Class cc.ControlSwitchSprite

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ControlSwitchSprite: Sprite switch control ui component

Class Detail

ControlSwitchSprite: Sprite switch control ui component

Field Detail

{cc.Point} maskPos
- The position of the mask
{cc.Texture2D} maskTexture
- The texture of the mask
{cc.LabelTTF} offLabel
- The sprite of switch off
{cc.Point} offPos
- The position of slider when switch is off
{Number} offSideWidth
- <@readonly> The width of the off side of the switch control
{cc.Sprite} offSprite
- The sprite of switch off
{cc.LabelTTF} onLabel
- The sprite of switch on
{cc.Point} onPos
- The position of slider when switch is on
{Number} onSideWidth
- <@readonly> The width of the on side of the switch control
{cc.Sprite} onSprite
- The sprite of switch on
{Number} sliderX
- Slider's x position
{cc.Point} texturePos
- The position of the texture
{cc.Sprite} thumbSprite
- The thumb sprite of the switch control