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CDLongAudioSource Class Reference

CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine. More...

#import <CDAudioManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for CDLongAudioSource:
<CDAudioInterruptProtocol> <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>

Instance Methods

(void) - load:
 Loads the file into the audio source. More...
(void) - play
 Plays the audio source. More...
(void) - stop
 Stops playing the audio soruce. More...
(void) - pause
 Pauses the audio source. More...
(void) - rewind
 Rewinds the audio source. More...
(void) - resume
 Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused. More...
(BOOL) - isPlaying
 Returns whether or not the audio source is playing. More...
(void) - load:
 Loads the file into the audio source. More...
(void) - play
 Plays the audio source. More...
(void) - stop
 Stops playing the audio soruce. More...
(void) - pause
 Pauses the audio source. More...
local - pause
 Pauses the audio source. More...
(void) - rewind
 Rewinds the audio source. More...
(void) - resume
 Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused. More...
(BOOL) - isPlaying
 Returns whether or not the audio source is playing. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <CDAudioInterruptProtocol>
(BOOL) - mute
 Is audio mute. More...
(void) - setMute:
 If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. More...
(BOOL) - enabled
 Is audio enabled. More...
(void) - setEnabled:
 If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. More...
(BOOL) - mute
 Is audio mute. More...
(void) - setMute:
 If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. More...
local - setMute:
 If YES then audio is silenced but not stopped, calls to start new audio will proceed but silently. More...
(BOOL) - enabled
 Is audio enabled. More...
(void) - setEnabled:
 If NO then all audio is stopped and any calls to start new audio will be ignored. More...

Public Attributes

BOOL systemPaused
var systemPaused
local systemPaused
NSTimeInterval systemPauseLocation
var systemPauseLocation
local systemPauseLocation

Protected Attributes

BOOL mute
BOOL enabled_
tLongAudioSourceState state
var state
local state


AVAudioPlayer * audioSourcePlayer
NSString * audioSourceFilePath
NSInteger numberOfLoops
float volume
id< CDLongAudioSourceDelegatedelegate
BOOL backgroundMusic
BOOL paused

Detailed Description

CDLongAudioSource represents an audio source that has a long duration which makes it costly to load into memory for playback as an effect using CDSoundEngine.

Examples include background music and narration tracks. The audio file may or may not be compressed. Bear in mind that current iDevices can only use hardware to decode a single compressed audio file at a time and playing multiple compressed files will result in a performance drop as software decompression will take place.


Method Documentation

- (BOOL) isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

var isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

local isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

- (BOOL) isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

var isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

local isPlaying

Returns whether or not the audio source is playing.

- (void) load: (NSString *)  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) load: var  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) load: local  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) load: (NSString *)  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) load: var  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) load: local  filePath

Loads the file into the audio source.

- (void) pause

Pauses the audio source.

var pause

Pauses the audio source.

local pause

Pauses the audio source.

- (void) pause

Pauses the audio source.

var pause

Pauses the audio source.

local pause

Pauses the audio source.

- (void) play

Plays the audio source.

var play

Plays the audio source.

local play

Plays the audio source.

- (void) play

Plays the audio source.

var play

Plays the audio source.

local play

Plays the audio source.

- (void) resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

var resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

local resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

- (void) resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

var resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

local resume

Resumes playing the audio source if it was paused.

- (void) rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

var rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

local rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

- (void) rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

var rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

local rewind

Rewinds the audio source.

- (void) stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

var stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

local stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

- (void) stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

var stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

local stop

Stops playing the audio soruce.

Member Data Documentation

- (BOOL) enabled_
var enabled_
local enabled_
- (BOOL) mute
var mute
local mute
- (tLongAudioSourceState) state
var state
local state
- (BOOL) systemPaused
var systemPaused
local systemPaused
- (NSTimeInterval)
var systemPauseLocation
local systemPauseLocation

Property Documentation

- (NSString *) audioSourceFilePath
var audioSourceFilePath
local audioSourceFilePath
- (AVAudioPlayer
*) audioSourcePlayer
var audioSourcePlayer
local audioSourcePlayer
- (BOOL) backgroundMusic
var backgroundMusic
local backgroundMusic
- (id
< CDLongAudioSourceDelegate >
) delegate
var delegate
local delegate
- (NSInteger) numberOfLoops
var numberOfLoops
local numberOfLoops
- (BOOL) paused
var paused
local paused
- (float) volume
var volume
local volume

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