This is the complete list of members for Tween, including all inherited members.
_animation | Tween | protected |
_animationInternal | ProcessBase | protected |
_autoReleaseCount | Object | protected |
_between | Tween | protected |
_betweenDuration | Tween | protected |
_bone | Tween | protected |
_curFrameIndex | ProcessBase | protected |
_currentFrame | ProcessBase | protected |
_currentPercent | ProcessBase | protected |
_durationTween | ProcessBase | protected |
_frameTweenEasing | Tween | protected |
_from | Tween | protected |
_fromIndex | Tween | protected |
_ID | Object | |
_isComplete | ProcessBase | protected |
_isLoopBack | ProcessBase | protected |
_isPause | ProcessBase | protected |
_isPlaying | ProcessBase | protected |
_loopType | ProcessBase | protected |
_luaID | Object | |
_movementBoneData | Tween | protected |
_nextFrameIndex | ProcessBase | protected |
_passLastFrame | Tween | protected |
_processScale | ProcessBase | protected |
_rawDuration | ProcessBase | protected |
_reference | Object | protected |
_to | Tween | protected |
_toIndex | Tween | protected |
_totalDuration | Tween | protected |
_tweenData | Tween | protected |
_tweenEasing | ProcessBase | protected |
acceptVisitor(DataVisitor &visitor) | Object | virtual |
arriveKeyFrame(FrameData *keyFrameData) | Tween | protectedvirtual |
autorelease() | Object | |
create(Bone *bone) | Tween | static |
getAnimation() const | Tween | inline |
getAnimationInternal() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
getCurrentFrameIndex() | ProcessBase | virtual |
getCurrentPercent() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
getMovementBoneData() const | Tween | inlinevirtual |
getProcessScale() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
getRawDuration() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
gotoAndPause(int frameIndex) | Tween | virtual |
gotoAndPlay(int frameIndex) | Tween | virtual |
gotoFrame(int frameIndex) | ProcessBase | protectedvirtual |
init(Bone *bone) | Tween | virtual |
isComplete() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
isEqual(const Object *object) | Object | virtual |
isPause() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
isPlaying() const | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
isSingleReference() const | Object | |
Object() | Object | |
pause() | ProcessBase | virtual |
play(MovementBoneData *movementBoneData, int durationTo, int durationTween, int loop, int tweenEasing) | Tween | virtual |
cocostudio::ProcessBase::play(int durationTo, int durationTween, int loop, int tweenEasing) | ProcessBase | virtual |
ProcessBase(void) | ProcessBase | |
release() | Object | inline |
resume() | ProcessBase | virtual |
retain() | Object | inline |
retainCount() const | Object | |
setAnimation(ArmatureAnimation *animation) | Tween | inline |
setAnimationInternal(float animationInternal) | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
setBetween(FrameData *from, FrameData *to, bool limit=true) | Tween | protectedvirtual |
setIsComplete(bool complete) | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
setIsPause(bool pause) | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
setIsPlaying(bool playing) | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
setMovementBoneData(MovementBoneData *data) | Tween | inlinevirtual |
setProcessScale(float processScale) | ProcessBase | inlinevirtual |
stop() | ProcessBase | virtual |
Tween(void) | Tween | |
tweenColorTo(float percent, FrameData *node) | Tween | protectedvirtual |
tweenNodeTo(float percent, FrameData *node=nullptr) | Tween | protectedvirtual |
update(float dt) | ProcessBase | virtual |
updateFrameData(float currentPercent) | Tween | protectedvirtual |
updateHandler() | Tween | protectedvirtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~ProcessBase(void) | ProcessBase | virtual |
~Tween(void) | Tween | virtual |