This is the complete list of members for Component, including all inherited members.
_autoReleaseCount | Object | protected |
_enabled | Component | protected |
_ID | Object | |
_luaID | Object | |
_name | Component | protected |
_owner | Component | protected |
_reference | Object | protected |
acceptVisitor(DataVisitor &visitor) | Object | virtual |
autorelease() | Object | |
Component(void) | Component | protected |
create(void) | Component | static |
getName() const | Component | |
getOwner() const | Component | |
init() | Component | virtual |
isEnabled() const | Component | virtual |
isEqual(const Object *object) | Object | virtual |
isSingleReference() const | Object | |
Object() | Object | |
onEnter() | Component | virtual |
onExit() | Component | virtual |
release() | Object | inline |
retain() | Object | inline |
retainCount() const | Object | |
serialize(void *r) | Component | virtual |
setEnabled(bool b) | Component | virtual |
setName(const char *pName) | Component | |
setOwner(Node *pOwner) | Component | |
update(float delta) | Component | virtual |
~Component(void) | Component | virtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |