Class cc.AtlasNode
- Defined in: CCAtlasNode.js
- Extends cc.NodeRGBA
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.AtlasNode is a subclass of cc.Node that implements the cc.RGBAProtocol and It knows how to render a TextureAtlas object. |
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.AtlasNode is a subclass of cc.Node that implements the cc.RGBAProtocol and
cc.TextureProtocol protocol
It knows how to render a TextureAtlas object.
If you are going to render a TextureAtlas consider subclassing cc.AtlasNode (or a subclass of cc.AtlasNode)
All features from cc.Node are valid, plus the following features:
- opacity and RGB colors
Field Detail
initializes an CCAtlasNode with a texture the width and height of each item measured in points and the quantity of items to render
- Number of quads to draw
- Current used texture
- Texture atlas for cc.AtlasNode
Method Detail
creates a cc.AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render
// example var node = cc.AtlasNode.create("pathOfTile", 16, 16, 1);
- Parameters:
- {String} tile
- {Number} tileWidth
- {Number} tileHeight
- {Number} itemsToRender
- Returns:
- {cc.AtlasNode}
{cc.BlendFunc} getBlendFunc()cc.AtlasNode - CocosNodeTexture protocol
- Returns:
- {cc.BlendFunc}
{cc.Color} getColor()cc.AtlasNode - RGBA protocol
- Returns:
- {cc.Color}
{Number} getQuadsToDraw()
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Texture2D} getTexture()returns the used texture
- Returns:
- {cc.Texture2D}
{cc.TextureAtlas} getTextureAtlas()
- Returns:
- {cc.TextureAtlas}
{Boolean} initWithTileFile(tile, tileWidth, tileHeight, itemsToRender)initializes an cc.AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render
- Parameters:
- {String} tile
- {Number} tileWidth
- {Number} tileHeight
- {Number} itemsToRender
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isOpacityModifyRGB()
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
setBlendFunc(src, dst)BlendFunc setter
- Parameters:
- {Number | cc.BlendFunc} src
- {Number} dst
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color} color3
- Parameters:
- {Number} opacity
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} value
- Parameters:
- {Number} quadsToDraw
setTexture(texture)sets a new texture. it will be retained
- Parameters:
- {cc.Texture2D} texture
- Parameters:
- {cc.TextureAtlas} value
updateAtlasValues()updates the Atlas (indexed vertex array). Shall be overridden in subclasses