Class cc.ControlStepper

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ControlStepper: Stepper ui component.

Method Summary

Class Detail

ControlStepper: Stepper ui component.

Field Detail

{Boolean} continuous
- <@readonly> Indicate whether the stepper value is continuous
{Number} maxValue
- The maximum value of the stepper control
{cc.LabelTTF} minusLabel
- The label for minus button of the stepper control
{cc.Sprite} minusSprite
- The sprite for minus button of the stepper control
{Number} minValue
- The minimum value of the stepper control
{cc.LabelTTF} plusSLabel
- The label for plus button of the stepper control
{cc.Sprite} plusSprite
- The sprite for plus button of the stepper control
{Number} stepValue
- The interval value for each step of the stepper control
{Number} value
- The value of the stepper control
{Boolean} wraps
- Indicate whether the stepper wraps

Method Detail

  • stopAutorepeat()
    Stop the autorepeat.