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[win32] Passing empty string to FileUtils::isFileExist may also return true
[win32] Passing empty string to FileUtils::isFileExist may also return true
Bug #4711 [Closed]
Use this one.
GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId = GetFileExInfoStandard;
std::string s_str = string(pszPath);
std::wstring wid_str = std::wstring(s_str.begin(), s_str.end());
const wchar_t * xyz1 = wid_str.c_str();
GetFileAttributesEx(xyz1, fInfoLevelId, &data);
DWORD x = data.dwFileAttributes;
if ( x == 16 || x == 32)//16 for dir 32 for file
return true;
return false;
It's because
not only check whether file exists but also check directory exists.FIX IT BY