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CDFloatInterpolator Class Reference

#import <CocosDenshion.h>

Inheritance diagram for CDFloatInterpolator:

Instance Methods

(float) - interpolate:
 Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end. More...
(id) - init:startVal:endVal:
var - init:startVal:endVal:
local - init:startVal:endVal:
(float) - interpolate:
 Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end. More...
(id) - init:startVal:endVal:

Protected Attributes

float lastValue


float start
float end
tCDInterpolationType interpolationType

Method Documentation

- (id) init: (tCDInterpolationType type
startVal: (float)  startVal
endVal: (float)  endVal 
- (id) init: var  type
startVal: var  startVal
endVal: var  endVal 
- (id) init: local  type
startVal: local  startVal
endVal: local  endVal 
- (id) init: (tCDInterpolationType type
startVal: (float)  startVal
endVal: (float)  endVal 
- (id) init: var  type
startVal: var  startVal
endVal: var  endVal 
- (id) init: local  type
startVal: local  startVal
endVal: local  endVal 
- (float) interpolate: (float)  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

- (float) interpolate: var  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

- (float) interpolate: local  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

- (float) interpolate: (float)  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

- (float) interpolate: var  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

- (float) interpolate: local  t

Return a value between min and max based on t which represents fractional progress where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.

Member Data Documentation

- (float) lastValue
var lastValue
local lastValue

Property Documentation

- (float) end
var end
local end
- (tCDInterpolationType)
var interpolationType
local interpolationType
- (float) start
var start
local start

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