This is the complete list of members for LabelBMFont, including all inherited members.
_actionManager | Node | protected |
_additionalTransform | Node | mutableprotected |
_additionalTransformDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_alignment | LabelBMFont | protected |
_anchorPoint | Node | protected |
_anchorPointInPoints | Node | protected |
_autoReleaseCount | Object | protected |
_blendFunc | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
_cascadeColorEnabled | Node | protected |
_cascadeOpacityEnabled | Node | protected |
_children | Node | protected |
_componentContainer | Node | protected |
_configuration | LabelBMFont | protected |
_contentSize | Node | protected |
_descendants | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
_displayedColor | Node | protected |
_displayedOpacity | Node | protected |
_eventDispatcher | Node | protected |
_fntFile | LabelBMFont | protected |
_ID | Object | |
_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition | Node | protected |
_imageOffset | LabelBMFont | protected |
_initialString | LabelBMFont | protected |
_initialStringUTF8 | LabelBMFont | protected |
_inverse | Node | mutableprotected |
_inverseDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_isOpacityModifyRGB | LabelBMFont | protected |
_isTransitionFinished | Node | protected |
_lineBreakWithoutSpaces | LabelBMFont | protected |
_luaID | Object | |
_modelViewTransform | Node | protected |
_orderOfArrival | Node | protected |
_parent | Node | protected |
_physicsBody | Node | protected |
_position | Node | protected |
_quadCommand | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
_realColor | Node | protected |
_realOpacity | Node | protected |
_reference | Object | protected |
_reorderChildDirty | Node | protected |
_reusedChar | LabelBMFont | protected |
_rotationX | Node | protected |
_rotationY | Node | protected |
_running | Node | protected |
_scaleX | Node | protected |
_scaleY | Node | protected |
_scheduler | Node | protected |
_scriptHandler | Node | protected |
_scriptType | Node | protected |
_setZOrder(int z) | Node | virtual |
_shaderProgram | Node | protected |
_skewX | Node | protected |
_skewY | Node | protected |
_string | LabelBMFont | protected |
_tag | Node | protected |
_textureAtlas | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
_transform | Node | mutableprotected |
_transformDirty | Node | mutableprotected |
_updateScriptHandler | Node | protected |
_userData | Node | protected |
_userObject | Node | protected |
_vertexZ | Node | protected |
_visible | Node | protected |
_width | LabelBMFont | protected |
_ZOrder | Node | protected |
acceptVisitor(DataVisitor &visitor) | Object | virtual |
addChild(Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
cocos2d::Node::addChild(Node *child) | Node | virtual |
cocos2d::Node::addChild(Node *child, int zOrder) | Node | virtual |
addComponent(Component *pComponent) | Node | virtual |
addSpriteWithoutQuad(Sprite *child, int z, int aTag) | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
appendChild(Sprite *sprite) | SpriteBatchNode | |
atlasIndexForChild(Sprite *sprite, int z) | SpriteBatchNode | |
atlasNameFromFntFile(const std::string &fntFile) | LabelBMFont | protected |
autorelease() | Object | |
boundingBox() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
childrenAlloc(void) | Node | protected |
cleanup() | Node | virtual |
convertToNodeSpace(const Point &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertToNodeSpaceAR(const Point &worldPoint) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpace(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(Touch *touch) const | Node | |
convertToWindowSpace(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | protected |
convertToWorldSpace(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | |
convertToWorldSpaceAR(const Point &nodePoint) const | Node | |
create(const std::string &str, const std::string &fntFile, float width, TextHAlignment alignment, Point imageOffset) | LabelBMFont | static |
create(const std::string &str, const std::string &fntFile, float width, TextHAlignment alignment) | LabelBMFont | static |
create(const std::string &str, const std::string &fntFile, float width) | LabelBMFont | static |
create(const std::string &str, const std::string &fntFile) | LabelBMFont | static |
create() | LabelBMFont | static |
cocos2d::SpriteBatchNode::create(const std::string &fileImage, ssize_t capacity=DEFAULT_CAPACITY) | SpriteBatchNode | static |
createFontChars() | LabelBMFont | |
createWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, ssize_t capacity=DEFAULT_CAPACITY) | SpriteBatchNode | static |
detachChild(Node *child, ssize_t index, bool doCleanup) | Node | protected |
disableCascadeColor() | Node | protectedvirtual |
disableCascadeOpacity() | Node | protectedvirtual |
draw(void) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
getActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
getActionManager() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getActionManager() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getAnchorPoint() const | Node | virtual |
getAnchorPointInPoints() const | Node | virtual |
getBlendFunc() const override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
getBoundingBox() const | Node | virtual |
getChildByTag(int tag) | Node | virtual |
