Class cc.ParallaxNode
- Defined in: CCParallaxNode.js
- Extends cc.Node
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller |
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller
The children will be moved faster / slower than the parent according the the parallax ratio.
Field Detail
- Parallax nodes array
Method Detail
addChild(child, z, ratio, offset)Adds a child to the container with a z-order, a parallax ratio and a position offset It returns self, so you can chain several addChilds.
//example voidNode.addChild(background, -1, cc.p(0.4, 0.5), cc.p(0,0));
//example var voidNode = cc.ParallaxNode.create();
- Returns:
- {cc.ParallaxNode}
{Array} getParallaxArray()
- Returns:
- {Array}
removeAllChildren(cleanup)Remove all children with cleanup
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} cleanup
removeChild(child, cleanup)Remove Child
//example voidNode.removeChild(background,true);
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} child
- {Boolean} cleanup
- Parameters:
- {Array} value