Class cc.ParticleSystem
- Defined in: CCParticleSystem.js
- Extends cc.Node
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Particle System base class. |
Method Summary
Class Detail
Particle System base class.
Attributes of a Particle System:
- emmision rate of the particles
- Gravity Mode (Mode A):
- gravity
- direction
- speed +- variance
- tangential acceleration +- variance
- radial acceleration +- variance
- Radius Mode (Mode B):
- startRadius +- variance
- endRadius +- variance
- rotate +- variance
- Properties common to all modes:
- life +- life variance
- start spin +- variance
- end spin +- variance
- start size +- variance
- end size +- variance
- start color +- variance
- end color +- variance
- life +- variance
- blending function
- texture
cocos2d also supports particles generated by Particle Designer (
'Radius Mode' in Particle Designer uses a fixed emit rate of 30 hz. Since that can't be guarateed in cocos2d,
cocos2d uses a another approach, but the results are almost identical.
cocos2d supports all the variables used by Particle Designer plus a bit more:
- spinning particles (supported when using ParticleSystem)
- tangential acceleration (Gravity mode)
- radial acceleration (Gravity mode)
- radius direction (Radius mode) (Particle Designer supports outwards to inwards direction only)
It is possible to customize any of the above mentioned properties in runtime. Example:
emitter.radialAccel = 15; emitter.startSpin = 0;
Method Detail
{Boolean} addParticle()Add a particle to the emitter
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
return the string found by key in dict.
This plist files can be create manually or with Particle Designer:
- Parameters:
- {String} plistFile
- Returns:
- {cc.ParticleSystem}
create a system with a fixed number of particles
- Parameters:
- {Number} number_of_particles
- Returns:
- {cc.ParticleSystem}
draw(ctx)draw particle
- Parameters:
- {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx
- CanvasContext
{Number} getAngle()Return angle of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getAngleVar()Return angle variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getAtlasIndex()return index of system in batch node array
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.ParticleBatchNode} getBatchNode()return weak reference to the cc.SpriteBatchNode that renders the cc.Sprite
- Returns:
- {cc.ParticleBatchNode}
{cc.BlendFunc} getBlendFunc()get BlendFunc of Particle System
- Returns:
- {cc.BlendFunc}
{cc.Rect} getBoundingBoxToWorld()return bounding box of particle system in world space
- Returns:
- {cc.Rect}
{Number} getDrawMode()Return DrawMode of ParticleSystem
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getDuration()How many seconds the emitter wil run. -1 means 'forever'
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEmissionRate()get emission rate of the particles
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEmitterMode()return kind of emitter modes
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Color4F} getEndColor()get end color and end color variation of each particle
- Returns:
- {cc.Color4F}
{cc.Color4F} getEndColorVar()get end color variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {cc.Color4F}
{Number} getEndRadius()Return ending radius of the particles. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEndRadiusVar()Return ending radius variance of the particles. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEndSize()get end size in pixels of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEndSizeVar()get end size variance in pixels of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEndSpin()get end angle of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getEndSpinVar()get end angle variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Point} getGravity()Return Gravity of emitter
- Returns:
- {cc.Point}
{Number} getLife()Return life of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getLifeVar()Return life variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Boolean} getOpacityModifyRGB()does the alpha value modify color getter
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Number} getParticleCount()Quantity of particles that are being simulated at the moment
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getPositionType()get particles movement type: Free or Grouped
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Point | Object} getPosVar()Return Position variance of the emitter
- Returns:
- {cc.Point | Object}
{Number} getRadialAccel()Return radial acceleration of each particle. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getRadialAccelVar()Return radial acceleration variance of each particle. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getRotatePerSecond()get Number of degress to rotate a particle around the source pos per second. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getRotatePerSecondVar()Return Variance in degrees for rotatePerSecond. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{boolean} getRotationIsDir()get the rotation of each particle to its direction Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{Number} getShapeType()Return ShapeType of ParticleSystem
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Point | Object} getSourcePosition()Return sourcePosition of the emitter
- Returns:
- {cc.Point | Object}
{Number} getSpeed()Return Speed of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getSpeedVar()return speed variance of each particle. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Color4F} getStartColor()set start color of each particle
- Returns:
- {cc.Color4F}
{cc.Color4F} getStartColorVar()get start color variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {cc.Color4F}
{Number} getStartRadius()Return starting radius of the particles. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getStartRadiusVar()Return starting radius variance of the particles. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getStartSize()get start size in pixels of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getStartSizeVar()get size variance in pixels of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getStartSpin()get initial angle of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getStartSpinVar()get initial angle variance of each particle
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getTangentialAccel()Return tangential acceleration of each particle. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{Number} getTangentialAccelVar()Return tangential acceleration variance of each particle. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.Texture2D} getTexture()get Texture of Particle System
- Returns:
- {cc.Texture2D}
{Number} getTotalParticles()get maximum particles of the system
- Returns:
- {Number}
init()initializes a cc.ParticleSystem
initIndices()initializes the indices for the vertices
initParticle(particle)Initializes a particle
- Parameters:
- {cc.Particle} particle
initializes the texture with a rectangle measured Points
pointRect should be in Texture coordinates, not pixel coordinates- Parameters:
- {cc.Rect} pointRect
{Boolean} initWithDictionary(dictionary, dirname)initializes a particle system from a NSDictionary and the path from where to load the png
- Parameters:
- {object} dictionary
- {String} dirname
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{boolean} initWithFile(plistFile)
initializes a CCParticleSystem from a plist file.
This plist files can be creted manually or with Particle Designer: Parameters:
- {String} plistFile
- Returns:
- {boolean}
{Boolean} initWithTotalParticles(numberOfParticles)Initializes a system with a fixed number of particles
- Parameters:
- {Number} numberOfParticles
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isActive()Return ParticleSystem is active
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isAutoRemoveOnFinish()
return whether or not the node will be auto-removed when it has no particles left.
