Class ccs.Skin
- Defined in: CCSkin.js
- Extends ccs.Sprite
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Base class for ccs.Skin
Method Summary
Class Detail
Base class for ccs.Skin
Method Detail
allocates and initializes a skin.
// example var skin = ccs.Skin.create("res/test.png",cc.rect(0,0,50,50));
- Parameters:
- {String} fileName
- {cc.Rect} rect
- Returns:
- {ccs.Skin}
allocates and initializes a skin.
// example var skin = ccs.Skin.createWithSpriteFrameName("test.png");
- Parameters:
- {String} pszSpriteFrameName
- Returns:
- {ccs.Skin}
{cc.Rect} getBoundingBox()returns a "local" axis aligned bounding box of the node.
The returned box is relative only to its parent.- Returns:
- {cc.Rect}
{String} getDisplayName()display name getter
- Returns:
- {String}
updateBlendType(blendType)update blendType
- Parameters:
- {ccs.BlendType} blendType