1 /**************************************************************************** 2 Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org 3 4 http://www.cocos2d-x.org 5 6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 7 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 8 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 9 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 10 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 11 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 12 13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 14 all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 15 16 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 17 IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 18 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 19 AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 20 LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 21 OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN 22 THE SOFTWARE. 23 ****************************************************************************/ 24 25 /** 26 * Base class for ccs.SceneReader 27 * @class 28 * @extends ccs.Class 29 */ 30 ccs.SceneReader = ccs.Class.extend(/** @lends ccs.SceneReader# */{ 31 _baseBath:"", 32 ctor: function () { 33 this._instance = null; 34 this._baseBath = ""; 35 }, 36 /** 37 * create node with json file that exported by cocostudio scene editor 38 * @param pszFileName 39 * @returns {cc.Node} 40 */ 41 createNodeWithSceneFile: function (pszFileName) { 42 var data = 0; 43 var node = null; 44 do { 45 if (!pszFileName) 46 break; 47 48 var pos = pszFileName.lastIndexOf("/"); 49 if(pos>-1){ 50 this._baseBath =pszFileName.substr(0,pos+1); 51 } 52 data = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().getTextFileData(pszFileName); 53 54 if (!data) 55 break; 56 57 var jsonDict = JSON.parse(data); 58 node = this.createObject(jsonDict, null); 59 } while (0); 60 this._baseBath = ""; 61 return node; 62 }, 63 64 /** 65 * create object from data 66 * @param {Object} inputFiles 67 * @param {cc.Node} parenet 68 * @returns {cc.Node} 69 */ 70 createObject: function (inputFiles, parenet) { 71 var className = inputFiles["classname"]; 72 if (className == "CCNode") { 73 var gb = null; 74 if (!parenet) { 75 gb = cc.Node.create(); 76 } 77 else { 78 gb = cc.Node.create(); 79 parenet.addChild(gb); 80 } 81 82 this.setPropertyFromJsonDict(gb, inputFiles); 83 84 var components = inputFiles["components"]; 85 for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { 86 var subDict = components[i]; 87 if (!subDict) { 88 break; 89 } 90 var className = subDict["classname"]; 91 var comName = subDict["name"]; 92 93 var fileData = subDict["fileData"]; 94 var path = "",fullPath = "",plistFile = "",fullPlistFile = ""; 95 var resType = 0; 96 path +=this._baseBath; 97 if (fileData != null) { 98 if(fileData.hasOwnProperty("resourceType")){ 99 resType = fileData["resourceType"] 100 }else{ 101 resType =-1; 102 } 103 104 path += fileData["path"]; 105 plistFile += fileData["plistFile"]; 106 107 fullPath = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().fullPathForFilename(path); 108 fullPlistFile = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().fullPathForFilename(plistFile); 109 } 110 111 if (className == "CCSprite") { 112 var sprite = null; 113 114 if (resType == 0) { 115 var startPos = path.lastIndexOf(".png"); 116 if (startPos <= -1) { 117 continue; 118 } 119 sprite = cc.Sprite.create(path); 120 } 121 else if (resType == 1) { 122 var startPos = plistFile.lastIndexOf(".plist"); 123 if (startPos <= -1) { 124 continue; 125 } 126 var startPos = plistFile.lastIndexOf(".", plistFile.length); 127 var pngFile = plistFile.substr(0, startPos); 128 pngFile = pngFile + ".png"; 129 130 plistFile = this._baseBath + plistFile; 131 pngFile = this._baseBath + pngFile; 132 cc.SpriteFrameCache.getInstance().addSpriteFrames(plistFile, pngFile); 133 sprite = cc.Sprite.createWithSpriteFrameName(fileData["path"]); 134 } 135 else { 136 continue; 137 } 138 139 var render = ccs.ComRender.create(sprite, "CCSprite"); 140 if (comName != null) { 141 render.setName(comName); 142 } 143 144 gb.addComponent(render); 145 } 146 else if (className == "CCTMXTiledMap") { 147 var tmx = null; 148 if (resType == 0) { 149 var startPos = path.lastIndexOf(".tmx"); 150 if (startPos <= -1) { 151 continue; 152 } 153 tmx = cc.TMXTiledMap.create(path); 154 } 155 else { 156 continue; 157 } 158 159 var render = ccs.ComRender.create(tmx, "CCTMXTiledMap"); 160 if (comName != null) { 161 render.setName(comName); 162 } 163 gb.addComponent(render); 164 } 165 else if (className == "CCParticleSystemQuad") { 166 var startPos = path.lastIndexOf(".plist"); 167 if (startPos <= -1) { 168 continue; 169 } 170 171 var particle = null; 172 if (resType == 0) { 173 particle = cc.ParticleSystem.create(path); 174 } 175 else { 176 cc.log("unknown resourcetype on CCParticleSystemQuad!"); 177 } 178 179 particle.setPosition(0, 0); 180 var render = ccs.ComRender.create(particle, "CCParticleSystemQuad"); 181 if (comName != null) { 182 render.setName(comName); 183 } 184 gb.addComponent(render); 185 } 186 else if (className == "CCArmature") { 187 if (resType != 0) { 188 continue; 189 } 190 var reDir = path; 191 var file_path = ""; 192 var pos = reDir.lastIndexOf('/'); 193 if (pos != -1) { 194 file_path = reDir.substr(0, pos + 1); 195 } 196 var des = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().getTextFileData(path); 197 if (!des) { 198 cc.log("read json file[%s] error!\n", path); 199 continue; 200 } 201 var jsonDict = JSON.parse(des); 202 var armature_data = jsonDict["armature_data"]; 203 var childrenCount = armature_data.length; 204 var subData = armature_data[0]; 205 var name = subData["name"]; 206 207 var config_file_path = jsonDict["config_file_path"]; 208 childrenCount = config_file_path.length; 209 for (var i = 0; i < childrenCount; ++i) { 210 var plist = config_file_path[i]; 211 var plistpath = ""; 212 plistpath += file_path; 213 plistpath += plist; 214 var locFullPlistPath = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().fullPathForFilename(plistpath); 215 var root = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().createDictionaryWithContentsOfFile(locFullPlistPath); 216 var metadata = root["metadata"]; 217 var textureFileName = metadata["textureFileName"]; 218 219 var textupath = ""; 220 textupath += file_path; 221 textupath += textureFileName; 222 ccs.ArmatureDataManager.getInstance().addArmatureFileInfo(textupath, plistpath, path); 223 } 224 225 var armature = ccs.Armature.create(name); 226 var render = ccs.ComRender.create(armature, "CCArmature"); 227 if (comName != null) { 228 render.setName(comName); 229 } 230 gb.addComponent(render); 231 232 var actionName = subDict["selectedactionname"]; 233 if (actionName && armature.getAnimation()) { 234 armature.getAnimation().play(actionName); 235 } 236 jsonDict = null; 237 subData = null; 238 des = null; 239 } 240 else if (className == "CCComAudio") { 241 var audio = null; 242 if (resType == 0) { 243 audio = ccs.ComAudio.create(); 244 } 245 else { 246 continue; 247 } 248 audio.preloadEffect(path); 249 gb.addComponent(audio); 250 } 251 else if (className == "CCComAttribute") { 252 var attribute = null; 253 if (resType == 0) { 254 attribute = ccs.ComAttribute.create(); 255 if(this._baseBath!=path){ 256 var data = cc.FileUtils.getInstance().getTextFileData(path); 257 if (data) { 258 attribute.setDict(JSON.parse(data)); 259 } 260 } 261 } 262 else { 263 cc.log("unknown resourcetype on CCComAttribute!"); 264 continue; 265 } 266 gb.addComponent(attribute); 267 } 268 else if (className == "CCBackgroundAudio") { 269 var audio = null; 270 if (resType == 0) { 271 audio = ccs.ComAudio.create(); 272 } 273 else { 274 continue; 275 } 276 audio.preloadBackgroundMusic(path); 277 audio.setFile(path); 278 var bLoop = Boolean(subDict["loop"] || 0); 279 audio.setLoop(bLoop); 280 gb.addComponent(audio); 281 audio.playBackgroundMusic(path, bLoop); 282 } 283 else if (className == "GUIComponent") { 284 var pLayer = ccs.UILayer.create(); 285 pLayer.scheduleUpdate(); 286 var widget = ccs.GUIReader.getInstance().widgetFromJsonFile(path); 287 pLayer.addWidget(widget); 288 var render = ccs.ComRender.create(pLayer, "GUIComponent"); 289 if (comName != null) { 290 render.setName(comName); 291 } 292 gb.addComponent(render); 293 } 294 subDict = null; 295 } 296 var gameobjects = inputFiles["gameobjects"]; 297 for (var i = 0; i < gameobjects.length; i++) { 298 var subDict = gameobjects[i]; 299 if (!subDict) { 300 break; 301 } 302 this.createObject(subDict, gb); 303 subDict = null; 304 } 305 306 return gb; 307 } 308 309 return null; 310 }, 311 312 /** 313 * set property 314 * @param {cc.Node} node 315 * @param {Object} dict 316 */ 317 setPropertyFromJsonDict: function (node, dict) { 318 var x = dict["x"] || 0; 319 var y = dict["y"] || 0; 320 node.setPosition(cc.p(x, y)); 321 322 var bVisible = Boolean(dict["visible"] || 1); 323 node.setVisible(bVisible); 324 325 var nTag = dict["objecttag"] || -1; 326 node.setTag(nTag); 327 328 var nZorder = dict["zorder"] || 0; 329 node.setZOrder(nZorder); 330 331 var fScaleX = dict["scalex"] || 1; 332 var fScaleY = dict["scaley"] || 1; 333 node.setScaleX(fScaleX); 334 node.setScaleY(fScaleY); 335 336 var fRotationZ = dict["rotation"] || 0; 337 node.setRotation(fRotationZ); 338 }, 339 340 /** 341 * purge instance 342 */ 343 purge: function () { 344 this._instance = null; 345 } 346 }); 347 ccs.SceneReader._instance = null; 348 /** 349 * get a singleton SceneReader 350 * @function 351 * @return {ccs.SceneReader} 352 */ 353 ccs.SceneReader.getInstance = function () { 354 if (!this._instance) { 355 this._instance = new ccs.SceneReader(); 356 } 357 return this._instance; 358 }; 359 ccs.SceneReader.sceneReaderVersion = function () { 360 return ""; 361 }; 362