By default it is false.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isBlendAdditive()
whether or not the particles are using blend additive.
If enabled, the following blending function will be used.
source blend function = GL_SRC_ALPHA; dest blend function = GL_ONE;
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
{Boolean} isFull()whether or not the system is full
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
listenBackToForeground(obj)listen the event that coming to foreground on Android
- Parameters:
- {cc.Class} obj
postStep()should be overridden by subclasses
resetSystem()Kill all living particles.
setAngle(angle)angle of each particle setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} angle
setAngleVar(angleVar)angle variance of each particle setter
- Parameters:
- angleVar
setAtlasIndex(atlasIndex)set index of system in batch node array
- Parameters:
- {Number} atlasIndex
set whether or not the node will be auto-removed when it has no particles left.
By default it is false.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} isAutoRemoveOnFinish
setBatchNode(batchNode)set weak reference to the cc.SpriteBatchNode that renders the cc.Sprite
- Parameters:
- {cc.ParticleBatchNode} batchNode
whether or not the particles are using blend additive.
If enabled, the following blending function will be used.
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} isBlendAdditive
setBlendFunc(src, dst)set BlendFunc of Particle System
- Parameters:
- {Number} src
- {Number} dst
Sets a new CCSpriteFrame as particle. WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTextureWithRect instead.
- Parameters:
- {cc.SpriteFrame} spriteFrame
setDrawMode(drawMode)DrawMode of ParticleSystem setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} drawMode
setDuration(duration)set run seconds of the emitter
- Parameters:
- {Number} duration
setEmissionRate(emissionRate)set emission rate of the particles
- Parameters:
- {Number} emissionRate
Switch between different kind of emitter modes:
- CCPARTICLE_MODE_GRAVITY: uses gravity, speed, radial and tangential acceleration
- CCPARTICLE_MODE_RADIUS: uses radius movement + rotation
- Parameters:
- {Number} emitterMode
setEndColor(endColor)set end color and end color variation of each particle
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color4F} endColor
setEndColorVar(endColorVar)set end color variance of each particle
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color4F} endColorVar
setEndRadius(endRadius)ending radius of the particles setter. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} endRadius
setEndRadiusVar(endRadiusVar)ending radius variance of the particles setter. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- endRadiusVar
setEndSize(endSize)set end size in pixels of each particle
- Parameters:
- endSize
setEndSizeVar(endSizeVar)set end size variance in pixels of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} endSizeVar
setEndSpin(endSpin)set end angle of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} endSpin
setEndSpinVar(endSpinVar)set end angle variance of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} endSpinVar
setGravity(gravity)Gravity of emitter setter
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} gravity
setLife(life)life of each particle setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} life
setLifeVar(lifeVar)life variance of each particle setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} lifeVar
setOpacityModifyRGB(newValue)does the alpha value modify color setter
- Parameters:
- newValue
setParticleCount(particleCount)Quantity of particles setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} particleCount
setPositionType(positionType)set particles movement type: Free or Grouped
- Parameters:
- {Number} positionType
setPosVar(posVar)Position variance of the emitter setter
- Parameters:
- {cc.Point} posVar
setRadialAccel(radialAccel)radial acceleration of each particle setter. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} radialAccel
setRadialAccelVar(radialAccelVar)radial acceleration variance of each particle setter. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} radialAccelVar
setRotatePerSecond(degrees)set Number of degress to rotate a particle around the source pos per second. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} degrees
setRotatePerSecondVar(degrees)Variance in degrees for rotatePerSecond setter. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- degrees
setRotationIsDir(t)set the rotation of each particle to its direction Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {boolean} t
setShapeType(shapeType)ShapeType of ParticleSystem setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} shapeType
setSourcePosition(sourcePosition)sourcePosition of the emitter setter
- Parameters:
- sourcePosition
setSpeed(speed)Speed of each particle setter
- Parameters:
- {Number} speed
setSpeedVar(speedVar)speed variance of each particle setter. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} speedVar
setStartColor(startColor)get start color of each particle
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color4F} startColor
setStartColorVar(startColorVar)set start color variance of each particle
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color4F} startColorVar
setStartRadius(startRadius)starting radius of the particles setter. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} startRadius
setStartRadiusVar(startRadiusVar)starting radius variance of the particles setter. Only available in 'Radius' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} startRadiusVar
setStartSize(startSize)set start size in pixels of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} startSize
setStartSizeVar(startSizeVar)set size variance in pixels of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} startSizeVar
setStartSpin(startSpin)set initial angle of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} startSpin
setStartSpinVar(startSpinVar)set initial angle variance of each particle
- Parameters:
- {Number} startSpinVar
setTangentialAccel(tangentialAccel)Tangential acceleration of each particle setter. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} tangentialAccel
setTangentialAccelVar(tangentialAccelVar)tangential acceleration variance of each particle setter. Only available in 'Gravity' mode.
- Parameters:
- {Number} tangentialAccelVar
setTexture(texture)set Texture of Particle System
- Parameters:
- {cc.Texture2D} texture
setTextureWithRect(texture, rect)Sets a new texture with a rect. The rect is in Points.
- Parameters:
- {cc.Texture2D} texture
- {cc.Rect} rect
setTotalParticles(tp)set maximum particles of the system
- Parameters:
- {Number} tp
- totalParticles
stopSystem()stop emitting particles. Running particles will continue to run until they die
update(dt)update emitter's status
- Parameters:
- {Number} dt
- delta time
updateQuadWithParticle(particle, newPosition)should be overridden by subclasses
- Parameters:
- {cc.Particle} particle
- {cc.Point} newPosition