Bug #1645
By zhangxm Posted 2013-01-07 10:10
Steps to reproduce
1. create a js project by xcode template
2. build and run
3. click "Back" button
4. the output are
Cocos2d: JS: <no filename="filename">:0:({onBack:(function ( sender) {
director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFlipX.create(1, self.getMainMenuScene()) );
})}) is not a function
1. create a js project by xcode template
2. build and run
3. click "Back" button
4. the output are
Cocos2d: JS: <no filename="filename">:0:({onBack:(function ( sender) {
director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFlipX.create(1, self.getMainMenuScene()) );
})}) is not a function