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> v3.0 rc
v3.0 rc
65 closed
0 open (0%)
Issues by
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Related issues
Bug #3547
: Native with javascript bindings always reports Mac OS as "mobile" platform
Bug #3646
: Bake Node to a cache
Bug #4663
: Fix a bug that TextureCache Tests calls TextureCache.addImage function error
Bug #5169
: cc.PhysicsSprite.extend的物理精灵会报如下的错
Bug #5195
: Sync Cocos2d-x with modification to GUI, resolve all problems in JSB
Bug #5354
: Specify js version in build.xml for google closure
Bug #5375
: Improve cc.Audio's loader
Bug #5396
: skewX & skewY work incorrectly in html5
Bug #5481
: init function conflict in JSB
Bug #5488
: MenuItemImage create function and constructor doesn't support SpriteFrame name as parameter
Bug #5489
: SpriteFrame initWithTexture will fail when passing string as texture
Bug #5517
: [JSB] cc.Layer's init haven't been invoked with `new` construction
Bug #5520
: cc.TextureCache.addImage doesn't init correctly the texture if texture is already loaded
Bug #5521
: CCSprite's initWithFile function may create texture with size (0, 0)
Bug #5522
: Some override missed in Property API for JSB
Bug #5528
: Bind SpriteFrame constructor in JSB
Bug #5534
: Make NodeRGBA extendable in JSB
Bug #5556
: JSB FadeIn doesn't support two parameter
Bug #5563
: [JSB] override onEnter function can't be extend again in JS code
Bug #5564
: cc.ActionInterval and cc.ActionInstant should be extendable in JSB
Bug #5566
: cc.Scene's init function can't be overwrote in JSB
Bug #5567
: project.json's showFPS setting take no effect in JSB
Bug #5569
: Our android app doesn't support transferToSDCard feature
Bug #5570
: [AssetsManager] Resolve conflit of manifest format between rc and beta
Bug #5572
: [JSB] Bind AnimationData and related functions for cocostudio
Bug #5576
: cc.visibleRect isn't correct under certain resolution policy like NO_BORDER
Bug #5577
: LoaderScene doesn't position its children correctly (under NO_BORDER policy)
Bug #5579
: Fix compilation issues due to mistaken merge from cocos player project
Bug #5581
: cc.loader skips the loading counter once a resource failed
Bug #5583
: Static_assert failed "JS_STATIC_ASSERT" compiling issue on iOS release mode
Bug #5603
: cc.Sprite.setUserData() not defined for Android (JSB)
Bug #5612
: Fix jsb_debugger.js loading issue
Bug #5613
: cc.Audio throws an error when audio's duration is infinity
Bug #5620
: Fix issue of cc.audioEngine.end()
Bug #5626
: Some widget didn't disable update onExit which will trigger problems [Html5]
Bug #5629
: Chipmunk Buoyancy test crashes if restart it several times
Bug #5634
: Support EventListenerMouse in JSB
Bug #5636
: Test and fix bugs for 3.0 rc release
Feature #2135
: Add Purchase SDK for Pluginx JS
Feature #2136
: Add Analytics SDK for Pluginx JS
Feature #2137
: Add Advertisement SDK for Pluginx JS
Feature #3949
: Implement in engine Objects Pool
Feature #4543
: Touch anywhere of screen to finish input when using cc.EditBox
Feature #5027
: Add Pluginx for JSBinding
Feature #5033
: Make ccui classes extendable in H5 and JSB
Feature #5470
: JSB supports linux compilation
Feature #5516
: Make Xcode project automatically replace resources files
Feature #5529
: Bind UI focus related APIs and UIVideoPlayer
Feature #5592
: Integrate Facebook API on iOS
Feature #5611
: Bind other FileUtils apis to JSB
Feature #5617
: Add new ease functions to JSB
Feature #5619
: Support Object Pool in JSB
Refactor #5111
: Combine ccui.Widget's addChild and addNode to one unified function
Refactor #5196
: Make cocostudio classes extendable in H5 and JSB
Refactor #5416
: Modify addListener of cc.eventManager for user friendly
Refactor #5478
: use std::funciton for callback in plugin-x and deprecate old methods
Refactor #5527
: Use jsb namespace to mark all JSB only API
Refactor #5540
: Refactor UITextAtlas's setStringValue to setString
Refactor #5542
: Modify way of reference for bindings scripts in iOS_Mac projects
Refactor #5550
: Refactor ccui.TextField's getStringValue to getString in JSB
Refactor #5599
: migrate -x Cocos GUI to CH5
Refactor #5600
: Migrate Cocostudio reader to support loading v1.4.0 file
Docs #5530
: Improve upgrade guide
Docs #5557
: [JSB] Add specific and jsb only API definitions in comment for cocos code ide usage
Docs #5637
: Prepare docs for 3.0 rc release