Projects > cpp > Issues > Feature #4400

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Using the latest version of Luasocket

Feature #4400 [Closed]
samuele3hu 2014-03-17 03:10 . Updated over 10 years ago

The current Luasocket use the bytecode info generated by the luajit,when it was used in the arm64 platform,it would lead to error.So we use the latest version of Luasocket that includes the native lua files.

zhangxm 2014-03-20 01:58
  • Priority changed from Normal to High
samuele3hu 2014-03-20 09:23
  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Subject changed from For arm64,lua-empty-test happend a error when call `require socket` to Using the latest version of Luasocket
  • Description updated (diff)
samuele3hu 2014-03-21 10:04
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:43822b43fa4bf37522c340510b4b607564e83ab3.

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Start date:2014-03-17
Due date:
% Done:


Target version:3.0-rc1