Class cc.Application
- Defined in: CCApplication.js
- Extends cc.Class
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Run main loop of game engine
Method Summary
Class Detail
Run main loop of game engine
Method Detail
<static> {Number} cc.Application.getCurrentLanguage()Get current language config
- Returns:
- {Number} Current language config
Get current applicaiton instance.
- Returns:
- {cc.Application} Current application instance pointer.
{Number} run()Run the message loop.
- Returns:
- {Number}
setAnimationInterval(interval)Callback by cc.Director for limit FPS.
- Parameters:
- {Number} interval
- The time, which expressed in second, between current frame and next.
statusBarFrame(rect)Get status bar rectangle in EGLView window.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Rect} rect