Class cc.TurnOffTiles
- Defined in: CCActionTiledGrid.js
- Extends cc.TiledGrid3DAction
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.TurnOffTiles action.
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.TurnOffTiles action.
Turn off the files in random order
Turn off the files in random order
Method Detail
creates the action with a random seed, the grid size and the duration
// example // turnOffTiles without seed var toff = cc.TurnOffTiles.create(this._duration, cc.size(x, y)); // turnOffTiles with seed var toff = cc.TurnOffTiles.create(this._duration, cc.size(x, y), 0);
- Parameters:
- {Number} duration
- {cc.Size} gridSize
- {Number|Null} seed Optional, Default: 0
- Returns:
- {cc.TurnOffTiles}
{Boolean} initWithDuration(duration, gridSize, seed)initializes the action with a random seed, the grid size and the duration
- Parameters:
- {Number} duration
- {cc.Size} gridSize
- {Number} seed
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
shuffle(array, len)
- Parameters:
- {Array} array
- {Number} len
- Parameters:
- {cc.Node} target
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} pos
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} pos
- Parameters:
- {Number} time