Projects > cpp > Issues > Bug #4048

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LabelTTFMultiline test case show nothing on mac.

Bug #4048 [Closed]
WenHai 2014-02-17 06:30 . Updated almost 11 years ago

QQ图片20140217142933.jpg (52.1 kB) WenHai, 2014-02-17 06:30

WenHai 2014-02-17 06:34
  • Subject changed from CCLabelTTF displays error when dimension not equal zero on mac. to LabelTTFMultiline test case show nothing on mac.
WenHai 2014-02-19 03:35
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:3597c50d76f9630e4aa3401153ba3b3d24ada4a7.

Atom PDF

Start date:2014-02-17
Due date:
% Done:


Target version:3.0-rc0