Class cc.StandardTouchDelegate
- Defined in: CCTouchDelegateProtocol.js
- Extends cc.Class
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
This type of delegate is the same one used by CocoaTouch.
Method Summary
Class Detail
This type of delegate is the same one used by CocoaTouch. You will receive all the events (Began,Moved,Ended,Cancelled).
Method Detail
onTouchesBegan(touches, event)Virtual function
- Parameters:
- {Array} touches
- {event} event
onTouchesCancelled(touches, event)Virtual function
- Parameters:
- {Array} touches
- {event} event
onTouchesEnded(touches, event)Virtual function
- Parameters:
- {Array} touches
- {event} event
onTouchesMoved(touches, event)Virtual function
- Parameters:
- {Array} touches
- {event} event