getChildren() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getChildren() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getChildrenCount() const | Node | virtual |
getColor(void) const | Node | virtual |
getComponent(const std::string &pName) | Node | |
getContentSize() const | Node | virtual |
getDescendants() const | SpriteBatchNode | inline |
getDescription() const override | LabelBMFont | virtual |
getDisplayedColor() const | Node | virtual |
getDisplayedOpacity() const | Node | virtual |
getEventDispatcher() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getFntFile() const | LabelBMFont | |
getGLServerState() const | Node | inline |
getLetterPosXLeft(Sprite *characterSprite) | LabelBMFont | protected |
getLetterPosXRight(Sprite *characterSprite) | LabelBMFont | protected |
getNodeToParentAffineTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToParentTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToWorldAffineTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNodeToWorldTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getNumberOfRunningActions() const | Node | |
getOpacity() const | Node | virtual |
getOrderOfArrival() const | Node | virtual |
getParent() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getParent() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getParentToNodeAffineTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getParentToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getPhysicsBody() const | Node | |
getPosition() const | Node | virtual |
getPosition(float *x, float *y) const | Node | virtual |
getPositionX(void) const | Node | virtual |
getPositionY(void) const | Node | virtual |
getRotation() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationX() const | Node | virtual |
getRotationY() const | Node | virtual |
getScale() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleX() const | Node | virtual |
getScaleY() const | Node | virtual |
getScene() | Node | virtual |
getScheduler() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getScheduler() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getShaderProgram() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getShaderProgram() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getSkewX() const | Node | virtual |
getSkewY() const | Node | virtual |
getString() const override | LabelBMFont | virtual |
getTag() const | Node | virtual |
getTexture() const override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
getTextureAtlas(void) | SpriteBatchNode | inline |
getUserData() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserData() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() | Node | inlinevirtual |
getUserObject() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
getVertexZ() const | Node | virtual |
getWorldToNodeAffineTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getWorldToNodeTransform() const | Node | virtual |
getZOrder() const | Node | virtual |
highestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite) | SpriteBatchNode | |
ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool ignore) | Node | virtual |
increaseAtlasCapacity() | SpriteBatchNode | |
init() | LabelBMFont | virtual |
initWithFile(const std::string &fileImage, ssize_t capacity) | SpriteBatchNode | |
initWithString(const std::string &str, const std::string &fntFile, float width=kLabelAutomaticWidth, TextHAlignment alignment=TextHAlignment::LEFT, Point imageOffset=Point::ZERO) | LabelBMFont | |
initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, ssize_t capacity) | SpriteBatchNode | |
insertChild(Node *child, int z) | Node | protected |
insertQuadFromSprite(Sprite *sprite, ssize_t index) | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
INVALID_TAG | Node | static |
isCascadeColorEnabled() const | Node | virtual |
isCascadeOpacityEnabled() const | Node | virtual |
isEqual(const Object *object) | Object | virtual |
isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() const | Node | virtual |
isOpacityModifyRGB() const | LabelBMFont | virtual |
isRunning() const | Node | virtual |
isScheduled(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
isSingleReference() const | Object | |
isVisible() const | Node | virtual |
kerningAmountForFirst(unsigned short first, unsigned short second) | LabelBMFont | protected |
LabelBMFont() | LabelBMFont | |
lowestAtlasIndexInChild(Sprite *sprite) | SpriteBatchNode | |
Node() | Node | protected |
nodeToParentTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
nodeToWorldTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
numberOfRunningActions() const | Node | inline |
Object() | Object | |
onEnter() | Node | virtual |
onEnterTransitionDidFinish() | Node | virtual |
onExit() | Node | virtual |
onExitTransitionDidStart() | Node | virtual |
parentToNodeTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
pause(void) | Node | |
pauseSchedulerAndActions(void) | Node | |
purgeCachedData() | LabelBMFont | static |
rebuildIndexInOrder(Sprite *parent, ssize_t index) | SpriteBatchNode | |
release() | Object | inline |
removeAllChildren() | Node | virtual |
removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
removeAllComponents() | Node | virtual |
removeChild(Node *child, bool cleanup) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
removeChildAtIndex(ssize_t index, bool doCleanup) | SpriteBatchNode | |
removeChildByTag(int tag, bool cleanup=true) | Node | virtual |
removeComponent(const std::string &pName) | Node | virtual |
removeFromParent() | Node | virtual |
