Namespace ccs

Base namespace of cocostuidio

Field Detail

<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_LOOP_BACK
the animation loop from back
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_LOOP_FRONT
the animation loop from front
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_MAX
the animation max
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_NO_LOOP
the animation isn't loop
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_SINGLE_FRAME
the animation just have one frame
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_TO_LOOP_BACK
the animation to loop from back
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> ccs.ANIMATION_TYPE_TO_LOOP_FRONT
the animation to loop from front
Defined in: CCProcessBase.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ADD
The value of the blend type of add
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ALPHA
The value of the blend type of alpha
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_DARKEN
The value of the blend type of darken
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_DIFFERENCE
The value of the blend type of difference
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_ERASE
The value of the blend type of erase
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT
The value of the blend type of highlight
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_INVERT
The value of the blend type of invert
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_LAYER
The value of the blend type of layer
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_LIGHTEN
The value of the blend type of lighten
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_MULTIPLY
The value of the blend type of multiply
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_NORMAL
The value of the blend type of normal
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_OVERLAY
The value of the blend type of overlay
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_SCREEN
The value of the blend type of screen
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> <constant> {Number} ccs.BLEND_TYPE_SUBTRACT
The value of the blend type of subtract
Defined in: CCDatas.js.
<static> ccs.cocostudioVersion
CocoStudio version
<static> ccs.DisplayManager
The display manager of CocoStudio
Defined in: CCDisplayManager.js.
<static> ccs.MovementEventType
movement event type
Defined in: CCArmatureAnimation.js.
<static> {Object} ccs.TweenType
Defined in: CCTweenFunction.js.