Projects > cpp > Issues > Bug #4535

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Update code to new renderer

Bug #4535 [Closed]
ricardo 2014-03-24 23:20 . Updated over 10 years ago

He have a new renderer that is capable of doing auto-batching.
But in order to do so, we need to send QuadCommands and not CustomCommands.

So we need to:

  • stop using CustomCommands... it will also make our code easier to port
  • stop using SpriteBatchNode... currently it is being used by Label
zhangxm 2014-03-25 08:16

Not use CustomCommands in engine codes?

ricardo 2014-03-26 14:54


CustomCommand is a "custom" command used to draw your own nodes using custom opengl command.

When you use custom commands:

  • you cannot batch them
  • it is difficult to port to other platforms

The renderer, as it is now, it is "OK"... but if 90% of our nodes are using custom commands, then it we have less chances to do auto-batching.

I'm specially concerned for the labels.
Labels is something that we should be able to batch, and currently we cannot do that because we are using either SpriteBatchNode, or custom commands.

zhangxm 2014-04-05 02:45
  • Assignee set to WenHai
zhangxm 2014-05-20 06:52
  • Target version changed from v3.1 to v3.2
zhangxm 2014-06-25 03:33
  • Target version changed from v3.2 to Candidate 2014-10-08 02:44

Redmine issue system is closed, we are using github issue system instead.

This issue was moved to

Atom PDF

Start date:2014-03-24
Due date:
% Done:


Target version:Candidate