirtual |
setTextureRect(const Rect &rect) | Sprite | virtual |
setTextureRect(const Rect &rect, bool rotated, const Size &untrimmedSize) | Sprite | virtual |
setUserData(void *userData) | Node | virtual |
setUserObject(Object *userObject) | Node | virtual |
setVertexRect(const Rect &rect) | Sprite | virtual |
setVertexZ(float vertexZ) override | Sprite | virtual |
setVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment verticalAlignment) | LabelTTF | |
setVisible(bool bVisible) override | Sprite | virtual |
setZOrder(int zOrder) | Node | virtual |
sortAllChildren() override | Sprite | virtual |
Sprite(void) | Sprite | |
stopAction(Action *action) | Node | |
stopActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
stopAllActions() | Node | |
TextFieldTTF() | TextFieldTTF | |
textFieldWithPlaceHolder(const char *placeholder, const Size &dimensions, TextHAlignment alignment, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | static |
textFieldWithPlaceHolder(const char *placeholder, const char *fontName, float fontSize) | TextFieldTTF | static |
transform() | Node | |
transformAncestors() | Node | |
unschedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
unscheduleAllSelectors(void) | Node | |
unscheduleUpdate(void) | Node | |
update(float delta) | Node | virtual |
updateBlendFunc(void) | Sprite | protectedvirtual |
updateColor(void) | Sprite | protected |
updateDisplayedColor(const Color3B &parentColor) override | Sprite | virtual |
updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte parentOpacity) override | Sprite | virtual |
updateEventPriorityIndex() | Node | inlineprotected |
updateTransform(void) | Sprite | virtual |
visit() | Node | virtual |
worldToNodeTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
~IMEDelegate() | IMEDelegate | virtual |
~LabelTTF() | LabelTTF | virtual |
~Node(void) | Node | virtual |
~NodeRGBA() | NodeRGBA | virtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~Sprite(void) | Sprite | virtual |
~TextFieldTTF() | TextFieldTTF | virtual |