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 Projects > cocos2d-x > Issues > Bug #2502

A debug crash of TestCpp cocos2d-x 3.0 !

Bug #2502 [New]
Gemini 2013-08-08 04:58 . Updated over 11 years ago

VS2012 on system Win7 (32)

When I try to run Box2dTest of TestCpp. It remaind me “Should define CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_INTEGRATION=1 to run this test case”. So I defined it
in the TestCPP Project~~>properties~~>C++~~>Preprocessor~~>Preprocessor Definitions.

Then debuged it again, when I try the Box2dTest, it crash!

1.jpg (55.1 kB) Gemini, 2013-08-08 05:05

Gemini 2013-08-08 05:05

Yi Li wrote:

VS2012 on system Win7 (32)
When I try to run Box2dTest of TestCpp. It remind me “Should define CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_INTEGRATION=1 to run this test case”. So I defined it
in the TestCPP Project~~>properties~~>C++~~>Preprocessor~~>Preprocessor Definitions.
Then debuged it again, when I try the Box2dTest, it crash!

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Start date:2013-08-08
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