static CCDataReaderHelper * | sharedDataReaderHelper () |
static void | setPositionReadScale (float scale) |
| Scale the position data, used for multiresolution adapter It won't effect the data already read. More...
static float | getPositionReadScale () |
static void | purge () |
static void | addDataFromCache (const char *pFileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo=NULL) |
| Translate XML export from Dragon CCBone flash tool to datas, and save them. More...
static CCArmatureData * | decodeArmature (tinyxml2::XMLElement *armatureXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
| Decode CCArmature Datas from xml export from Dragon CCBone flash tool. More...
static CCBoneData * | decodeBone (tinyxml2::XMLElement *boneXML, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCDisplayData * | decodeBoneDisplay (tinyxml2::XMLElement *displayXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCAnimationData * | decodeAnimation (tinyxml2::XMLElement *animationXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
| Decode CCArmatureAnimation Datas from xml export from Dragon CCBone flash tool. More...
static CCMovementData * | decodeMovement (tinyxml2::XMLElement *movementXML, CCArmatureData *armatureData, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCMovementBoneData * | decodeMovementBone (tinyxml2::XMLElement *movBoneXml, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentXml, CCBoneData *boneData, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCFrameData * | decodeFrame (tinyxml2::XMLElement *frameXML, tinyxml2::XMLElement *parentFrameXml, CCBoneData *boneData, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCTextureData * | decodeTexture (tinyxml2::XMLElement *textureXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
| Decode Texture Datas from xml export from Dragon CCBone flash tool. More...
static CCContourData * | decodeContour (tinyxml2::XMLElement *contourXML, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
| Decode Contour Datas from xml export from Dragon CCBone flash tool. More...
static void | addDataFromJsonCache (const char *fileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo=NULL) |
static CCArmatureData * | decodeArmature (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCBoneData * | decodeBone (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCDisplayData * | decodeBoneDisplay (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCAnimationData * | decodeAnimation (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCMovementData * | decodeMovement (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCMovementBoneData * | decodeMovementBone (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCFrameData * | decodeFrame (const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |
static CCTextureData * | decodeTexture (const rapidjson::Value &json) |
static CCContourData * | decodeContour (const rapidjson::Value &json) |
static void | decodeNode (CCBaseData *node, const rapidjson::Value &json, DataInfo *dataInfo) |