Class cc.LabelTTF
- Defined in: CCLabelTTF.js
- Extends cc.Sprite
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
cc.LabelTTF is a subclass of cc.TextureNode that knows how to render text labels
All features from cc.TextureNode are valid in cc.LabelTTF cc.LabelTTF objects are slow for js-binding on mobile devices.Consider using cc.LabelAtlas or cc.LabelBMFont instead. |
Method Summary
Class Detail
cc.LabelTTF is a subclass of cc.TextureNode that knows how to render text labels
All features from cc.TextureNode are valid in cc.LabelTTF
cc.LabelTTF objects are slow for js-binding on mobile devices.Consider using cc.LabelAtlas or cc.LabelBMFont instead.
Consider using cc.LabelAtlas or cc.LabelBMFont instead.
All features from cc.TextureNode are valid in cc.LabelTTF
cc.LabelTTF objects are slow for js-binding on mobile devices.Consider using cc.LabelAtlas or cc.LabelBMFont instead.
Consider using cc.LabelAtlas or cc.LabelBMFont instead.
Field Detail
initializes the CCLabelTTF with a font name, alignment, dimension and font size
set text tinting
Method Detail
<static> {cc.LabelTTF|Null} cc.LabelTTF.create(label, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment)creates a cc.LabelTTF from a fontname, alignment, dimension and font size
// Example var myLabel = cc.LabelTTF.create('label text', 'Times New Roman', 32, cc.size(32,16), cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT);
- Parameters:
- {String} label
- {String} fontName
- {Number} fontSize
- {cc.Size} dimensions Optional, Default: cc.SIZE_ZERO
- {Number} hAlignment Optional
- {Number} vAlignment Optional, Default: cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP
- Returns:
- {cc.LabelTTF|Null}
Create a label with string and a font definition
- Parameters:
- {String} text
- {cc.FontDefinition} textDefinition
- Returns:
- {cc.LabelTTF|Null}
{String} description()Prints out a description of this class
- Returns:
- {String}
disableShadow(mustUpdateTexture)disable shadow rendering
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} mustUpdateTexture Optional, Default: false
- This parameter is not used. It's kept for cocos2d-x JSB compatibility
disableStroke(mustUpdateTexture)disable stroke
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} mustUpdateTexture Optional, Default: false
- This parameter is not used. It's kept for cocos2d-x JSB compatibility
enableShadow(shadowOffset, shadowOpacity, shadowBlur, mustUpdateTexture)enable or disable shadow for the label
- Parameters:
- {cc.Size} shadowOffset
- {Number} shadowOpacity
- (0 to 1)
- {Number} shadowBlur
- {Boolean} mustUpdateTexture Optional, Default: false
- This parameter is not used. It's kept for cocos2d-x JSB compatibility
enableStroke(strokeColor, strokeSize, mustUpdateTexture)enable or disable stroke
- Parameters:
- {cc.Color3B} strokeColor
- {Number} strokeSize
- {Boolean} mustUpdateTexture Optional, Default: false
- This parameter is not used. It's kept for cocos2d-x JSB compatibility
{cc.Size} getDimensions()return Dimensions of cc.LabelTTF
- Returns:
- {cc.Size}
{String} getFontName()return font name of cc.LabelTTF
- Returns:
- {String}
{Number} getFontSize()return font size of cc.LabelTTF
- Returns:
- {Number}
{cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT|cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER|cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT} getHorizontalAlignment()return Horizontal Alignment of cc.LabelTTF
{String} getString()returns the text of the label
- Returns:
- {String}
{cc.FontDefinition} getTextDefinition()get the text definition used by this label
- Returns:
- {cc.FontDefinition}
{Boolean} initWithString(label, fontName, fontSize, dimensions, hAlignment, vAlignment)initializes the cc.LabelTTF with a font name, alignment, dimension and font size
- Parameters:
- {String} label
- string
- {String} fontName
- {Number} fontSize
- {cc.Size} dimensions Optional
- {Number} hAlignment Optional
- {Number} vAlignment Optional
- Returns:
- {Boolean} return false on error
setDimensions(dim)set Dimensions of cc.LabelTTF
- Parameters:
- {cc.Size} dim
setFontName(fontName)set font name of cc.LabelTTF
- Parameters:
- {String} fontName
setFontSize(fontSize)set font size of cc.LabelTTF
- Parameters:
- {Number} fontSize
setHorizontalAlignment(alignment)set Horizontal Alignment of cc.LabelTTF
- Parameters:
- Horizontal Alignment
setString(text)changes the string to render
- Parameters:
- {String} text
- text for the label
setTextDefinition(theDefinition)set the text definition used by this label
- Parameters:
- {cc.FontDefinition} theDefinition
setVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment)set Vertical Alignment of cc.LabelTTF
- Parameters: