1 /**************************************************************************** 2 Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org 3 4 http://www.cocos2d-x.org 5 6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 7 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 8 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 9 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 10 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 11 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 12 13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 14 all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 15 16 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 17 IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 18 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 19 AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 20 LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 21 OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN 22 THE SOFTWARE. 23 ****************************************************************************/ 24 25 /** 26 * loadingBar type 27 * @type {Object} 28 */ 29 ccs.LoadingBarType = { left: 0, right: 1}; 30 31 /** 32 * Base class for ccs.UILoadingBar 33 * @class 34 * @extends ccs.UIWidget 35 */ 36 ccs.UILoadingBar = ccs.UIWidget.extend(/** @lends ccs.UILoadingBar# */{ 37 _barType: null, 38 _percent: 100, 39 _totalLength: 0, 40 _barRenderer: null, 41 _renderBarTexType: null, 42 _barRendererTextureSize: null, 43 _scale9Enabled: false, 44 _prevIgnoreSize: true, 45 _capInsets: null, 46 _textureFile: "", 47 ctor: function () { 48 ccs.UIWidget.prototype.ctor.call(this); 49 this._barType = ccs.LoadingBarType.left; 50 this._percent = 100; 51 this._totalLength = 0; 52 this._barRenderer = null; 53 this._renderBarTexType = ccs.TextureResType.local; 54 this._barRendererTextureSize = cc.size(0, 0); 55 this._scale9Enabled = false; 56 this._prevIgnoreSize = true; 57 this._capInsets = cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0); 58 this._textureFile = ""; 59 }, 60 61 initRenderer: function () { 62 ccs.UIWidget.prototype.initRenderer.call(this); 63 this._barRenderer = cc.Sprite.create(); 64 this._renderer.addChild(this._barRenderer); 65 this._barRenderer.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0, 0.5)); 66 }, 67 68 /** 69 * Changes the progress direction of loadingbar. 70 * LoadingBarTypeLeft means progress left to right, LoadingBarTypeRight otherwise. 71 * @param {ccs.LoadingBarType} dir 72 */ 73 setDirection: function (dir) { 74 if (this._barType == dir) { 75 return; 76 } 77 this._barType = dir; 78 79 switch (this._barType) { 80 case ccs.LoadingBarType.left: 81 this._barRenderer.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0, 0.5)); 82 this._barRenderer.setPosition(cc.p(-this._totalLength * 0.5, 0.0)); 83 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 84 this._barRenderer.setFlippedX(false); 85 } 86 break; 87 case ccs.LoadingBarType.right: 88 this._barRenderer.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(1.0, 0.5)); 89 this._barRenderer.setPosition(cc.p(this._totalLength * 0.5, 0.0)); 90 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 91 this._barRenderer.setFlippedX(true); 92 } 93 break; 94 } 95 }, 96 97 /** 98 * Gets the progress direction of loadingbar. 99 * LoadingBarTypeLeft means progress left to right, LoadingBarTypeRight otherwise. 100 * @returns {ccs.LoadingBarType} 101 */ 102 getDirection: function () { 103 return this._barType; 104 }, 105 106 /** 107 * Load texture for loadingbar. 108 * @param {String} texture 109 * @param {ccs.TextureResType} texType 110 */ 111 loadTexture: function (texture, texType) { 112 if (!texture) { 113 return; 114 } 115 texType = texType || ccs.TextureResType.local; 116 this._renderBarTexType = texType; 117 this._textureFile = texture; 118 switch (this._renderBarTexType) { 119 case ccs.TextureResType.local: 120 if (this._scale9Enabled){ 121 this._barRenderer.initWithFile(texture); 122 this._barRenderer.setCapInsets(this._capInsets); 123 } 124 else 125 this._barRenderer.initWithFile(texture); 126 break; 127 case ccs.TextureResType.plist: 128 if (this._scale9Enabled){ 129 this._barRenderer.initWithSpriteFrameName(texture); 130 this._barRenderer.setCapInsets(this._capInsets); 131 } 132 else 133 this._barRenderer.initWithSpriteFrameName(texture); 134 break; 135 default: 136 break; 137 } 138 if (this._scale9Enabled) { 139 this._barRenderer.setColor(this.getColor()); 140 this._barRenderer.setOpacity(this.getOpacity()); 141 } 142 else { 143 this._barRenderer.setColor(this.getColor()); 144 this._barRenderer.setOpacity(this.getOpacity()); 145 } 146 this._barRendererTextureSize.width = this._barRenderer.getContentSize().width; 147 this._barRendererTextureSize.height = this._barRenderer.getContentSize().height; 148 149 switch (this._barType) { 150 case ccs.LoadingBarType.left: 151 this._barRenderer.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0, 0.5)); 152 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 153 this._barRenderer.setFlippedX(false); 154 } 155 break; 156 case ccs.LoadingBarType.right: 157 this._barRenderer.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(1.0, 0.5)); 158 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 159 this._barRenderer.setFlippedX(true); 160 } 161 break; 162 } 163 this.barRendererScaleChangedWithSize(); 164 }, 165 166 /** 167 * Sets if loadingbar is using scale9 renderer. 168 * @param {Boolean} enabled 169 */ 170 setScale9Enabled: function (enabled) { 171 if (this._scale9Enabled == enabled) { 172 return; 173 } 174 this._scale9Enabled = enabled; 175 this._renderer.removeChild(this._barRenderer, true); 176 this._barRenderer = null; 177 if (this._scale9Enabled) { 178 this._barRenderer = cc.Scale9Sprite.create(); 179 } 180 else { 181 this._barRenderer = cc.Sprite.create(); 182 } 183 this.loadTexture(this._textureFile, this._renderBarTexType); 184 this._renderer.addChild(this._barRenderer); 185 if (this._scale9Enabled) { 186 var ignoreBefore = this._ignoreSize; 187 this.ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false); 188 this._prevIgnoreSize = ignoreBefore; 189 } 190 else { 191 this.ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(this._prevIgnoreSize); 192 } 193 this.setCapInsets(this._capInsets); 194 }, 195 196 /** 197 * Sets capinsets for loadingbar, if loadingbar is using scale9 renderer. 198 * @param {cc.Rect} capInsets 199 */ 200 setCapInsets: function (capInsets) { 201 this._capInsets = capInsets; 202 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 203 return; 204 } 205 this._barRenderer.setCapInsets(capInsets); 206 }, 207 208 /** 209 * Changes the progress direction of loadingbar. 210 * @param {number} percent 211 */ 212 setPercent: function (percent) { 213 if (percent < 0 || percent > 100) { 214 return; 215 } 216 if (this._totalLength <= 0) { 217 return; 218 } 219 this._percent = percent; 220 var res = this._percent / 100.0; 221 222 var x = 0, y = 0; 223 switch (this._renderBarTexType) { 224 case ccs.TextureResType.plist: 225 var barNode = this._barRenderer; 226 if (barNode) { 227 var to = barNode.getTextureRect().origin; 228 x = to.x; 229 y = to.y; 230 } 231 break; 232 default: 233 break; 234 } 235 if (this._scale9Enabled) 236 this.setScale9Scale(); 237 else 238 this._barRenderer.setTextureRect(cc.rect(x, y, this._barRendererTextureSize.width * res, this._barRendererTextureSize.height)); 239 }, 240 241 /** 242 * Gets the progress direction of loadingbar. 243 * @returns {number} 244 */ 245 getPercent: function () { 246 return this._percent; 247 }, 248 249 onSizeChanged: function () { 250 this.barRendererScaleChangedWithSize(); 251 }, 252 253 /** 254 * override "ignoreContentAdaptWithSize" method of widget. 255 * @param {Boolean}ignore 256 */ 257 ignoreContentAdaptWithSize: function (ignore) { 258 if (!this._scale9Enabled || (this._scale9Enabled && !ignore)) { 259 ccs.UIWidget.prototype.ignoreContentAdaptWithSize.call(this, ignore); 260 this._prevIgnoreSize = ignore; 261 } 262 }, 263 264 /** 265 * override "getContentSize" method of widget. 266 * @returns {cc.Size} 267 */ 268 getContentSize: function () { 269 return this._barRendererTextureSize; 270 }, 271 272 /** 273 * override "getContentSize" method of widget. 274 * @returns {cc.Node} 275 */ 276 getVirtualRenderer: function () { 277 return this._barRenderer; 278 }, 279 280 barRendererScaleChangedWithSize: function () { 281 if (this._ignoreSize) { 282 if (!this._scale9Enabled) { 283 this._totalLength = this._barRendererTextureSize.width; 284 this._barRenderer.setScale(1.0); 285 this._size = this._barRendererTextureSize; 286 } 287 } 288 else { 289 this._totalLength = this._size.width; 290 if (this._scale9Enabled) { 291 this.setScale9Scale(); 292 } 293 else { 294 295 var textureSize = this._barRendererTextureSize; 296 if (textureSize.width <= 0.0 || textureSize.height <= 0.0) { 297 this._barRenderer.setScale(1.0); 298 return; 299 } 300 var scaleX = this._size.width / textureSize.width; 301 var scaleY = this._size.height / textureSize.height; 302 this._barRenderer.setScaleX(scaleX); 303 this._barRenderer.setScaleY(scaleY); 304 } 305 } 306 switch (this._barType) { 307 case ccs.LoadingBarType.left: 308 this._barRenderer.setPosition(cc.p(-this._totalLength * 0.5, 0.0)); 309 break; 310 case ccs.LoadingBarType.right: 311 this._barRenderer.setPosition(cc.p(this._totalLength * 0.5, 0.0)); 312 break; 313 default: 314 break; 315 } 316 }, 317 318 setScale9Scale: function () { 319 var width = (this._percent) / 100 * this._totalLength; 320 this._barRenderer.setPreferredSize(cc.size(width, this._size.height)); 321 }, 322 323 /** 324 * Returns the "class name" of widget. 325 * @returns {string} 326 */ 327 getDescription: function () { 328 return "LoadingBar"; 329 }, 330 331 createCloneInstance: function () { 332 return ccs.UILoadingBar.create(); 333 }, 334 335 copySpecialProperties: function (loadingBar) { 336 this._prevIgnoreSize = loadingBar._prevIgnoreSize; 337 this.setScale9Enabled(loadingBar._scale9Enabled); 338 this.loadTexture(loadingBar._textureFile, loadingBar._renderBarTexType); 339 this.setCapInsets(loadingBar._capInsets); 340 this.setPercent(loadingBar._percent); 341 } 342 }); 343 /** 344 * allocates and initializes a UILoadingBar. 345 * @constructs 346 * @return {ccs.UILoadingBar} 347 * @example 348 * // example 349 * var uiLoadingBar = ccs.UILoadingBar.create(); 350 */ 351 ccs.UILoadingBar.create = function () { 352 var uiLoadingBar = new ccs.UILoadingBar(); 353 if (uiLoadingBar && uiLoadingBar.init()) { 354 return uiLoadingBar; 355 } 356 return null; 357 };