removeFromParentAndCleanup(bool cleanup) | Node | virtual |
removeSpriteFromAtlas(Sprite *sprite) | SpriteBatchNode | |
reorderBatch(bool reorder) | SpriteBatchNode | |
reorderChild(Node *child, int zOrder) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
resume(void) | Node | |
resumeSchedulerAndActions(void) | Node | |
retain() | Object | inline |
retainCount() const | Object | |
runAction(Action *action) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval) | Node | |
schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay) | Node | |
scheduleUpdate(void) | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriority(int priority) | Node | |
scheduleUpdateWithPriorityLua(int handler, int priority) | Node | |
setActionManager(ActionManager *actionManager) | Node | virtual |
setAdditionalTransform(const AffineTransform &additionalTransform) | Node | |
setAdditionalTransform(const kmMat4 &additionalTransform) | Node | |
setAlignment(TextHAlignment alignment) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setAnchorPoint(const Point &var) override | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
setCascadeColorEnabled(bool cascadeColorEnabled) | Node | virtual |
setCascadeOpacityEnabled(bool cascadeOpacityEnabled) | Node | virtual |
setColor(const Color3B &color) | Node | virtual |
setContentSize(const Size &contentSize) | Node | virtual |
setCString(const char *label) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher *dispatcher) | Node | virtual |
setFntFile(const std::string &fntFile) | LabelBMFont | |
setGLServerState(int serverState) | Node | inline |
setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool breakWithoutSpace) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setNodeToParentTransform(const kmMat4 &transform) | Node | virtual |
setOpacity(GLubyte opacity) | Node | virtual |
setOpacityModifyRGB(bool isOpacityModifyRGB) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setOrderOfArrival(int orderOfArrival) | Node | virtual |
setParent(Node *parent) | Node | virtual |
setPhysicsBody(PhysicsBody *body) | Node | |
setPosition(const Point &position) | Node | virtual |
setPosition(float x, float y) | Node | virtual |
setPositionX(float x) | Node | virtual |
setPositionY(float y) | Node | virtual |
setRotation(float rotation) | Node | virtual |
setRotationX(float rotationX) | Node | virtual |
setRotationY(float rotationY) | Node | virtual |
setScale(float scale) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
cocos2d::SpriteBatchNode::setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) | Node | virtual |
setScaleX(float scaleX) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setScaleY(float scaleY) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setScheduler(Scheduler *scheduler) | Node | virtual |
setShaderProgram(GLProgram *shaderProgram) | Node | virtual |
setSkewX(float fSkewX) | Node | virtual |
setSkewY(float fSkewY) | Node | virtual |
setString(const std::string &newString) override | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setString(const std::string &newString, bool needUpdateLabel) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setString(unsigned short *newString, bool needUpdateLabel) | LabelBMFont | protectedvirtual |
setTag(int tag) | Node | virtual |
setTexture(Texture2D *texture) override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
setTextureAtlas(TextureAtlas *textureAtlas) | SpriteBatchNode | inline |
setUserData(void *userData) | Node | virtual |
setUserObject(Object *userObject) | Node | virtual |
setVertexZ(float vertexZ) | Node | virtual |
setVisible(bool visible) | Node | virtual |
setWidth(float width) | LabelBMFont | virtual |
setZOrder(int zOrder) | Node | virtual |
sortAllChildren() override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
SpriteBatchNode() | SpriteBatchNode | |
stopAction(Action *action) | Node | |
stopActionByTag(int tag) | Node | |
stopAllActions() | Node | |
swap(ssize_t oldIndex, ssize_t newIndex) | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
transform() | Node | |
transformAncestors() | Node | |
unschedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector) | Node | |
unscheduleAllSelectors(void) | Node | |
unscheduleUpdate(void) | Node | |
update(float delta) | Node | virtual |
updateAtlasIndex(Sprite *sprite, ssize_t *curIndex) | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
updateBlendFunc() | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
updateCascadeColor() | Node | protectedvirtual |
updateCascadeOpacity() | Node | protectedvirtual |
updateColor() | Node | inlineprotectedvirtual |
updateDisplayedColor(const Color3B &parentColor) | Node | virtual |
updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte parentOpacity) | Node | virtual |
updateLabel() | LabelBMFont | virtual |
updatePhysicsTransform() | Node | virtual |
updateQuadFromSprite(Sprite *sprite, ssize_t index) | SpriteBatchNode | protected |
updateTransform() | Node | virtual |
visit() override | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
worldToNodeTransform() const | Node | inlinevirtual |
~BlendProtocol() | BlendProtocol | inlinevirtual |
~LabelBMFont() | LabelBMFont | virtual |
~LabelProtocol() | LabelProtocol | inlinevirtual |
~Node() | Node | protectedvirtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~SpriteBatchNode() | SpriteBatchNode | virtual |
~TextureProtocol() | TextureProtocol | inlinevirtual |