Class cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker: Saturation brightness picker ui component.

Method Summary

Class Detail

ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker: Saturation brightness picker ui component.

Field Detail

{cc.Sprite} background
- <@readonly> The background sprite
{Number} brightness
- <@readonly> Brightness value of the picker
{cc.Sprite} overlay
- <@readonly> The overlay sprite
{Number} saturation
- <@readonly> Saturation value of the picker
{cc.Sprite} shadow
- <@readonly> The shadow sprite
{cc.Sprite} slider
- <@readonly> The slider sprite
{cc.Point} startPos
- <@readonly> The start position of the picker