Projects > cpp > Issues > Bug #3874

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renderer: Have a better texture id manager for Android and Linux

Bug #3874 [Closed]
ricardo 2014-01-28 00:12 . Updated almost 11 years ago

Texture Id are incremented all the time in Linux (and thus Android), so it is possible, if the renderer only uses the first 11 bits of the texture id, it will probably crash on Linux / Android.

For more info see, this report on the forum:

zhangxm 2014-01-28 02:52
  • Target version changed from Candidate to 3.0-rc0

I think we should fix it in stable version. So i move it to 3.0-current.

dumganhar 2014-02-27 02:14
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to dabingnn
dabingnn 2014-02-27 05:43
  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:701084be94c19b3220913e75469ff5b34b5c5d25. 2014-03-20 08:33

Assert failed: ShaderID is greater than 210
cocos2d-x3.0rc0 have this question too. how to fix it

Atom PDF

Start date:2014-01-28
Due date:
% Done:


Target version:3.0-rc0