We are migrating issue tracker of Cocos2d-x Project to Github, please create new issue there. Thanks.
Application may be black or crash
Application may be black or crash
Bug #4449 [Closed]
Xiao mi 1s
HTC-Leo :http://cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/47885
Samsung I9100 (Galaxy S2)
Samsung I9505 (Galaxy S4)
Samsung Note 2
Google Nexus 5
HuaWei C8810
And i created a thread in forum for it http://www.cocos2d-x.org/forums/6/topics/48163.
We can't found solution to resolve it when using NativeActivity.
So we decide to use Java Activity.
Relevant pull request:
Some developers reported that, app will crash or being black when using v3.0rc0 on some Android devices. So we should test as many devices as possible to try to reproduce it and fix it.
And please report the devices tested, and record devices that reported by developers here.
Relevant issue: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/issues/2859