This is the complete list of members for MaterialManager, including all inherited members.
_blendFuncMapping | MaterialManager | protected |
_referenceCount | Ref | protected |
_shaderIDMapping | MaterialManager | protected |
_textureIDMapping | MaterialManager | protected |
autorelease() | Ref | |
destroyInstance() | MaterialManager | static |
getBlendFuncID(GLint blendFunc) | MaterialManager | protected |
getInstance() | MaterialManager | static |
getMaterialID(GLuint textureID, GLuint shaderID, BlendFunc blendFunc) | MaterialManager | |
getReferenceCount() const | Ref | |
getShaderID(GLuint shaderID) | MaterialManager | protected |
getTextureID(GLuint textureID) | MaterialManager | protected |
init() | MaterialManager | protected |
MaterialManager() | MaterialManager | protected |
Ref() | Ref | protected |
registerShader(GLuint shaderID) | MaterialManager | |
registerTexture(GLuint textureID) | MaterialManager | |
release() | Ref | |
retain() | Ref | |
unregisterShader(GLuint shaderID) | MaterialManager | |
unregisterTexture(GLuint textureID) | MaterialManager | |
~MaterialManager() | MaterialManager | protectedvirtual |
~Ref() | Ref | virtual |