Class cc.TargetedTouchHandler
- Defined in: CCTouchHandler.js
- Extends cc.TouchHandler
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Method Summary
Class Detail
Method Detail
Create a TargetedTouchHandler with a delegate, a priority and whether or not it swallows touches or not
- Parameters:
- {Object} delegate
- {Number} priority
- {Boolean} swallow
- Returns:
- {cc.TargetedTouchHandler}
{Array} getClaimedTouches()MutableSet that contains the claimed touches
- Returns:
- {Array}
{Boolean} initWithDelegate(delegate, priority, swallow)Initializes a TargetedTouchHandler with a delegate, a priority and whether or not it swallows touches or not
- Parameters:
- {cc.TouchDelegate} delegate
- {Number} priority
- {Boolean} swallow
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isSwallowsTouches()Whether or not the touches are swallowed
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} swallowsTouches